
Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: SneakyLeif1020 on August 21, 2012, 09:53:51 PM

Title: Need Help Coding Batch!
Post by: SneakyLeif1020 on August 21, 2012, 09:53:51 PM
     Hey! I'm currently in the progress of coding a game through Notepad++ with batch. It's coming along quite well, and I'm making new accomplishments every day! I'll leave an attachment to the latest version.

     1. Save the text file in its own folder.
     2. Rename it, and add .bat to the end.
     3. Open, and enjoy!

     This is my first experience with batch coding, and I was wondering if there's anyone out there that knows enough about batch coding to help me out with some questions I have. Also, if you could revise my code so far and see if there's anything I'm doing wrong, or I can shorten the code of something, I would love to know.

     Thank you for taking time to read this, and hopefully you took time to play the game. I will continue to make the game more, but I will not progress as fast as I was before until I get some help. Rock on guys!  :Plight: :happy: :Plight:
Title: Re: Need Help Coding Batch!
Post by: SneakyLeif1020 on August 21, 2012, 10:26:15 PM
I have no idea how that works, but damn... That be a real pretty game you got going there. You really got me wanting more... I love this type of stuff. You'd be the first to finish one in Charas if you do get to finish it.
So, good luck!

Wow, thanks for the fantastic compliments! I work really hard every day to keep it as smooth as possible. I've been working since about last Friday, and there's 1681 lines of code so far. I used copy/paste to my advantage, so all I really need it to touch up the shop system and the battle system and I could make a full storyline.
Title: Re: Need Help Coding Batch!
Post by: SneakyLeif1020 on August 21, 2012, 11:04:47 PM
     Thanks for telling me about that typo, but I actually already have that fixed. I'm releasing 0.6.1 tonight, and it will have a demo of Chapter 1 and the Strategy Battle System, if you're interested. And by cliche, do you mean overused? To tell you the truth, that's kind of what I'm going for. I'm trying to re-create the feel of a classic Role-Playing Game (wish some extra features) all in Notepad.

     I actually need some testers for the releases I have, if you're interested in helping out by testing it every time a new update happens, or at least most of the updates, I'll give you the honor of being in the Credits under Beta Testers. :)