
Off-Topic => Really Old Stuff => Archive => Community Contest Team => Topic started by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 06:58:59 PM

Title: Community Contest Re-start
Post by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 06:58:59 PM
Meet the new leader of the Community Contest, Me!
I'm here to bring the CC back to life.
I've talked to both Alex and Carmen, and they have let me do the dirty work. XD
No, it's an honor and I'm the one who asked as well. lol
But our currently situation is pretty serious, and I need everyone who can help.
Since the deadline can't be changed (30th March 2005) the game will only be 30-40 minutes long.
Last time CC was closed because of that a very few people helped... I hope charas has learned a lesson and that it has changed by the time.

Resources we need:  

Battle animations
Title and Game over screens

And remember it must be 100% costume!
I have also decided to keep all resources we got from before, but I guess I'll have to come up with a new storyline.
Feel free to post your suggestions of storylines, they are really needed.
Since the chipsets, are the biggest problem I will try do some of that work, but I wouldn't say no to some help with it. ;)
We must be a comunity!
If you can, please help!

And you may also wonder why I'm the leader and not the moderator of this forum.
Alex said that it's something he can't answer yet.

We must be fast, so please help me with resources or storylines.
Must be 100% costume!
If your able to help, just leave a reply in this thread.

I will try inform you of our new situations every week.

BTW Carmen, since you're still a moderator of this forum, could you make this a sticky?

Something important I forgot to say...
Special thanks to Carmen and Alex for letting me do this! :)
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 12, 2005, 07:17:06 PM
XD Congrats, if you need modding PM or IM me.

Sorry carmen I am sticking this one :P
Post by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 07:32:05 PM
Thank you. ^.^
Now people come and help with resources,  we need you!
Post by: Tomi on January 12, 2005, 07:35:22 PM
Hey congrats!
Hey, I may not be able to help with graphics or anything, but I'll try to help you keep it organized. (that is, if you want help)  Hopefully this time we will succeed.

Post by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 07:43:45 PM
Thank you as well. ^.^
Sure you can help with that stuff and btw, this time we will succeed! (hopefully) XD
Post by: Tomi on January 12, 2005, 07:56:07 PM
BTW, is it possible to either move or delete all of the old threads, just so we can make a new start with a clean slate?
Post by: Drace on January 12, 2005, 07:58:17 PM
I can help with storylines. Just tell me what to write about and I'll put it in a good/great story
Post by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 08:01:20 PM
Thanks. :)
Don't make it too big, afterall it's going to be a short game.

You shouldn't ask me about that, I have no idea.
But why move them and where? o.0
Post by: Osmose on January 12, 2005, 08:53:13 PM
A simple framework for a storyline - the classsic hero game - the world is in danger, and he has to save it. Half the game is him going through this cliche, but midway through, when he confronts his enemy, he is told WHY this madman is trying to take over the world.

The evil guy wants to take over the world and seperate it from the game. He realized that he was part of just a simple videogame, that he wasn't real, and that it was all an illusion to entertain the player. The hero, not believing this, defeats our enemy. But afterwards he has some doubts, and the evil guy's theory is proved true when he finds a developers room. This disturbs the hero, and so he quests to find a way outside of the game. The gamer, not pleased by this, calls in a programmer to help him stop the hero - he's lost control and can only watch what goes on in the game now.

The programmer, unable to delete the now-malicious software, decides to up the ante and throws brand new enemies at the hero. Due to the limitations of his own pre-compiled coding, however, he cannot uber-power his monsters to defeat the hero, and instead can only try to make bosses within the window of the game that can defeat the hero.

The hero, through many fights, eventually escapes the exe and falls upon the desktop. Here he sees My Computer, My Documents, Network Neighborhood, all the Windows desktop items, only by his point of view they are houses and storage places, with filekeepers running in between. This, being the final dungeon, will be filled with strong anti-virus enemies, and he fights his way across the crowded desktop to the mouse at the other end. This is where we could create mini-scenes of various games and programs. A Halo PC world, where Covenant attack the hero and the master chief gives him a stat boost as well as offering to spar. A Firefox world where websites load faster and better, but as a result of the spyware not entering the browser, they populate the area. An RM2K3 area, where our hero briefly joins the RTP heros to beat an RTP boss.

He finally confronts the mouse, which is an easy foe. But, after being deleted, the mouse calls upon the TRUE final boss, CTRL ALT DEL, which battles our hero relentlessly.

