Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Offline BattleChar Generator => Topic started by: Nandez on August 20, 2004, 03:32:51 AM
Hey I'm new to this forum and this site is awesome.But I was wondering if anyone would take the time to make me battle char set for the the guy in the pick thats the main charcater in the game i'm working on I tried to make one but i just couldn't do it or get it even close to working.So if anyone makes me one i would greatly appreciate it and thanks for listening
First off, Oi mate! Welcome to Charas! Secondly, no offense dude, but it's kind of rude to just introduce yourself, and then automaticly ask for a battle char, or anything for that matter.
I tried asking for a battle char and I didn't get any help, but you have to understand that battle chars are hard work. Not many people will grant your request for bc, so just remember that. Just get better at them by practicing. I just started mine yesterday and I'm hardly done. But hey, if you want something to look good you gotta put work into it. I've only been on a Charas for a short time and there's one thing that I've learned, Almost everybody thinks that battle chars are a huge pain in the butt to do! But, anyways. Welcome to charas! Have a jolly good time! And if you want a battle char request to be forfilled... Good Luck! Just fillin you in on the basics. Welcome again! ( I hope you don't get the impression that I'm a jerk, just tellin the truth, K!) *takes in huge breath of air* Whew! :)
Yeh I didn't really mena to gust ask for one right away but I cna only go so far without the main charcaters battle set :/ But thanks for the advice.
No problem! I'm glad that you don't think that I'm a jerk for what I said!...... Wait, do you think that I'm a jerk? BTW you could always substitute someone else's battle char for him. Then you could get farther in the game itself, and not just a battle char. Just some advice, it's what I've been doing! :D
Nah I don't think your a Jerk i've been on many other forums and that are full of jerks.You mean permanetly substitute one for him or gust untill I can get the battle set that matches the main character.
Obelisk The Tormentor!
Just until you make or get the actual battle char itself.
- need to stop using Charas to host your pictures.