Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: daoman89 on September 13, 2012, 01:19:41 AM
I already made a pic of my world map (which took freakin forever...) but I heard there's a program that somehow does it for you. Anybody know what I'm talking aboot?
I appreciate the help :dry:
- (
I googled. "rpgm cherry world map" and found it.
Thank you. "Cherry" isn't a good response, especially because I didn't want to search for it for a good amount of time.
Yes well life is full of boring things no one reakky wants to do.
Thanks for the common knowledge.
First off, I was on vacation without internet. Second, while it is fair to ask for help, all you initially asked for was if anyone knew what you were talking about. I went above and beyond that by giving you a name of the program. I felt it entirely in your own power to google (as prpl did) and acquire it.
Ah, you're right. I figured you'd assume I meant help me find it. Oh well. I am sorry Meisdawg.
At my old job, I nv got a vacation while my "boss" always got his way with days off. So u know what I did? I bounced and screwed him over so now he's working 14 hr shifts and doesn't have a lil slave to do all his bs work for him that gets severely under paid. Damn Rite Aid. Don't shop there!!!
There should be a statue of me in that store. I was loved by all lol
Hate rite aid.
Yeah fuuck that place. I was underpaid for half a year or so when I worked in the pharmacy. I didn't know the people I was training were making 90 cents more than me. I was sooooo pissed. Some of thepeople that work there are freakin nuts. Like legit nuts
I make more than the people that trained me too.
Then again, I'm an intern.
My situation was different haha
Someone even got a 15.3 cent raise after a year...