Post by: Tomi on January 12, 2005, 08:54:10 PM
The problem is that none of those threads are valid anymore, and if those are moved or deleted, we can start again as a new team, because the last one didnt work.  I don't know, its kinda hard to explain.  I guess its just so every thing is not so cluttered.

:EDIT:  Thats a pretty cool story Moose.  So far, Moose's story has my vote.
Post by: AsakuraHao2004 on January 12, 2005, 08:56:15 PM
Nice one, moose! Half cliched-serious game, half original humor. Very good.
Post by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 09:05:52 PM
Lol, Osmose! XD
I really enjoyed reading it.
I guess we'll have another storyline voting, more storylines!

Now, is there anyone out there who wants to help with the other resources?

Here's somethings I need to tell you.
There will be no fights in the game, I will make the fights based on mini games and such. Makes it less work on resources.
That means no battlecharas and Backdrop.

And I also need a good programmer, anyone?

Remember, if you're good at making costume resources then please help!
Post by: Tomi on January 12, 2005, 09:18:44 PM
Now that I think about it, I may be able to make some charasets, but I won't be able to start until next week (because of exams... :(  )  Once the storyline is chosen, and exams are over, I'll try to start.

BTW, dont you mean custom, not costume?
Post by: Red Giant on January 12, 2005, 09:29:14 PM
Eh. I don't like moose's story. It doesn't seem stable to me... it looks like it would turn out less funny than it looks on paper.
Post by: Robotam on January 12, 2005, 09:35:39 PM
Now that I think about it, I may be able to make some charasets, but I won't be able to start until next week (because of exams...  ) Once the storyline is chosen, and exams are over, I'll try to start.

That's very good!
Then you're the first. :)

But I need alot more..

Yes, I meant costum (I allways mix them together. XD).
No editing or any Copy and Paste $hit, 100% C - O - S - T - U - M. :p
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 12, 2005, 10:17:39 PM
LoL you know, Red has his opinioon and I have mine.

I don't really kow if moose was playing or not, being sarcastic, but I like the idea. For starters is original, very XD and is kinda funky and funny.

Is a scale of one to 10 I give it an 8 :P

I may try to finish the 2 chipsets I started time back, but I dun promise anything yet.
Post by: Grandy on January 12, 2005, 10:38:31 PM
Originally posted by AsakuraHao2004
Nice one, moose! Half cliched-serious game, half original humor. Very good.

 It should be changed to "half cliched-serious game, half-CLICHED humor." I already saw this kind of things a lot of times, but it never gets old.
Post by: Osmose on January 12, 2005, 10:47:54 PM
Woah, woah, back up.


Your insane. That idea is the kind that sound cool but won't work.
Post by: Tomi on January 12, 2005, 10:51:15 PM
Yeah, I think we should have some randombattles, just because it is the nature of a RPG.  And backdrops, aren't that hard to make, and we have Sai for battle-characters (maybe...)
Post by: Osmose on January 12, 2005, 11:31:26 PM
I can guarentee Sai's schedual will not allow him to sign up to make bchars for ANY project.
Post by: Tomi on January 12, 2005, 11:33:18 PM
I was being sarcastic, but anyway...
Post by: Robotam on January 13, 2005, 12:00:08 AM
I may try to finish the 2 chipsets I started time back, but I dun promise anything yet.

I say as Carmen said:
"I want no maybies, either you're in or you're not."
Since we don't have much time at all I can't accept a maybe, it's a yes or a no?
Sorry for being so strict, but you have to be strict as a leader and of course nice as well.
I belive that's what made Carmen so good at it, I can't be standing here like somekind of soft guy trying to be as nice as I can to everyone. I'm the leader and I told Alex that I would act like one just like Carmen did.

 Here's the list with people who wants to help with resources:

Me: Chipsets
Drace: Storyline
Osmose: Storyline
Tomi: Charaste
Kijuki: Chipsets (You'll have to decide that yourself.)

As you can see we need alot more.
I've said it before and I'm saying it again:
If you can help then, please do!

About the random fights.
If somebody wants to do battle charaset or backdrops feel free to that, but if no one does I won't have any randombattles.
Post by: Alex on January 13, 2005, 09:12:17 AM
OT, sorry.
I'm only here to wish the best luck to this second chance.
I really hope this time "users has learned the lesson", as robo said.

