
Game Creation => Completed Games and Demos => Topic started by: Drakiyth on June 23, 2011, 05:45:29 PM

Post by: Drakiyth on June 23, 2011, 05:45:29 PM

Download Now




NOTICE: I have changed the font for Aftermath Demo: Version 0.3. The font you need is in the Font folder I have added to the main
folder you get with your download.

- The graphics of the game have been enhanced with new custom textures and sprites.

- Added a new system called the Lucky 7. This system allows the player's party to gain some experience each time
they search seven objects.

- All objects that reward Lucky 7 notches have been given switches so you can't search them twice.

- I sadly had to remove the random conversations some npcs in battle would start up. These would sometimes cause fights to crash
for no reason. This crash seems to be unfix-able and it has something to do with VX or a script interfering.

- All characters have had their base statistics increased so they now gain 1 point of Combat,
Genetics and Initiative every Rank instead of every other rank.

- Characters have had their AP greatly increased and gain much more for each rank they have achieved.

- Light and Dark's Dazzle/Blind attack lines has been buffed to reduce more action points. The cost remains the same.
Please keep in mind spell speed greatly affects the outcome of a mutations damage/healing as well.

- Bottled Water now restores 35% of the character's maximum AP instead of a set 20.

- Larvae Slime now sells for 8 coins instead of 4.

- Added some more stuff into the game. Coins are a bit easier to come by for those who search a lot.

- The cap for mutation growth has increased to rank 6 and eight new powers/animations have been added into the game.

- All rank 1 powers will now upgrade to their 2nd form when a character reaches rank 6. Example: Blood Siphon 2, Quick Heal 2

- Some new monsters have been added into the game to give you a hard time.





IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is completely fictional and will more than likely never come true.



As many had predicted and tried to warn other people on earth through social networking for
years on end,  the New World Order happened, but it went horribly wrong for the shadow government
who thought they had the world controlled. The resistance of people and followers of religious orders
were ready for it. People around the world caught on to their symbols and lies and right under their
corrupted noses a strong army of men and women fought against the shadow government on the day
before their major attack was originally going to happen.
On December 20th of 2012 the resistance launched an attack against many world leaders
when they weren't expecting it. Pop stars, cult leaders, and even many members of the united
nations were slain in a series of assassinations. The resistance came prepared with gas masks
and enough fire power to thwart the shadow government's original nightmarish plans.

The shadow government knew it had been debunked and defeated so it came prepared for
 this scenario. The call was made and the plug was pulled on the world. Nuclear warheads pummeled
 into every major city on the earth and in the matter of a few hours over five billion people were annihilated.
The radiation and debris that poured into the sky was devastating and killed millions
 more over the months of the initial attack.
This is how the world ended...


It is now 2093 A.D. Humanity has barely survived and is roughly a quarter of what
it used to be before the war.The radioactivity all around the earth has lingered for decades and it
has altered the genetics of biological creatures. Some creatures have grown over one thousand times
 their original size and some have met a more horrible fate. Twisted abominations of what used to be
humans roam the world now, and through their cannibalistic ways are now natural stalkers of mankind.

What is left of humanity is either a tight knit community of good folk or ravaging maniacs who prey
on the weak and timid for their own selfish needs. Looting, plundering and rape are
all common in this evil world.



Male Protagonist

Female Protagonist

You're a wastelander, a person who has been brought up and raised in this new world.
Wastelanders of this time and age almost always come with some kind of genetic mutation they
were born with. Mutations vary on their power and type but are usually useful
in some way. What you have been born with is indeed special, but it's also a reminder
of what it's like to be transformed from
nature's original plan for humanity into what you are now.

You were born and raised in the remains of an old shed on the outskirts of Fresno, CA
until you were thirteen. That's the year your parents passed away from radiation
sickness, and you have now survived for ten years on your own. For many of those years you
traveled the wastes alone. Even to this day you find it amazing and miraculous you actually managed
 to get where you are now.

