
TESTING & WELCOME BOARD => Test & welcome board => Topic started by: cloa513 on February 08, 2012, 03:33:03 AM

Title: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: cloa513 on February 08, 2012, 03:33:03 AM
I'm making a game and I just want sprites with head (top of head with hair), shoulders and belly (preferably with and without clothes) just basic sorts of characters- barbarian, warrior, forestman, rogue, mage and god  (who is most pathetic looking man of the lot) basically all the difference is build and colour and ordinary enemies (close to the same profile) such as goblin, elf, rat (I haven't thought out the list but almost anything will be fine). It shouldn't be so difficult to find. Anyone point in the right direction please.   
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: lonewolf on February 08, 2012, 11:14:06 AM
it help if we had some art of how you like them to look like any how
i got  some things to have a look at you can add them in your game if you like to

all so is you game xp maker 2000 or 2003 ?

CharsetsSpoiler  have a look online under this lot you have to do a save then but them in to yuor gaming files
Hero1 (heroes, fighters, magicians, priests)
Hero2 (monks, thieves, pirates, elves)
Hero3 (warrier, samurai, ninjas, bard, half-naked chick, other monks)
General2 (priest, nun, desert guy, desert girl, bartender, bunny girl, fairy, angel)
General3 (castle set: king, queen, prince, princess, knight, old guy, fat guy, maid)
Monster1 (slime, ghost, orc, fiery guy, skeleton, grim reaper, zombie, minotaur)
Monster2 (harpy, blue dragon, dark elf, dark knight, golem, green dragon, scythe demon, cloak demon)
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: cloa513 on February 08, 2012, 01:52:21 PM
Thanks for your reply. Its a hassle to install anything on this computer as its my wife's computer (and she's not very literate) and anyway its a Japanese Language Win7 computer. Just imagine looking at someone from above (a barbarian has a block head with the widest shoulders and biggest belly and the mage is the thinnest and you are have a big head but even thinner build)  (eagle eye view)- as I said very low detail- more low- its  a puppet game where you play a god  and send the fighters to defend you (as you are pathetic)- I thought having some eagle eye spell so you can see the whole battlefield would minimise the character and enemy animation needs. Those ones you offered are too detailed. 
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: lonewolf on February 09, 2012, 10:33:07 AM
so is it rpg maker 2003 you have ?
as i can get some things made up for you
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: cloa513 on February 09, 2012, 01:05:41 PM
Actually I am using StencylWorks. Thanks again.
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: lonewolf on February 10, 2012, 10:07:58 AM
ok you can use this lot then

i get some more when i get back home
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: cloa513 on February 10, 2012, 02:34:07 PM
Do I have make a special request for a full-top view character shot? Those are side views. Thanks anyway. 
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: A Forgotten Legend on February 10, 2012, 06:49:26 PM
No, you do not need make another topic-- oh too late. Anyway, He just didn't quite understand your request (no fault of yours).

This is a pretty huge request. With sprites, your biggest asset is yourself.  Practice your spriting skills every once in a while on some templates and you'll get better.  Since the sprites your asking for aren't too common it would be very difficult to find them.  You can try looking for videogames that already use the that style of sprite and make your own edits of them to your liking.  Sites like the Spriters-resource are good for that.  Sorry about the confusion.
Title: Re: Really basic top down fighters and enemies
Post by: cloa513 on February 15, 2012, 06:52:12 AM
Thanks anyway- I did find some stuff after all.