Post by: woundedgoat on January 13, 2005, 02:08:09 PM
I can contribute to writting or programming portion, as well as the occational graphic here and there, though I'm more of a gereralist when it comes to graphics.  Perhaps I can design the System or System2 graphics or something.
Post by: Robotam on January 13, 2005, 02:51:53 PM
OT, sorry.
I'm only here to wish the best luck to this second chance.
I really hope this time "users has learned the lesson", as robo said.


Thanks, master. :bend:

I can contribute to writting or programming portion, as well as the occational graphic here and there, though I'm more of a gereralist when it comes to graphics. Perhaps I can design the System or System2 graphics or something.

That'd be great!
And if you want to be a programmer that'd be great as well.
We need everything we can get.
But remember, must be 100% costum.  
Post by: Osmose on January 13, 2005, 03:54:34 PM
I'll refine my story a bit, and to speed up production, we can use generated chara and battlesets to create the illusion of a normal game, until when things start to change.
Post by: Robotam on January 13, 2005, 03:58:14 PM
That's actually not a bad idea.
Post by: Tomi on January 13, 2005, 04:06:26 PM
So are we doing Moose's Story then?  Because instead of genorators, I can start the main characters maybe today, but definately saterday.

Post by: Robotam on January 13, 2005, 04:09:29 PM
That's great Tomi, make them exactly as you want to make them.
No must exept the 100% costum thing.
Post by: Tomi on January 13, 2005, 04:27:37 PM
Howza bout a Main Chara Prototype?
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 13, 2005, 05:10:05 PM
Heh heh heh. I wanna design a sidequest. Can I please please please?

Also, isn't there gonna be more than one character? RPGs are fun because of the interaction between characters. I'll do character ideas if you so wish.

I can't do graphics because I'm supposed to be helping out with 'Lands of Lunori'. Unles you really need them. Then I will because I'm a sentimental fool.
Post by: Robotam on January 13, 2005, 05:40:45 PM
He looks good, but could you detail him a little?
He looks a little ordinary for a hero, but else it was good, keep it up.

Of course there is going to be more than one.
And sure you can help with ideas, that'd be great.

And as you can see or situation can't get much worse, so I need your graphics more than ever.
I don't wish to interrupt your Lands of Lunori works but charas needs the community contest game.
So if you can help with graphcis, please do.
100% custom!
Post by: Tomi on January 13, 2005, 06:48:00 PM
Does this look any better?
Post by: Robotam on January 13, 2005, 09:43:54 PM
Perfect, looks a little like your avatar. XD
Post by: Tomi on January 13, 2005, 10:33:40 PM
Sweet, I'll Get started finishing it (heh, that sounded kinda funny)
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 13, 2005, 11:12:02 PM
Anyway to design and start everything you need to keep a couple of things in mind.

Name of Game:
Genre of Game: (RPG I know but there has to be someother thing like futuristic)
Plot summary:
 and such and such.

It would help everyone if this was filled.
Post by: Tomi on January 13, 2005, 11:12:09 PM
Here We go! Hope its good enough!
Post by: Osmose on January 13, 2005, 11:45:24 PM
I had it all typed up but a friend who tried to show me what he thought was a cool warez site forced me to lose it all... I'll type it later.
Post by: Osmose on January 14, 2005, 03:37:34 AM
Title of the Game: Faded Reality
Genre: Classic RPG(so as to not spoil it)


Setting: Cliche RPG world, but a bit more technologically advanced, like it's on the verge of an industrial revolution that could be fuled by Tark's steam engine. Guns are rising in popularity, although still sparsely used, and even though Tark invented the gun, others refined it to create better ones, hence why he's not some sort of super rich inventor. Anywho, towns live on trade or are self sufficient, with a few sprawling centers of commerce forming the major cities in the game.

Main Characters:

Balanced Hero: Jefferson
Description: Jefferson is your average hero. He was born and raised in the village of Resan. Since childhood he trained to be a fighter like his father. After his father dissappeared on a journey, Jefferson was given the responsibility to protect the village from monsters. He is proficient in blades, but his current weapon are the guns his friend Tark recently invented.

Magic-Powered Heroine: Mora Olimbar
Description: Mora's birthplace and histroy before age 5 are unknown. At age 5 she was left on the doorstep of Mayor Boar's house, and he took her in as his own daughter. Although, in private, she is a fierce warrior and has bested her own father a few times, she rarely talks in public and is very shy of the villagers, whom she thinks considers her an outcast. Recently, she has been forced to take care of the village in her father's steed due to his illness.