At the age of seventeen you finally stumbled across a small town of survivors who weren't
mutant horrors you had to run and hide from for over four years of your life. The people in
this town were highly suspicious of you at first but you fit in and it was such relief to have
people who could help you now. Through your time living in your new home you became good
friends with three wonderful people. Your most trusted and helpful companions
are Maria, Tony and Gandalf.


Maria is an extremely kind and loving female who has gained the power to heal through her
genetic mutations. Through her special and unique powers to seal the wounds of others
by touch, she has been declared the most important person in town and many people would
sacrifice themselves just to save Maria if she was in trouble. For the sake of saving the human race.
Many old religious followers believe she is an angel of sorts or even some kind of
messenger from God himself.


Tony doesn't do well with words and he's actually pretty slow witted, but what he lacks in
brains he makes up for in strength. This is by far the strongest person in town and many believe
his genetic mutations are just starting to form. Tony is extremely
special in his own way. If Tony could ever harness his true power he could prove to be
extremely dangerous.


Gandalf is by far the strangest of your friends. He has found a series of old
fantasy books and felt his mutations were similar to one of the characters in the book.
The Wizard, Gandalf the Grey. Gandalf, who's real name is Vincent, has the power to
control the elements around him. You have personally seen him move fire with his mind, form shapes
in the pool of dirty water and even force a hole the size of a bowling ball to form in the ground next
to him when he got angry one time. Gandalf is a true prodigy but he doesn't show his powers
 to just anybody. The only people who know of his sorcery are his close friends.


One night while you were having a hard time sleeping you heard some strange noises
coming from outside. As you got up to check out what  the noise was you felt a hard blow
against your head and everything else faded to black...  You are now laying naked in the dirt of some
unknown place and you're far away from home.  What is going on? Where are your friends?
 Where the hell are you?






                                                               AFTERMATH: RPG MAKER VX


- MALE AND FEMALE CHARACTER SELECTION -  Choose a man or woman to enter the wastes with and experience a different game through
                                                                      each of their views and feelings.

- PARTY MEMBERS -                                         Your character will eventually meet up with his or her friends as the story develops. Your friends offer the group
                                                                      some amazing powers!

- MUTATIONS ARE NORMAL NOW -                    Later in development I plan to add a mutation system in the character selection screen. This will allow players
                                                                      to customize their characters even more and give certain power options to use.

- YOU CHANGE APPEARANCE WITH ARMOR -     Your characters will change their appearance when they find new armor or buy some at a shop. You start naked
                                                                     and that will show as well if you're not equipped.

- DETAILED EMOTIONS  -                                Your characters will constantly say something. Even if they find the most mundane of items. They are always interactive.

- SEARCH ALMOST EVERYTHING -                    There are thousands of areas to search in this game. Very little of them will reward you with something. Search away and
                                                                     try to find every hidden item in the game!  There is a lot to find in the ruins of America.

- VISUAL BUT SIMPLE BATTLE SYSTEM -           Top notch animations will bring the battles to life. Every weapon you have equipped will appear in full detail. Rock out while
                                                                     you fight with Apocalyptica playing and some rifts from Korn.

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Game Version 0.1
Post by: Prpl_Mage on June 28, 2011, 12:15:13 AM
Alright. I really liked this game, was afraid that I wouldn't be able to play it. But that wasn't the case.
I went with a superhuman / radiactive character btw.

The game was a bit hard at first. Dogs bleeding hurt a lot when you only had 10hp at the start and those larva attacks were fatal when facing many enemies. Game got a lot better with the extra characters, some extra skills and such. Although it kinda took me a while to find them. I guess my sense of direction took the day off today.

I liked the environment although a couple of characters creeped me out. I searched a lot of stuff. Found a knife then some ribs and a branch and all kinds of weapons. Too bad I didn't read the description more closely. Or I'd known that there was an accuracy factor involved. But I learned.
I really liked the ability to cook meat to get healing items since it saved me a lot of time buying potions. And at the same time - the enemies didn't just drop healing items. And I loved the canned food that only worked outside battles but were useful.

