TESTING & WELCOME BOARD => Test & welcome board => Topic started by: AgesOfAgony on October 19, 2011, 02:09:42 PM
Blessings on you, my friends.
We are the AgesOfAgony.
Yes, we are not one person. We're two sisters and Ages of Agony is our RPG / Novel Title.
BloodySoul is me and my sister is called SilentShadow (most of times)
We choose to make one account for both of us, because we work on this together anyway :D
I am good with avatar, battle bases and story lines. SilentShadow knows much about the technical
stuff at the RPG-Makers and is far better in creating musics. We both draw much and are very creative.
I hope you will like our works :D
Oh! Allmost forgot ^^;
We will post some of our music and work here, so please give credits to us , if you use them :) Thanks!
The what now? Anyway, howdy, you two seem just creepy enough to fit in with this motley crew of outcasts and losers (who actually make up some pretty cool dudebros [and broettes]).
Brackets. I'm bracketing.
I'll be looking out for the music. :) Welcome.
Welcome. I will eat you with rice and ketchup.
Thanks ^^ And sorry for the late reply - real time work is keeping us busy :-\
And we work on our RPG everyday ^^ I hope this isn't to bad ^^;
WELL. Welcome to Charas, the both of you!
Welcome to this, the place of stuff.