Powerhouse Hero: Ignar Pothuk
Description: Ignar is a dwarf from the dwarven kingdom of Krashnik. For years he has been a high ranking soldier in the army, and one of the strongest dwarves in the kingdom. Recently, however, he had a fight with the King and challenged him to a duel. He lost, and was banashed from the kingdom for his insolence. Since then he has been wandering, searching for a fight.

Black Sorcerer: Ordoth Deckra AKA Ordeck
Description: Born Ordoth Deckra, he shortened his name to Ordeck around the same time he started studying the dark arts. Although not entirely evil, simply working for his own ends, he has been disturbing the city of Desra recently and capturing young women for whatever experiments he wants them for. He is strongly opposed to the Overloard's actions and abuse of black magic and giving his kind a bad name.

Supporting Characters:

Jefferson's Father, Daren - Daren was known throughout the land in his younger ages for his strength and bravery. He travelled the world in search of adventure, and found his share of it. After awhile he settled down in a quaint town and started a family with a local woman who captured his heart. The village had a monster attack problem, and he regularly held off the monsters from attacking the city. To prepare for his death, he trained his son in the art of combat so that he may one day take over protecting the city. A few years ago, however, he suddenly packed up, bid his wife and son goodbye, and left on his own adventure, promising to be back soon. He was never seen again.

Jefferson's Mother - Jefferson's Mom is a strong willed woman, who was able to tame her husband into a quiet life... at least for a little while. After Daren left, she took the fatherly position as well as the mother role and raised Jefferson to be strong, but not reckless and stupid.

Tark - Tark and Jefferson have been best friends since childhood. Tark always had an affinity with technology, and practiced his inventing skills as he grew up. He gained a bit of fame after he invented the gun, but soon after he presented it at the annual Technology Fair(a fairly new gathering for inventors), others improved upon his initial design and he lost interest in the project. He is currently finishing his new Steam Engine, which he plans to present at this year's Science Fair and use it to power a wagon by rotating the wheels.

Boar - Boar is Mora's father figure, and has raised her to be just as strong as himself. He is the Mayor of Odel, and gained that title by defeating the prior Mayor in a fight. The old mayor, accepting his defeat, decided to go out adventuring and train to come back one day and reclaim his title as mayor. Recently Boar has fallen ill and given his daughter power of the city, which she hates. But he is confident in her abilities, once the right event triggers her to show her true character...

The Overlord - An evil being who uses Black Magic to terrorize the poplation of Izlam(the continent where the story takes place). He appeared out of no where three years ago and is slowly spreading his influence to the monsters of the world. He is planning something, but what, who knows...

Og the Hobbit - Og, one of the few remaining Hobbits left in the world, has taken an interest in Jefferson's travels and records all that he sees in his Chronicle.


Rough Draft Storyline:

Life is normal for Tark and Jefferson. Jefferson defends the city while Tark works to finish his masterpiece, the Steam Engine. Jefferson's Mom has been worried about the recent surge in monster attacks, but Jefferson is confident he can handle them. Then, one fateful night, a man wearing a long dark cape and with purple skin attacks the village, and hurts Tark. Jefferson attacks and kills the creature, and with it's dying breath says, "The Overlord will see to it that you die!"

Tark is bedridden with his wound, but will survive. Jefferson, intrigued by this attack, wants to go out and find who this "Overlord" is, but knows he must stay to protect the city. After a day or two of normality, the villagers all gather at the entrance to the village. Jefferson is in front of this crowd, and his mother tells him, "We all know that you want to go find the Overlord. We're going to allow you to persue him." A few men from the village promise to protect it, and assure Jefferson all will be fine as he is gone. Jefferson thanks them all, and after saying goodbye to Tark and his mother, leaves the village.

Jefferson, on his way to where the creature came from, meets a wandering hobbit named Og. Og greets Jefferson and listens to his story in earnest. Intrigued by his story, Og decides to travel with Jefferson and record all that he does. However, in towns and such, he will go off and do his own things without telling, and can only reach certain places in dungeons to record Jefferson's journies.