The enemies on the lower level were a neat leap in difficulty. I assume that some of the later abilities might help with them, the runners especially proved to be a tad bit annoying when you decided to save all your money and buy the best armour at the shop in exchange for letting the rest of the party walk around in the gear you find.

Anyway, being radiactive proved useful in the last battle. And that fire spell that one of the partners had were ace against most enemies.

I think I stumbled across 2 bugs of some sort.
1. I'm pretty sure the game told me I got empty bottles at a couple of times. Like in the radiactive room. Yet, I didn't get any.

2. After running(or something, not sure when it actually occured) in the lower floor my hero gained the ability to run through terrain. At first I thought that the collision thingy of some rocks were wrong. Then I managed to run into the dark. It dissappeared after exiting the area and returning down the ladder.

You did a great job on this. I'm confident in saying that you'll probably surpass the old postapocalyptic project you had going.
Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Game Version 0.1
Post by: Rahl on June 28, 2011, 11:59:31 AM
I stop by every once and a while to look at the new projects and I saw this and remembered how much I liked the other one you made. This really was a great demo, I got just over 2 hours out of it and I'm really looking forward to full game release. But if you could, one of the things I loved most about the old game was finding parts and being able to craft things, and I would really like to see that come into this game too. Your aftermath games always made me want to go out and make my own game like it, I really love these types of games. Keep it up I'll be following your development.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Game Version 0.1
Post by: SaiKar on June 28, 2011, 02:33:20 PM
Finally got around to playing this. MAN, this is one moody game. I felt like I was just wandering aimlessly, but apparently I was doing everything correctly. It is HARD to keep that illusion of a big open world while still keeping players on the right path. Major props there.

My character was nekked for a while and I'm not sure how I really feel about that. I think it would be better to place them in some undies at least.

I liked how my mutations gave me specific events. I chose healer and psychic and both of those got me one of those useful bottles.

Scavening was okay. It was neat to look around so much when normal games don't even give you the option, but it got kind of repetative, and by the end I wasn't really getting anything all that useful from scavening around anyway.

Battles were... iffy. At the beginning when I was alone I could barely hurt anything and there was no run option. After I got my party, I beat enemies into submission with physical attacks with no problem. Then I went down to the lower level (ignorning the warning) and got slaughtered in my first random battle.  I didn't even kill one of the four enemies that attacked me before losing. The mutations seemed rather unhelpful - either fights were easy enough that I didn't need them, or they were too hard that they wouldn't let me win even if I tried spamming them.

Was I supposed to level up or something before going down? I only fought like 4 fights in the whole demo due to the (THANKFULLY) low encounter rate. I didn't realize I'd have to grind that early on simply to survive. Or am I missing something else?

Will try again later, I guess.

Still pretty fun. I think it just needs slightly more play polishing. Everything else - the mood, the characters, the art and music - is essentially perfect.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Game Version 0.1
Post by: Prpl_Mage on June 28, 2011, 08:33:44 PM
I think I was at lvl 2 or something when I first went downstairs. And around lvl 4 at the end of the demo. I decided that I wanted to buy the most expensive armour after all. Took some battles.

One suggestion is that you make entrances more obvious, I ran into the creepy burned house by mistake, and I couldn't find the door to the plant at first.

Still, this was a great game and I'm sure you'll get this more than great in the end.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Game Version 0.1
Post by: Drakiyth on June 29, 2011, 07:04:42 PM
Thank you for the reviews and feed-back guys. It sounds like you all enjoyed the game. I personally feel this is my greatest project (completed/demo) ever, so I am very proud of it.  I'm taking notes on things and trying to fix them and will be releasing a 0.2 version of the demo.  Go to my RMN page to see details of what's going on with the project. I made a new blog that talks about Chapter 1 of Aftermath which is the continuation of 0.1.

