Game Creation => RPG Maker => Topic started by: Fisherson on March 05, 2013, 02:42:13 AM
Okay so beffore my PC went down I had the idea to re-create my ABS engine from scratch since I couldn't find Muraiko, and let's face it, he couldn't upgrade it EVERY TIME I needed something new, ::) so I managed to make it fire. I was so happy!...Then I couldn't figure out how to make ti understand it hit the ship! Would like some advise here in NON COMPLICATED code talk. T_T Please! I have a okay grip RPG maker 2003 codding but I'm no where near a master...and I lost my help manual that came with it.
I can't even open the help on my laptop when it was vista and now windows 7. Anyways, I'm sure Meiscool can help you out seeing that he's a monster at coding with RM2K3.
In non-complicated talk.
RPGM can only detect when the hero touches something.
If you want something to happen when two objects collide you need to give the objects an X and Y variable.
Parallel process, store X value of an event in a variable for the object, store the Y value of an event in a variable. Conveniently enough this is a choice in the variable operations > sprite > pick sprite> pick coordinate. Do this for every object that needs to be "collideable".
If the X and Y variable of two events match = they are at the same place = they are currently colliding.
Use this as the conditional Branch., If event X = bullet X AND event Y = bullet Y THEN remove bullet, deal damage.
In non-complicated talk.
RPGM can only detect when the hero touches something.
If you want something to happen when two objects collide you need to give the objects an X and Y variable.
Parallel process, store X value of an event in a variable for the object, store the Y value of an event in a variable. Conveniently enough this is a choice in the variable operations > sprite > pick sprite> pick coordinate. Do this for every object that needs to be "collideable".
If the X and Y variable of two events match = they are at the same place = they are currently colliding.
Use this as the conditional Branch., If event X = bullet X AND event Y = bullet Y THEN remove bullet, deal damage.
Oddly this sounds like it might work and I think I can understand all of it. I'll let you know, Prpl my pal, after a pull out the new engine and see! ^_^ Thanks!
This will work, but essentially you're creating a collision detection box that's only 1x 1y large. That means the player needs to be incredibly accurate with each shot. To avoid having angry players who can never hit their targets, you're going to want to enlarge the collision box. One general way I can think of is to add/subtract some number from one of the variables then run it through purple's conditional branches. You'll need to do this four times to create a box, add AND subtracting the same number (whatever that number is) for each variable x and y.
Example: Say you add/subtract x and y by 5. You should end up with a collision detection box 10 x 10 pixels large.
Also, I just realized, does your bullet move dynamically, like pixel by pixel? Or is it an event? cuz if it's event, everything I just said is kind of useless and you can just set your variables to grid coordinates instead of screen coordinates (pixels) and not even bother with anything I just said.
Gah I lost the the program. I think I forgot to back it up. ^^;; I'll have to re-code it all before I can try these codes. Thanks anyway guys.
How'd you lose it so easily? Do u have some sort of virus?
Give us a message if you're having problems. Since I started games programming, RPG Maker is like using an etch-a-sketch :P
How'd you lose it so easily? Do u have some sort of virus?
No more like my system for filling is very unorganized. ^^;
Give us a message if you're having problems. Since I started games programming, RPG Maker is like using an etch-a-sketch :P
XD I see. I shall I think Ic an re-make it. Just need to get time to sit down and try.
Lol that'll do it. I like my stuff nice and neat. U should see my itunes, it's all pretty.