Jefferson reaches a town called Odel, and learns of a new controversial Mayor, aparently the former Mayor's daughter. Some say she is a fine canidate, others shun her for being "wierd". Jefferson decides to meet this Mayor, but cannot find her anywhere. While he wanders around the Mayor's large basement, he finds a combat room, and a large man exercising in it. The large man sizes up Jefferson, and then attacks him.

Jefferson wins the battle, and then notices that the man he fought was actually very sick. Mora runs in and scolds her father for trying to exercise in his condition, and Jefferson for fighting him. Jefferson apologizes and they both help Boar back into bed.

Boar praises the young warrior for beating him and offers him to become the new Mayor of the town. Jefferson, surprised by this, declines and thanks him politely for the offer. Mora looks dissappointed but says nothing.

Jefferson gathers up his things and is ready to leave when he notices a mob at the Mayoir's House. He comes to find Mora on the front steps, standing silent as the villages throw questions and insults to her abilities at her. Jefferson runs in and asks Mora why she doesn't defend herself, and Mora whispers to him that she is afraid. Jefferson takes the initiative and scolds the crowd for being so ruthless to a women from their town, but Mora interjects and explains that she is NOT from the town. Jefferson asserts that that doesn't matter, that she was raised there and deserves a chance as much as anyone else. Mora is speechless, and the crowd disperses.

Jefferson apologizes to Mora for being so pushy about defending her and is about to leave when she stops him and asks if she may travel with him. Jefferson, stunned, reminds her of her father, but Boar appears from inside the building and assures him that he can handle a town while his daughter follows her heart. Mora hugs her father and then joins Jefferson on his journey.

(also, sometime during all of this boar tells of the old mayor and his leaving)

I've got more, but how does this sound so far?
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 14, 2005, 04:15:27 AM
MGG (my good God)..... Moose taht is freaking splendid man!!! I like it!, no I luv it XD Noseriously is well constructed for the RPG planned. 9 outta 10 man
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 07:06:19 AM
OMG! You did it all, Osmose!
This is some good stuff. :sweet:
You got more too!?
However, it's perfect!
Thanks very much, Os!

Good, very good! :)
I'll use him. As you can see there is alot more characters now.
If you want you could do some of them as well?
Post by: Osmose on January 14, 2005, 11:38:44 AM
Once again, SPOILERS FOR THE WARY - I want at least SOME people still surprised by this :P

Also, if you haven't surmised, Og is the savepoint man. You don't really ever see him except when he's standing there as a save point.

When we left off, Mora and Jefferson had just left Odel in search of clues about the Overlord. Mora mentions that she heard of a strange man who appeared recently in the nearby town of Pofra, a satellite village that makes most of it's money with the trade route between it and Ridhelm, the main city of the area.

Our heros arrive at Pofra and notice that everyone is excited about the coming Festival of Life. They hear around that the main event will be a long procession going from Pofra to Ridhelm to party all night long. Jefferson, a bit low on cash, decides to offer to help defend the parade for a bit of money. He is accepted, and is given a funny costume to wear so as to disguise himself with the rest of the guards.

Dusk comes, and already the town is alight with lights and candles and all manner of fireworks. Mora is dressed in a very colorful, and, er, revealing party dress, to which Jefferson has no objections, and gets slapped for a comment.

The parade begins and Jefferson settles down near a desert-themed area of the parade, aparently selebrating some far off culture he's never heard of. All goes well, until a signla flare in the back of the parade goes off, calling all guardes to come quickly with swords out. Mora, Jefferson, and a handful of other hired guards a running too.

When they reach the area, they meet a tall man with purple skin, and Jefferson recognizes him as...

Jefferson: "You!"

It's the creature that attacked his town, or so he thinks. The creature, while holding a limp guard in one hand and a long ornamental curved sword in another, explains how he and the other creatures are warriors in the Overlord's vampire army. Moose has heard enough and attacks the creature, but loses. The creature takes on of the guards, calls him "suitable", and flys off to the west.

The parade is obviously ruined, and the rest debate if it should continue with these new events. A red glow from Pofra, however, drives them back to find their town in flames. A firefight ensues and Jefferson bravely runs into houses to save trapped townspeople. Mora uses her water magic to help with the fire.

Afterwards, the town thanks both of them, along with the guards and firemen, for their great service and offer them all free passes to the High Trading Center in Ridhelm. Mora and Jefferson, seeing no reason not to, decide to head to Ridhelm and see what's there anyway.

