Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: Almeidaboo on December 21, 2011, 06:45:18 PM
What did I miss after all these years? Did Lord Raffles come back? And the Troll Patrol? Where's Alex? What about Waldo? Who's been banned?
Hi y'all!
Me and Natako are a couple and I wore a Mc Donald's paper bag on my head in homage to you.
Oh, and a couple of other things unrelated to me.
Edit: Seems like you apparently already got filled in about all this.
Well then... nothing interesting has happened. And the sad thing is... if I'm not mistaken... I'm actually being honest here.
But I probably forgot about something important. Probably... possibly...
Dom and Drace are back, after getting banned for being douchetards.
Gemini left.
...nope, I think that's it.
Did you leave before or after Meiscool was banned? Either way, he was. Damn shame, that. He was the Karkat of our group. Kind of like how MrMister was the Dave... Oh, people got really into HomeStuck and MLP. It may not be obvious. Alex is now something of an accomplished harpist, and he occasionally drops in and makes us feel loved. We replaced trolls with bots, and lots of them. Lucas keeps bitching about the switch to SMF, and frequently demands a return to PÜB. Lucas "accidentally" killed... Forum Gaming? Was that it? Well, he lost a ton of post count in the process, ending the competition over who was top poster for the time being.
Is it obvious that I'm about the most important person around here now? Because I kind of am.
You know, I kind of forgot that it actually has been a very long while ago that Almeidaboo had disappeared. Maybe more happened than I thought since then...
You monster.
Dom and Drace are back, after getting banned for being douchetards.
Gemini left.
...nope, I think that's it.
I don't like you too. =3
Hey, that was then, this is now.
The difference?
His sense of humor is improved?
Hey, that was then, this is now.
Doesn't mean I like you now.
Hey Almeidaboo! Nice to see ya. I left for a while too (only been back a few months) so I'm not sure about everything but a few members do seem to be showing their faces every now and then...
To summarize, people aren't making that many rpgm2k3 games anymore. I did a turn based project, I won a game making contest by default and Gemini left since people didn't submit any games for another contest. Lucis is becoming sort of an artist, our composers are starting to rock it out and Gem had some interesting projects going on.
Oh and Sai is making a pony game.
And such.
His sense of humor is improved?
I think it's eroding. I don't remember him being such a tool. In fact, I remembered being dumbfounded upon his banning. Red Fox, too. I liked that guy.
Dom was always kind of a tool box, though.
Eh, Red Fox was just a lame troll. Not at first, but one day he just lost whatever he used to have. And then one other day he and Dom and Drace decided to troll the forums (lamely) by creating hundreds of pointless threads in a short amount of time. They pretty much just wanted to be banned, I'd guess.
Get your facts straight, I did not troll by creating hundreds of pointless threads. I made three I actually wanted to make and was being an *** like I always was. That made them think I was trolling with Dom and Fred which led to my ban, which I appealed and got ignored.
To prove my point, check my last posts.
LAST POSTS OF DRACE (;u=9831;sa=showPosts;start=0)
In other news, almeidaboo made a topic but never answered it.
Oh and Sai is making a pony game.
Was, really. I got a new computer and moved everything over and reinstalling RMXP gave me difficulties. But I think I'm just hiding from the fact that making pony-related projects is terrifying, especially when not coding everything from the ground up. They'd eat me alive if I showed them what I was planning for the first version.
To prove my point, check my last posts.
LAST POSTS OF DRACE (;u=9831;sa=showPosts;start=0)
Your proof is extremely flawed, as all of the really pointless threads were merged into one and got put into the junk bin.
Which was nuked by Bluhman a while back, after the forum started melting.
I'm still fairly sure that Drace didn't participate in the mass spam posting.
Yeah, you're probably right.
Drace may be an ***, but he isn't a liar.
Well, even that. I'm probably one of the very few who still is uncertain as to why he was banned. If you feel like wasting your time, you can look at some of my older posts where I say the same thing. Or around it. But it would serve no real purpose, so I suggest not doing it.
I know he was kind of an arse or something... or whatever... but he didn't spam like Red Fox and Dominicy, that I'm fairly certain.
After four years I finally added you to Charas Breakout DX+, but then the game took an arrow in the knee.
Ergo, a hard drive crashed on me, and now I either have to start over from scratch (which is the most likely option) or I try to salvage what is left.
Wait, I don't get it. Are the people in captivity banned or gone? Fruck and I are in there, so that can't be true. I don't get it.
If I'm not mistaken, Red Fox and Drace's captivity "cell" has "BAN" written on it, so it's different.
I see.
Just noticed, with Drace's unban this banner becomes obsolete.
I'm not unbanned, I made a new account.
Well, that ain't hard, since hardly anything happens around here.
I remember when Harvey banned me because I copied his profile and impersonated him. Ah fun times haha
Bad news for you! Even mentioning that incident is grounds for a banning. All hail the new Chinese crackdown regime!
With the way leaders have been ousted so much this year, I'm not entirely concerned with such a threat. hehe
But seriously, how you doing man? Haven't seen you round these parts in forever.
