Originally posted by Mazinger-X
Well, could you make a weapon that looks sort of like the Dark Flow from PSO Ep1 and 2? Or, a broadsword with dragons fangs pointing upwards towards the blade. The blade is colored silver.
Originally posted by kAiRoU
i need:
long sword
shot gun
twin blades(a bit lower scince the user is yuonger)
twin pistols
attachments(cannons and such that look fitted to the hand)
Originally posted by MrMister
Can you make me a sword-mace?(A sword-mace was a mace that had 4 blades coming out of the blunt heavy part.) Not like swords, but sort of round ones the start at the bottom, come out a bit, and shrink back into the top. Thanks.
Originally posted by byrdbrayn
Drace as a throwing weapon? And have it explode at the end?
Neslin im done tha flail.
Im at tha moment grounded cuz i got arrested so i will have plenty of time to do requests n I plan to pick up right where i left off. Oh, by the way this isnt a topic kick because i went on vacation n now im back.
Originally posted by byrdbrayn
Ok and here is the throwing potions.
Originally posted by Neslein
quote: Originally posted by byrdbrayn
Ok and here is the throwing potions.
Thanks... well maybe you can make them rotate while throwed and, make the flasks some diffrent shapes?
But it is only if you want.... :)
Originally posted by byrdbrayn
Here is the vash gun, although im not shadow bahamut, and all the requests done from like pg 5 up have been mine.....if u were looking.......lol
anyway i dont like it very much and i could have done a better job, but i had to make it smaller to fit the blast in. personally, i think it would have been alot better lookin without the blast cuz i could have made it bigger but oh well
Originally posted by wqcherri
It the Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan. Been stuck on it for years.
Those who get involved are worse than Trekkies, but the plot is so much more complex.
I am starting out with the Eye of the World, which has been broken down to 2 Young Adult versions - From the Two Rivers, and Into the Blight.
Thank you for the work, and the interest!
Originally posted by byrdbrayn
Ha im glad to see that i am being replaced by someone just as good, and probably better than myself.
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
Something like this? Or with more/less slit?
Since I don't have Mac, what program should I use?
Edit: Hey Warxe, mind if I used your wisdom stick file? I altered it and my name is on the bottom but people, this is Warxe's original design! Do you mind Warxe? If not, I will put it in my next post.
Originally posted by xenocide
Are you good at spiriting/custom weapon making? Show me something you did.
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
That's pretty good for your first custom set.
I edited the mace a bit, and I added five elemental versions: Fire, Ice, Electric/Lightning, Earth and Dark. More can be made upon request.
I already have a battleaxe set; I'll edit that for your other request.
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
I'm ready to do requests again,
Originally posted by Enduo_Ril
..fixed version. Apparently something was wrong with the one I attached before, since it wouldn't upload into the complete resources...
Originally posted by Enduo_Ril
One thing... I don't really do requests (and if I do, the person requesting it never knows about it until I post them. heh).
I just make random things sometimes, especially sets of various weapons. Usually they don't really start out as peoples' requests--they're just something for me to do when I'm on the computer and get bored of looking at random internet stuff.
And if they happen to match up with someone's request (not all of my stuff does... the Kirby weapons/battle characters I did a while ago, for example), I post it there.
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
I'll do them, then. Do you want them in the same style as Enduo's?
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
Well, I'll see what I can do.
But first, here's a fixed set of Enduo's staves; I noticed that a few of the weapons overlapped.
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
And Tamo's staves. I tried to get them to match the other staves as close as I could, but I ended up just altering my shading and adding outlines to them. They still shouldn't clash, though.
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
Artoni, I'll do your request, but I need to know a few things:
-Do you want your weapons in my style, or in the style of the sheet you attached?
-For the Orb weapon, do you want it as a throwing weapon, or just a normal weapon on the arm?
-For the Fan, do you mean something like a Japanese Paper Fan?
PrplMage, I haven't had a chance to work on your sheets yet, but I'm devoting 3 hours to weapons now, so I should be able to get a few of them done. And do you want me to make custom gloves, or will you use the ones OmegaDestroyer attached?
Originally posted by Warxe_PhoenixBlade
You're just in time, Chronos. I've already got 2 requests for gloves. So it'll be like killing three birds with one well-placed stone.