TESTING & WELCOME BOARD => Test & welcome board => Topic started by: Goddess_Zenith on November 22, 2024, 08:25:22 PM
Oh wow this website still exists? *gets hit by a brick off screen*
My name is Zenith. I somehow managed to register despite my initial attempt failing (I hate ProtonMail sometimes...), so if staff notices a similarly named account, please feel free to delete it (respecting the no-double-accounts-rule). Also, a long long long time ago I had a different account with Charas-Project, AOZTG Team (;u=39133#), which you can also delete/ban because I no longer have access to the email because it was hacked back in 2013 and I cannot recover it, it also references a now defunct dev team so I don't need the account.
I'm a writer and game developer by trade, but as a hobby I am an archivist. I was going through my old projects when I noticed references to a game known as "The Alpha Force" ( Bluhman (;u=14362). After many many hours of digging and researching (WaybackMachine, RPGMaker fan sites with archives (, crying over broken mediafire links, etc.), I came to the conclusion that there is no existing copy of the game is on the internet (that I am aware of). I won't sugar coat it, I joined the site with the sole intention of looking for Alpha Force, a game I remember fondly. Instead of just DMing a staff member about a game they worked on nearly twenty years ago now on a site that is in a perpetual quote "Time-F*ck" end quote (, I've decided to just come out in the open and ask: Does anyone have a copy of The Alpha Force? I thought I did, but its not on any of the backups I have currently.
I don't expect the answer to be yes, nor do I expect a reply, but I figured I'd ask.
To be completely transparent: I plan on posting around Lost Media places if my search ends up blank here. On hand I have a couple of sound assets from the project file, and a screenshot of an old prototype using a map asset from the project, but nothing. Image of said screenshot below:
All the best,