During their travel to Ridhelm they camp out for the night, and we learn a bit more about Mora's past. About she has flashes of her memory before being brought to Odel, and how she was, and still is, very shy around people. We also see the growing affection between our hero and heroine, but nothing too open yet.

The next day goes normally, and eventually they reach Ridhelm. It's a sprawling city with huge main streets, tons of smaller streets, and many back alleys for unfreindly types to lurk. Jefferson and Mora decide to walk around seperately for awhile, and to meet up at the High Trade Center later.

Jefferson does his fair share of wandering. There's a shop for everything you can imagine, including one selling improvements on Tark's basic gun technology. In that store he also is introducedc to something called a "Telephone". It's some mechanical device the runs on waves through the air to communicate. With it, Jefferson is able to talk to Tark, who has recovered and is currently at the Invention Fair. He invites him to come to it sometime, as it is at a convention center somewhere. As to how Tark got there Jefferson can only guess.

The back alleys have shops with less than legal products, but at reduced prices. The sellers warn, however, that if he sells them anywhere besides these back alleys, he will not get paid anything due to them being stolen. There's also a craps and poker minigame.

Jefferson has had his fill of the city, and decides to go to the High Trade Center. It's a large dome near the center castle, and holds some of the best shops in Ridhelm. He meets Mora and they both enter the dome with their passes. Once inside they see shops with some of the best equipment in the world, but none of the shops take gold. They ask a man at an information booth and he tells them that the High Trade Center runs on a special type of currency called SC, or special coins. These coins can be found all over the world, or can be bought at a rate of 1000 Gold for 1 SC. Whether the player has enough to buy something at this point depends on their skill.

Time is short. I'll do even more later.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 14, 2005, 02:33:38 PM
XD Still very good moose, I keep liking it. I see as just  an RPG so very good job.

LoL I noticed something though.

Moose has heard enough and attacks the creature, but loses. The creature takes on of the guards, calls him "suitable", and flys off to the west.

XD you put moose instead of jefferson =P
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 02:49:33 PM
Surely going to be "The Storyline Of The Year", even if it may just be the beginning of the year.
I couldn't find a better man for the job.  :bend:
Post by: Osmose on January 14, 2005, 03:57:00 PM
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
XD Still very good moose, I keep liking it. I see as just  an RPG so very good job.

LoL I noticed something though.

Moose has heard enough and attacks the creature, but loses. The creature takes on of the guards, calls him "suitable", and flys off to the west.

XD you put moose instead of jefferson =P

When one has been typing like that, names get confusing. More than once I had to look back and find the name of Ridhelm. ;)

It's the weekend so later today I should be able to get to a point near the end of the cliche. Also, please suggest some programs I can write about for when Jefferson and co. reach the desktop.
Post by: Ryoshin on January 14, 2005, 04:29:09 PM
Originally posted by Robotam
And remember it must be 100% costume!

Umm 'kay.

I'll just have to say good luck with the project.

Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 04:33:10 PM
Umm 'kay.

I'll just have to say good luck with the project.

What to say? lol
I guess "good luck" is allways a good thing even if you say it the sarcasmic way. XD
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 14, 2005, 04:47:38 PM
Absolutely awesome, Osmose.

Faded reality is a fairly good name, as of course their reality 'fades' when they realise they're in a computer game. You could also call it "The Truth" which is quite an unusual name, not so fancy, or "Beyond existance" which is where they eventually go- beyond their existance.

If you want I'll name the skills, (and who learns them, Unless you want a materia system).
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 04:58:09 PM
If you want I'll name the skills, (and who learns them, Unless you want a materia system).

Skills, you mean "battle skills"?
If so, I'll have to ask all CC supporters and you other guys if you want randombattles in this game or shall it be based on minigames instead of fights?
Post by: Tomi on January 14, 2005, 04:58:33 PM
OMG! Moose! Your storyline is SWEET!!! :bend:  :bend:  :bend:
Storyline of the year award for sure!

Robotam: Sure, I'll do the other main characters charasets.  And they will be 100% costume (lol).
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 14, 2005, 05:01:33 PM
I think battles are important in RPGs, but you don't necessarily need random ones. You could make the monsters walking about on the screen and if you bump into them they fight you. That way you choose how much to train up.
Post by: Tomi on January 14, 2005, 05:05:01 PM
I go for random battles, just so its even more clique.