Finally got around to playing this. MAN, this is one moody game. I felt like I was just wandering aimlessly, but apparently I was doing everything correctly. It is HARD to keep that illusion of a big open world while still keeping players on the right path. Major props there.

My character was nekked for a while and I'm not sure how I really feel about that. I think it would be better to place them in some undies at least.

I liked how my mutations gave me specific events. I chose healer and psychic and both of those got me one of those useful bottles.

Scavening was okay. It was neat to look around so much when normal games don't even give you the option, but it got kind of repetative, and by the end I wasn't really getting anything all that useful from scavening around anyway.

Battles were... iffy. At the beginning when I was alone I could barely hurt anything and there was no run option. After I got my party, I beat enemies into submission with physical attacks with no problem. Then I went down to the lower level (ignorning the warning) and got slaughtered in my first random battle.  I didn't even kill one of the four enemies that attacked me before losing. The mutations seemed rather unhelpful - either fights were easy enough that I didn't need them, or they were too hard that they wouldn't let me win even if I tried spamming them.

Was I supposed to level up or something before going down? I only fought like 4 fights in the whole demo due to the (THANKFULLY) low encounter rate. I didn't realize I'd have to grind that early on simply to survive. Or am I missing something else?

Will try again later, I guess.

Still pretty fun. I think it just needs slightly more play polishing. Everything else - the mood, the characters, the art and music - is essentially perfect.

Did you complete the demo, Sai? I have read your feedback. Thank you.

Also, did you find and complete the side quest I added? It helps in getting your party to R2 so you can do better against the lower levels.  One thing about the demo that
will be different from Chapter 1 and higher is Rank 2 is the cap for mutation gains. Those mutation growths you get are fine for defeating the end boss though. Speed factors greatly in this game. You may see things with speed (Very Fast) - (Very Slow) etc.  

Very Fast +4 Initiative
Fast +2 Initiative
Normal No Initiative Gain
Slow -2 Initiative
Very Slow -4 Initiative

If you use a very slow ability, it will more than likely go off dead last after everything else has a turn first.

If you use a very fast ability it will do lower damage/healing but it will go off quickly so you can heal a target or burn something before anything else has a turn.

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul.
Post by: Drakiyth on July 08, 2011, 08:16:16 AM
Chapter 1 of Aftermath will come with some gorgeous fully custom tile sets as well as the story continuation. It will be like a new game.


Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 08, 2011, 09:43:24 AM
That looks great.
Can't wait to continue with my character.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: coreystranick on July 08, 2011, 03:37:32 PM
Ohh I will defintely download and play. Quick question, do I need VX to play this? Sorry if you posted saying so or not, I'm on a bunch of painkillers after my car accident two days ago.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 08, 2011, 08:32:33 PM
I don't have VX installed (or XP for that matter) and it worked for me.
So it shouldn't be a problem.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: Drakiyth on July 09, 2011, 09:53:01 AM
Thanks for all the support guys. I'm working hard on getting the game looking better.

(NOT RELEASED YET) Chapter 1 - Version 1.0: The Dark Man  (Revamped Tiles and Font Change)

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: Drakiyth on July 09, 2011, 10:32:56 PM
New textures are on the left.

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: Drakiyth on July 10, 2011, 07:50:02 AM
Thanks. They weren't that good though. Lot's of tile breaks still. I had to revamp them.
Made a video this time too. I'm tired. This has taken a lot out of me getting this right.

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Chapter 1 - Major Map Graphic Overhaul
Post by: Drakiyth on July 10, 2011, 07:34:47 PM

I have decided to release another version of the demo. This version will include some new treasure spots such as cars/trucks having something in them. I will be including a couple new creatures to fight. It's also going to have the revamped graphics and I might even create Rank 4 mutation gains for it. This will be the last version of Aftermath's Demo. Chapter 1 (Version 1.0) won't be out for a long time. I might add a few extra things in this that 0.1 or 0.2 didn't have. Players will also get to see a little more of what happens at the end.

