Game Creation => RPG Maker => Topic started by: Linkforce on November 04, 2012, 05:46:29 PM
Well, it sure has been a while eh? I must admit that I've been out of commission for a while. I guess I don't have any other excuse besides life.
That's not true. In all honesty, I lost a lot of my ambition for game making. I had so much passion to continue this and it's funny how getting older can change so much. I never declared this project dead because it never was. I just never got around to it.
Then, something happened. A year ago when hurricane Irene hit the east coast (where I live) I lost power for almost a week. Everything, heat, electricity, internet, you name it. Now when hurricane Sandy hit I expected to lose everything again. But that wasn't the case. My job lost power. The roads closed. My internet stopped working. My cable was down. But miraculously, I still had power. I could charge my laptop.
And this is the silver lining.
Not to take anything away from how devastating this storm was, to me it was a blessing in disguise.
With power and no internet, I had no distractions around me. Like a lightbulb turning on, I opened up my RM and saw the light.
For almost a week straight I have been working on my game. Getting back into the groove of things and picking up where I left off. I'll tell ya, without distractions of the internet, you can get a lot accomplished.
So what does this mean for you, the loyal fan and Charas citizen?
It means I am back.
Carpe Diem is back.
And there will be a new demo very soon.
Thanks for reading. :)
Carpe Diem: The Living Flame -Episode 1-
Story-Part 1: In the Beginning
In the year 2715, there was a prosperous world that flourished in it's technology and advances in science and research. This world relied on its natural resources to fuel its machines and ran on a global economic system that benefited everyone who lived on it. This world had only one continent on it named Kelevor. Everyone accepted everyone on this singular continent and the people lived in peace. However, there were a few people who were different from the rest. Those who were bored of the way of life, tired of the day to day rituals that plagued their existence, were ready to shake things up. For these few people, they saw the prosperous times as a perfect time to change the world and make a difference so that things wouldn't be so monotonous anymore. So they formed a pact known as the Arakian Seven. They rose up to the top of the worlds economy and soon gained enough political power to have an influence on the world itself. As their power increased, they needed to appoint a leader, a representative in the main branch of Kelevors government. So a man named Kedrak broke away from the Arakian Seven and became their formal leader, leaving the ranks of the Arakian Seven and changing them to the Arakian Six.
Story-Part 2: An Imbalance of Nature
As Kedrak and his Arakian Six rose in the ranks of government, they were soon feared around the world. As time went by, people began to realize the kind of man Kedrak was, the Arakian Six included. It seemed that Kedrak's true colors didn't come out until he stepped away from the Arakian Seven. He liked to stir up trouble, test the limits, and explore things nobody else dared to. His curiosity led him through a search through ancient texts, ones that were written in the times of a civilization thought to have been made up. It was then that he came across a discovery. He discovered the seven "Soul Flames"; mysterious objects that continued to appear and disappear throughout history. He gathered information on their locations and went with the Arakian Six to find them all. After years of searching, Kedrak had obtained all the Soul Flames. In an attempt to understand what their significance was, he brought them all together in an underground lab to conduct experiments. By doing so however, Kedrak created an imbalance in the energies of nature. The amount of energy emanating from having all seven Soul Flames in the same location had incredible negative effects on anything that required energy to work. Machines began breaking down all over the world and buildings' structures were failing. Civilization was beginning to be destroyed by the imbalance that Kedrak had created by bringing all the Soul Flames together.
Story-Part 3: From Death Comes Birth
As time went on and the world continued to crumble, Kedrak soon realized that this power would soon destroy the world he was trying to recreate. When he tried to separate the Soul Flames, he found that the immense energy wouldn't allow them to separate far enough to weaken their force. So with the knowledge he had gained from the ancient texts, he discovered a way to extract the "essence" of the Soul Flames and create one item that would serve as a negative force against the Soul Flames. He named this item the Star Stone. However, upon creating this stone, the conflicting energies reacted in a way that nobody expected. Things only got worse, as the skies turned black as the world began to change. Kelevor began to have massive earthquakes so fierce that it ripped the continent apart and separated it into four separate continents. As this was occurring, the Soul Flames were flung back to the far corners of the world on their own, resulting from the negative energy of the Star Stone. Voids in the sky began to appear everywhere. Beings came from these voids. Monsters and un-explainable creatures appeared and began to multiply throughout the world. In a matter of minutes, the world was a completely different place. When the chaos seemed to be reaching its peak, a massive void engulfed the entire sky. As Kedrak gazed at the sky, strange black life forms began pouring out of it. They rapidly erupted from the void and soon engulfed Kedrak in a massive dark aura. Suddenly, the Star Stone began emanating a bright light. Within a matter of seconds following the light, the skies cleared, the void had disappeared, and the chaos that had been awakened began to settle.
