
Off-Topic => All of all! => Topic started by: daoman89 on January 12, 2013, 08:52:07 PM

Title: Story Time
Post by: daoman89 on January 12, 2013, 08:52:07 PM
We all love to hear stories.  Whether it's in a book, movie, song or just from your friends.  So I dedicate this topic to stories.  Everyone can share a sad, awesome, funny or crazy story in their lives.  It can even be a dream!  I'll start it off with a recent one...

It was the first Friday in January and me and my gym homios were celebrating my man Tim.  He was going to army training on Monday.  Anyways so I was meeting out at West Chester, PA.  We were bar hopping.  So I'm sitting on some bench in the freezing cold and some big fat black dude comes up to me...
"Yo man, you a cop?"
Me, "No..."
"Yo, yous tryna buy some crack?"
Me, "No!  I'm waiting for my friends..."
"Yo man, you lemme know if you want some of the good ****!"

So I'm sitting there thinking...  wtf?  Moral of the story.  People have no common sense.  I could've easily lied to him and turned out to be a cop.  It was funny when I met up with my friends finally.  They were like man, we make you wait and something always happens to you.  True story. 

Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 13, 2013, 02:45:44 PM
I once got drink and bad things happened. The end. Moral of the story? ...???

But for reals, me and drinking i always get into some ****. Ive calmed down a lot since high school. Maybe ill share a better story later.
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: Meiscool on January 13, 2013, 03:56:11 PM
Pharmacy Phonecall:

~Hello, yes, I have a burn on my lips and I need to know how to treat it.
-Describe the burn
~Um, my lips are pretty swollen and black, and pretty numb
-That is a third degree burn, you need to go to the hospital to get treated for it.
~No, I can't go to the hospital.
-No insurance?
~No, I have insurance, I just can't go to the hospital
-Do you not have a ride? You can call the ambulance to come get you.
~No you dumbass, I have a ****ing car. Just tell me how to take care of this burn.
-I can't help you. You need antibiotics and more than likely some special skin treatment that non-hospital pharmacies can't provide.
~I already said I can't go to a hospital, are you deaf??
-Why can't you go to a hospital then?
~Because I burned my mouth on my crack pipe.
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: daoman89 on January 13, 2013, 08:43:28 PM
Hahahahahahaa pharmacies.

Reminds me of the time...

You said my script would be done a half hour, it's been 20 minutes, is it ready!?

No.... Did you go to school maam?
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: Archem on January 13, 2013, 09:23:24 PM
I once got drink and bad things happened. The end. Moral of the story? ...???

But for reals, me and drinking i always get into some ****. Ive calmed down a lot since high school. Maybe ill share a better story later.
This reminds me of that penis bite mark story that Lucas needs to come and tell us again.

My best story involves a night where three good friends and I ended up wandering the streets. I forgot most of the specifics, but there was a point where a cop started grilling us (because what's more suspicious than four teenagers wandering around at 1AM?). Nothing came of that, but when a story involves the police, it's instantly twice as good, right? Well, long story short, we broke in to another friends' house, slept for a few hours before getting chased out, and eventually wandered home.

We're pretty terrible at doing basic things.
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: Apex on January 14, 2013, 05:34:06 PM
Before I left for Japan, my old high school buddies and I got drunk, got naked, climbed on top of the local grade school roof (This was during the summer break, so there wasn't any school and it was a weekend anyways, we weren't trying to be perverts.) drank even more and slept up there.
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: Prpl_Mage on January 14, 2013, 07:28:18 PM
Before I left for Japan, my old high school buddies and I got drunk, got naked, climbed on top of ...

I expected a completely different ending.
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: drenrin2120 on January 14, 2013, 11:26:36 PM
Slept on the roof nake and drunk? Thats an awkward morning
Title: Re: Story Time
Post by: daoman89 on January 15, 2013, 05:10:05 AM
Man... I wish I woke up naked on a grade school roof.  That'd be so random though!  Waking up and hearing little children laughing and playing at recess and I would be up there butt-*** necked.  Would have to be there til dark unfortunately.  Don't wanna scare the kids.

Somehow it brought up the unrelated stupid thing I said to a friend of mine who's a girl that I like...  This was 5-6 years ago haha.
Girl, "Brr, it's cold out here..."
Me, "Yeah it is...  Good thing I brought my sweatshirt!"

Mr. Smooth right here!! LOL