I've seen a lot of people I hadn't seen for along time.
I "left" just after Meiscool was banned, not because I liked him, the time just coincided. I see that Drace is Back, Dren made some appearances too! Hadn't seen MT11 for a *LONG* time, and also Razor.
MrMister is gone for good? He was a douche we all loved for, well, being a douche!
Even Ace is here, wow @_@. Sai's posting a lot too, good to see that!
What about that somethingphoenixsomething guy that went crazy for a bit?
It's just a coincidence. The old posters are very much "here one minute, gone the next", so don't get used to it.
Indeed. Hopefully you won't be one of them back-for-just-a-minute members.
And yeah, Mr.Mister's gone for good. I forgot why he left, though... too bad, I did like this guy as well. In a non-gay way.
Warxe_PhoenixBlade (who I guess is the "somethingphoenixsomething guy" and is now simply WarxePB) came back and then... disappeared, like most. Seems like he does post from time to time, though. Besides that, uhm... well I'm not sure.
But hey, glad you're back! Just hope, as I said, that it's not for just a week or two.
I'll try to log in more =)
I will be gone in january though, cause I'll be on vacation! I'm going to the beach and probably won't take any kind of comunication device with me other than my phone. Feel free to call me though, I'll PM the number if anyone is interested XD
What about RPGMaking? Anyone on the run? I haven't messed with RPG Maker for soooo long...I miss it, though.
Warxe posted his crappy robot taisem, hillarious game.
Dren is still working on his AoA.
other than that, not sure. There are some new members stopping by from time to time to post their games.
It may or may not have to do with the events in his signature.
Yeah, I'm still a lawier. I work with the Labor Laws, but yeah I can deal with crim, I mean, misunderstandings. My cousin tells me to move to the USA, he says there are no rich lawiers there...only millionaire ones. I'm thinking about it. I could help "chicos" to stay in the country...or be deported in one piece!
Yeah I don't stop in very often, life is busy being out on your own and all that jazz. I've been swell though Sai, being a part of the "real world" I've been coming to find out once again something I feel I already knew when I came here in the first place. This being that most people are **** and the world pretty much sucks lol
Did anyone discover is Sai is either a guy or a girl yet?
Can't tell if joke or really been away that long.
Yeah, we did. We saw his penis.
The mistery goes on then...
(AFL, that's the super-never-old-joke here at Charas, I know she's a guy!)
The mistery goes on then...
(AFL, that's the super-never-old-joke here at Charas, I know she's a guy!)
I know that is was a joke, but I really was never sure that everyone was aware of the real answer. But, now that I think of it, you certainly would've. One internet derp for me! derp
Herp derp.
Oh shits, Ape-X. How are ya, buddy?
Or were we bitter rivals? I don't remember.
Yeah, we did. We saw his penis.
It's actually a holiday here on charas.
Yeah, he's probably enjoying his newly found dick!
Trying to decide proper form of revenge. So far, I'm somewhere between destroying everything and a vague fist shake.
Vague fist shake. On your penis.
Oh shits, Ape-X. How are ya, buddy?
Or were we bitter rivals? I don't remember.
Pretty good, I live in Japan now. What I miss?
Pretty good, I live in Japan now. What I miss?
What in godzillas name are you doing there?
and also Razor.
I'm always here, I just have the presense of a half-hearted ghost
but I love me some MSPA thread
What in godzillas name are you doing there?
You know, chilling out.
I'm studying Japanese and teaching english at a University as a part-time job in the Okayama Prefecture. I have a girlfriend here also, so I spend a lot of time with her on the weekends in Tokyo. I'm searching for a more permanent job right now, I'll graduate from my home institution next year, so I'll be able to get a full-time job once that happens. My Visa is for five years, so I can be here at least that long.
Just make sure to finish all them business before that visa expires, heard too many stories about people's lives getting awfully complicated because of a bad-timed pregnancy and such.
Basically. If you plan on staying, get to work on applying for citizenship. The sooner, the better.
You know guys, I'm pretty sure he already knows about all the important stuff. He's there, after all.
Believe me, too many people have been somewhere, neglected something important and ended up being deported and banned for x amount of time. Which is why we're hoping that Apex is remembering everything that could secure his future happiness.
-Continuous residence in Japan for five years or more
-At least 21 years old and otherwise legally competent
-History of good behavior generally, and no past history of seditious behavior
-Sufficient capital or skills, either personally or within family, to support oneself
-Stateless or willing to renounce foreign citizenship
(Source is wikipedia, super-classy.)
Now, I'm not sure that I'm willing to renounce my American citizenship, but the rest is fairly well taken care of IF I do decide that I want to become a citizen. At this point I'm more interested in the American side of things, such as how difficult it would be to visit my family. I'd hate to apply for a visa each time I need to go back for family business.
That's pretty far off in the future though. Thanks for the concern though guys.
Hey, you have five years. If you can't decide in that time, don't. Move back here, and see how it feels. You can always make up your mind later.