Kedrak had unleashed unto the world beings called Zylacs. These curious creatures began to roam the world and destroyed everything in their wake. An extermination of mankind began and from that day on, civilization would fight for their survival. Kedrak was never to be seen again, and the Star Stone as well. Now the Soul Flames lay hidden and they were never bothered with again, for fear of what might happen again.
Story-Part 4: A New Age of Man
Now, 212 years since those events, in a time of war over government, a familiar threat to the world is beginning to once again unfold. Although it hasn't surfaced yet, underground companies are conducting secret conspiracies. Also the technology that used to exist in the past is beginning to be rebuilt. Although Zylacs still roam the world, over the years, people have gotten a little more defense against them. Little is still known about them, as they are very hard to track. Their attacks seem random, but are always well thought out and tactical.
The story begins with the hero Skylar. A young man who lives deep in the Underground; a land that has been covered up by civilization to help forget about the events that happened over 200 years ago. Permission to leave the underground world is strictly forbidden, unless you are purchased a "favor". Usually, these favors span the length of 1-3 days of admission to the surface world. Lucky for Skylar, his best friend has gotten him a 2 day favor. But unknown to Skylar, is that his favor is about to be extended.
-Main Characters-
Skylar Lancaster
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Weapon: Sword
Description/Bio: The Hero of the story, Skylar doesn't really show any forward momentum to save the world. Since he no longer lives on Kelevor's surface, he has no intention of saving or helping it. Skylar is a trustworthy person and trusts other people quickly. This usually leaves him in rough situations but he relies on his friends to help him out of them. Haru is his best friend since they were babies and although they have their fights, they always have each others back. Skylar is a person who wants to help others, but by being the "nice guy", usually gets burned. Skylar is not really the fighting type, but he can hold his own against a tough opponent with his skills with the Thunder element. Skylars soul calls Zelith; the Yellow Soul Flame. Although at first he won't accept it, the events that take place while he encounters it will show him the truth. But when something happens to Skylar's Soul Flame, Skylar soon realizes that he can no longer be himself anymore.
Haru Linaf
Age: 23
Sex: Male
Weapon: Double Swords
Description/Bio: One of the less mysterious characters in the game, Haru is Skylar's childhood friend. Haru first met Skylar when he was 2 years old. He boasts in his incredible skill with his Double Swords. Given to him by his father and mother, he never goes anywhere without them and refuses to use any other weapon besides them. He is one of the very few people in the world that can wield two swords and still have the skill and speed as if he were holding nothing. His strength adds to his personality, sometimes making him arrogant. Skylar has learned to deal with it, but it is not without its conflicts. Unknown to Skylar is that Haru has changed while they were separated. This confusion of personalities may lead to more fights.
Age: Unknown. Completed in 47 years. Buried for 212 years.
Sex: Unknown. Looks Male.
Weapon: Arm Blaster
Description/Bio: Formally named Zyero-0001, Zephyr comes from the past. Zephyr was, at the time when the Zylacs first showed up, just completed by a science team under Kedraks direct control. Kedrak funded the program so that he could have any information he needed at a moments notice. It had been a 47 year old project, filled with everything there is to know about almost everything. It was designed as a memory bank of all the universe's knowledge, meant to be tapped whenever necessary. Once completed though, they had to preserve it so that it would not be destroyed by the Zylacs. Although it was made as a gatherer for information, in his last year of development when the Zylacs came they installed into it an integrated weapons system just in case. With no time to test it, they buried it underneath a secret location in the ground. A place where 212 years later is being excavated for construction. Zephyrs awakening would mean terrible things. With a being walking around containing all history's knowledge, only bad things can happen to obtain it. But with the knowledge of the Soul Flames, can this creation have an objective?
Rayne Valentine
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Weapon: Energy Bracelets
Description/Bio: Rayne is the princess of the Southern Kingdom. She's a sweet girl but with her other family members running the kingdom, she is usually left with not much to do. She depends a lot on Alkamar, one of her guardians since she was a baby, to keep her occupied and keep her from being lonely. Rayne doesn't get out much because the castle walls are all she has known her whole life. Her relationship with her family isn't very strong at all. Unless their lives are in danger, they rarely communicate. Rayne dreams of a world without death and a place where she can live without constant protection. Protection from what? Rayne has always asked herself why she has not one, but two guardians. It won't be long before her curiosity gets the best of her.