This version of the game will be released sometime this month. Look for it soon!

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 releases in a few hours!
Post by: Drakiyth on July 18, 2011, 10:22:08 PM

###########Download Here##########

###########Download Here##########


NOTICE: I have changed the font for Aftermath Demo: Version 0.3. The font you need is in the Font folder I have added to the main
folder you get with your download.

- The graphics of the game have been enhanced with new custom textures and sprites.

- Added a new system called the Lucky 7. This system allows the player's party to gain some experience each time
they search seven objects.

- All objects that reward Lucky 7 notches have been given switches so you can't search them twice.

- I sadly had to remove the random conversations some npcs in battle would start up. These would sometimes cause fights to crash
for no reason. This crash seems to be unfix-able and it has something to do with VX or a script interfering.

- All characters have had their base statistics increased so they now gain 1 point of Combat,
Genetics and Initiative every Rank instead of every other rank.

- Characters have had their AP greatly increased and gain much more for each rank they have achieved.

- Light and Dark's Dazzle/Blind attack lines has been buffed to reduce more action points. The cost remains the same.
Please keep in mind spell speed greatly affects the outcome of a mutations damage/healing as well.

- Bottled Water now restores 35% of the character's maximum AP instead of a set 20.

- Larvae Slime now sells for 8 coins instead of 4.

- Added some more stuff into the game. Coins are a bit easier to come by for those who search a lot.

- The cap for mutation growth has increased to rank 6 and eight new powers/animations have been added into the game.

- All rank 1 powers will now upgrade to their 2nd form when a character reaches rank 6. Example: Blood Siphon 2, Quick Heal 2

- Some new monsters have been added into the game to give you a hard time.



Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 releases in a few hours!
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 18, 2011, 11:38:04 PM
So this is an update of what we played in the first demo? I'll see if I get around trying it out or if I'll wait for the next part. Still playing that other game that other guy made.

Also, download don't seem to work.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 releases in a few hours!
Post by: Drakiyth on July 18, 2011, 11:44:41 PM
So this is an update of what we played in the first demo? I'll see if I get around trying it out or if I'll wait for the next part. Still playing that other game that other guy made.

Also, download don't seem to work.

Nah it's a supped up 0.2 with a different ending going into chapter 1. It's got a lot of new stuff to check out when you start a new game though. Just start up a new game and I promise this is the last demo.  Chapter 1 will be all new content.  Oh and the end fight in this has changed a bit too. I'm sure you'll see ;)   I released this solely because I had a guy inspire me to make some custom graphics and use less RTP for walls and stuff. I added a bunch of new things as well to make it worth your time to make a new character.

EDIT: The download will be available soon on the RMN. It needs to be accepted. It should be accepted in a few hours.  You can get it on my youtube page too if you want. I have it there for my fans to get early.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 releases in a few hours!
Post by: Drakiyth on July 19, 2011, 01:42:15 AM
The download is available now. Enjoy.

Added another screen too. You can get these bad boys in the game now.

Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 AVAILABLE NOW!
Post by: zuhane on July 19, 2011, 03:27:30 PM
Let's test this mofo out! Been waiting for a go on this for a while :D
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 AVAILABLE NOW!
Post by: SaiKar on July 20, 2011, 07:27:47 PM
Why does that screenshot look like you are fighting the mutated version of the yellow and purple power rangers?

Anyway, I'll give this a go this weekend.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 AVAILABLE NOW!
Post by: benosalankelley on July 21, 2011, 09:45:09 AM
Posting over here too, drakiyth. hehehe. I recommend playing this game.
Title: Re: AFTERMATH - RPG MAKER VX: Aftermath Demo 0.3 AVAILABLE NOW!
Post by: PROGUY on September 13, 2011, 01:51:57 PM
Ignore the necro. This game is still being worked on if you visit his channel and it is now version 0.4, not 0.3.

He also requested that I do a Let's Play on this game. I've recently done a part of it. Please watch.