Now that I think about it, I may be able to make some charasets, but I won't be able to start until next week (because of exams... ) Once the storyline is chosen, and exams are over, I'll try to start.
Originally posted by AsakuraHao2004
Nice one, moose! Half cliched-serious game, half original humor. Very good.
I may try to finish the 2 chipsets I started time back, but I dun promise anything yet.
OT, sorry.
I'm only here to wish the best luck to this second chance.
I really hope this time "users has learned the lesson", as robo said.
I can contribute to writting or programming portion, as well as the occational graphic here and there, though I'm more of a gereralist when it comes to graphics. Perhaps I can design the System or System2 graphics or something.
Moose has heard enough and attacks the creature, but loses. The creature takes on of the guards, calls him "suitable", and flys off to the west.
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
XD Still very good moose, I keep liking it. I see as just an RPG so very good job.
LoL I noticed something though.
quote: Moose has heard enough and attacks the creature, but loses. The creature takes on of the guards, calls him "suitable", and flys off to the west.
XD you put moose instead of jefferson =P
Originally posted by Robotam
And remember it must be 100% costume!
Umm 'kay.
I'll just have to say good luck with the project.
If you want I'll name the skills, (and who learns them, Unless you want a materia system).
Oh, and I've gotten shindo to agree to color any faceset we get, and I'm going to contact Mr.X about making facesets. I'm assuming only main and important characters will have faces?
My offer to make the system graphics and do some of the programming still stands. I can also do some chipset work if need be. Unfoprtunately, I'm sick as a dog right now, so I'm going to be spending the next few days lazing about the house attempting to get better.
perhaps I should just shorten things up a bit and delve into the actual twist?
The Imp, with Mora's powers, heals the Great Tree and apologizes. In reality he only wants to cause mischief, not real trouble.
Tark always had an affinity with technology, and practiced his inventing skills as he grew up. He gained a bit of fame after he invented the gun
Anywho, Tark reveals how he got to the town far before Jefferson and Mora did - a car powered by his new Steam Engine!
Tark says that everything was well when he last checked in - the Telephone system he installed there has kept him in contact with the villagers.
In return she heals them, teaches Mora an advanced spell of her choice, and gives them the Church's sacred treasure: The Scroll of Passage.
The King thanks Mora and Jefferson and asks them what they would like in return. They explain to him their story and the reasons behind their journey. The King, intrigued by this, gives them his royal sceptre, and hints at them needing it sometime in the future.
Originally posted by Osmose
Your too picky, Ari. :P
The four part plan doesn't appeal to me at all. Too many differences in a game that's really going to only be two parts anyway.
Originally posted by Robotam
(Xen would be a good choice here but where is he!?)
Originally posted by Osmose
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...
Originally posted by Tomi
quote: Originally posted by Osmose
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...
The reason I asked you is, when you were thinking up the story, you were probably picturing the characters doing whatever. Since I have no idea what you were thinking, I wanted to ask you.
I might help with graphics but I'm only really any good at battle chars- sprite sized usually. Since this is RM2k...
I have an idea. Perhaps at the very end, Robotam meets the heros. He is angry.
"Everything is ruined! You were meant to stay in the game! How can we win the Community Contest now?"
Random hero: "We won't be your puppets to be played with!"
Robotam: "Then you accept deletion."
*Oh holy battle with Robotam*
Originally posted by Robotam
Tomi (the exellent charaset maker)
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
rofl, it's good enough. Though like WD said, it can be fixed, the grass for me doesn
t seem like a prob, the water however needs a feel of a lighter blue; I'll if I can modify it if I am allowed.
What kind of help do you guys still need? What kind of graphics do you still need done? Do you need help with programming or plot development? I can help with any of those if you need me.
I've seen some of your resources, I'm not sure if they're 100% costum made but they're very impressive.
Originally posted by Osmose
Learn how to speel[/I], damnit!
Red Fox who made a couple of gameovers and title screens
Not to be super picky, but this is really how I wanted her, kinda:
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...
P.S. Wow Robotam, you spelt custom right!!! lol :D
Originally posted by Robotam
That's exellent, Foxie!
Originally posted by Robotam
As I already said, Of course you can help!
Another good monster maker is not bad at all. ;)
Win or lose we continue the game... But as long as we're all here, we might as well win!!!
Agreed, Robotam
I am very sorry, but I won't be able to get the system to the team any time soon.
Ok, so we're out of the contest? Because then later on (Probably on spring break) I can detail all of the characters i made better, and I can also finish other stuff, and maybe try my hand at a chipset.
Originally posted by InsaneJP
lol you got a wanted all the helmet gold??
Robotam: What were you in the hospital for?
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
If we are working on it again, I'll take up my old job of making townpeople charsets. I'm quite a bit better than before and I'll actually use the template :D
Originally posted by Osmose
It was one year ago today that the community contest died.
Originally posted by SaiKar
It was one year ago that your face died. :dry:
Originally posted by SaiKar
It was one year ago that your face died. :dry:
Originally posted by MrMister
This is an RPG community, Robotam. You are gay in the butt for posting that.
I'm gonna make my OWN community game! WHO'S WITH ME!?!? YARR!!
Originally posted by Robotam
quote: Originally posted by MrMister
This is an RPG community, Robotam. You are gay in the butt for posting that.
I'm gonna make my OWN community game! WHO'S WITH ME!?!? YARR!!
It was a suggestion, you idiot.
Originally posted by Robotam
I can't believe this, I'm not going to go for the idea now that Moose didn't like it. However, getting flamed at for trying to help, that's just wrong.
Originally posted by MrMister
quote: Originally posted by Robotam
I can't believe this, I'm not going to go for the idea now that Moose didn't like it. However, getting flamed at for trying to help, that's just wrong.
Who flamed you? I never said anything bad. You ******.
Originally posted by SaiKar
I don't know what the crap you people think you're doing here, but if you cannot get along than there will be no official Charas Community Contest. Savvy?
Originally posted by Arcanagirl
Umm, why did you pronouce yourself Mr. Leader? This is Robotams thread and thus his right to lead the project.
btw robotam says he already has almost all of those materials you're looking for.
If you weren't so careless maybe you'd find that some are actually a few pages back in this thread.
2.Robotam has most of what I need? Good! Post them as a zip and help us out! It certainly doesn't help anyone to keep these things to yourself.
Originally posted by Osmose
PS: Registering a new account, like you just did, doesn't take that long, so get over yourself.
The menu is nice, although the scroll could be a bit better-looking. If you want to, I could whip up some more specific pictures, such as one for items with an item symbol next to it, weapons with a sword, etc.
Great job on coding it in, though. :)
Originally posted by Osmose
The only thing in there that I'd use now is Ordoth, Jefferson, and Tark, Ordoth and Jefferson I knew about, and hence didn't request them. Tark is the only thing I forgot and is unfinished, but better than nothing. Thank you.
PS: Registering a new account, like you just did, doesn't take that long, so get over yourself.
The menu is nice, although the scroll could be a bit better-looking. If you want to, I could whip up some more specific pictures, such as one for items with an item symbol next to it, weapons with a sword, etc.
Great job on coding it in, though. :)
Originally posted by Osmose
Yes. It's called getting a new email address. Charas won't send a confirmation email to an address that already has an account here.
Now we were talking about the Community Contest...
Originally posted by Osmose
Sure, we can, although I'd like to know how exactly you forgot EQUIP! :P
Originally posted by Ruler of the Dark
To be honest I would probably be better suited to spriting the charsets and stuff like that. <_<