Draight Klaynehart
Age: 74
Sex: Male
Weapon: Gauntlets that temporarily increase his arm strength.
Description/Bio: Draight is a veteran airship pilot of 27 years in the W.A.A. (World Alliance Army) Retiring after losing a dear friend in combat, he then set out to further his life in what he had become in the army; a pilot. He pursued being an air pilot for 4 more years and then decided it was time to retire at the age of 53. Since returning back home, his desire to continue to be somebody ruined his marriage. Willing to sacrifice anything to be a pilot again, he joined up with a band of criminals to fly their ship for them. This lasted 2 years. During one of their "jobs", Draight got shot in his right shoulder and twice in his left arm, leaving them dead. Using the money he had from the army he had surgery done, enough to save the arms but not enough to make them very useful. He returned home to a wife that had left him and taken his only daughter away from him. Draight set out to find them, hoping he could make up for the pain he had caused them and resume the life he once had with his family. He searched for 6 years but to no avail. Then at the age of 61, he secluded himself from the world and began to live on his own in a far off corner of the world.
Trance Lyel
Age: Looks 27
Sex: Male
Weapon: Ice Brand
Description/Bio: Trance is a very mysterious person, and tends to not be very open about it. He speaks as though he has been alive for hundreds of years. He knows a lot about Kelevor but keeps to himself most of the time. Currently he is Rayne's other guardian, due to the promise of a long since dead friend. While around her he tends to be open. But around others he keeps to himself. He is the quite type and always seems to be meditating or something. He is a different type of guardian in that he is not always with Rayne. Only when she needs him, he is there. With this in mind he tends to travel around a lot. Trance has a hidden strength about him. He definitely doesn't look intimidating but he can give a look of fierce power. Presently, he is on a personal mission. One that will enlist the help of Skylar and Haru. Unknowing to him, this meeting has a lot more to it then first glance.
Alkamar Orbal
Age: Looks around 25-30
Sex: Male
Weapon: Pinwheel
Description/Bio: Alkamar is Rayne's second guardian. He has a special relation to Trance though they are not brothers. Although he may seem cold at times, it is only due to his lonely past. He always says whats on his mind and is not afraid to tell the truth about anything or anyone. Although he may seem like a bad choice as a guardian he has sworn himself to always being by Rayne's side and he does not go anywhere without her. He shares a close bond with the the king, Rayne's father too. They have been friends for years and the king can always trust him. Alkamar hides his emotions well, masking how he feels with a constant stern face. His cold and sarcastic attitude helps him give people sometimes hurtful nicknames.
Ledron Key
Age: 12
Sex: Male
Weapon: Small Training Rod
Description/Bio: When Ledron was 2 years old, both of his parents died from separate illnesses. At age 3, he was adopted by a man named Tomura Miyagin; a martial artist who specializes in "peaceful" fighting that does not involve the use of limbs. While Ledron was adopted, Tomura had already adopted another child named Simon; a child prodigy who by the age of 7 could solve all types of Algebraic equations in his mind. Ledron was always a hot-head and tried to be tough and show off whenever he could. (He is actually a pretty big coward.) While he trained with Tomura, he would always fight until he could no longer stand. And when he lost, he would then make up an excuse. Ledron was not the type to take defeat so easily...even though he lost quite often. He's like a punk kid that needs to be put in his place. He's special somehow though...
(Sorry for the random sizes, I don't know how to fix that)
For much more information, check out my game profile at RMN: (
Everything seems great, and I love the relaxed attitude towards which graphics you've used. It's allowed you to make what you want without constantly worrying about resources, and it still looks good (That lever bugs me a bit though).
It's nice to see you back. Life is a good excuse for absence.
Thanks Moose! Yeah, I just realized that most of these images are outdated. I'll be uploading all new photos shortly! You guys deserve that much.
Glad to see you around again.
Well. always good to see an old face. Welcome back!
wb! wb!
Thanks everyone! :) Got some new images for ya too! Check the first post.
Hi everyone! Still alive, still working on this. Just dropping by to assure people this wasn't just a one time random update. New demo to be out soon!
Yay! In time for christmas?
That'd be optimistic : p
Haha sorry guys. I'd love to have it ready by then but that's being incredibly optimistic. I'm trying hard though. I'm looking at a February 2013 release date right now.