EDIT:  It should still have some mini games, just for effect (and added fun!)
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 05:09:56 PM
Okay, guys.
But if we're going to have battles I must have someone to do those resources.

Tomi: Sound's good, very good!
Post by: Tomi on January 14, 2005, 05:33:57 PM
Umm, would it still be custom if we used the pokemon trainer pictures as templates,then make them into b-characters? (like the guy in my avatar, he's made like that)
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 05:42:24 PM
I'm afraid not, I said 100% you know.
Post by: Tomi on January 14, 2005, 05:43:17 PM
Darn, ohwell... :(
Post by: X-F3R on January 14, 2005, 06:07:15 PM
well.. whadaya know.. good luck robotam and group! >=D

i've got some ideas for the chipset makers to make things easier.. maker common interiors.. lol.. it's in Suikoden and Pokemon.. and those 2 are great games..

anyway, i've read the 40 minutes thingy.. and i've got something in mind that would lengthen it, but it requires more speed..

the plan is for Moose to finish writing the plots and all that (preferbly with a friend) before all the resources are done. divide them up into parts and assign the following parts to the best game makers around here. then later on, fuse them all together and just fix the Events conecting the parts together later on...

example, we Moose finishes the whole storyline, including what this person says to who and what this guys does and etc etc. then he divides them into 4 parts. the first part assigned to this guy, the second to that guy, the third to another guy and the fourth to the guy around there.. i think 30 minutes each won't be a bad idea.. i think a 30 minute game would take that long to make... so later on, when it's all done, fuse them all together.. then just handle the events connecting this and that together.. since each part in 30 mins long and there are 4 parts, we have a 2 hour game..

i know there's this problem in copy pasting the maps into the main project.. but that'll take less time than one guy making the whole 2 hours..

well, this'll probably be stressful so you guys think about it ^^ a 40 minute game is better than charas going into the deadline date empty handed..
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 06:18:03 PM
4 parts you say? ...That's not a bad idea.
I'll think about it.
Well, I should go and make some chipsets. It's now or never.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 14, 2005, 06:22:26 PM
Oh yeah, I hope you are assured this game has to be for rpgmaker 2000, not 2k3.
Post by: Robotam on January 14, 2005, 06:39:48 PM
Charas is an "Rm2k" site and I knew that from the beginning I came here. XD
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 14, 2005, 06:41:46 PM
XD lol good, well I saw b-chars, so I thought you might've not been aware.
Post by: Tomi on January 14, 2005, 08:08:23 PM
Well, If we have extra time, we can make battle animations look like our character's attacking.
Post by: Osmose on January 15, 2005, 04:18:00 AM
The four part plan doesn't appeal to me at all. Too many differences in a game that's really going to only be two parts anyway.

As for dialogue, I can do some of the more important events, but really you need someone else to handle that. Preferrably someone with good diction and who knows how to make things sound a bit more natural. Red, maybe. Although I doubt he'd like doing it :P

Anyways, back to the story.

So, Mora and Jefferson are in the High Trade Center. After a bit more perusing they leave and start asking around the town for someone who saw a vampire flying off in the sky. One person points them in one direction, one in another, and one says that he recently saw the vampire within the city. Here's where our players get to make a choice of which lead to persue first. These events are totally seperate of each other, so the player can switch between them, do multiple paths at once, or just follow them in the order that they wish.

Lead 1 - Vampire to the (some direction to be determined by the mapper)

This vampire was the one carrying the soldier, the one who defeated Jefferson but let him live. After heading in the direction they're told, our heros come upon a Dwarf by the name of Ignar. Ignar, after introducing himself, challenges them both to a fight. Jefferson is all ready to face this challenge, but Mora stops him and declines, much to Jefferson's displeasure.

Ignar is thirsty for a good fight, but accepts this decline and goes about his merry way. He does warn them of a wierd forest in the direction they're headed in. He tells them of the rumors of witches and warlocks, fairies and demons, and the Great Tree of the forest. Jefferson and Mora decide that this Great Tree would know of the vampire's whereabouts, and so go to ask him.

Once inside the forest, which is nestled in a nice cozy mountain valley, they find the monsters withing the forest are much much more powerful than they've seen so far, and reconsider entering when a Fairy appears and asks them what they're doing in the forest. As Mora begins to ask her about the vampire, the Fairy turns into a flying demon Imp, and waves his spear to command the tree roots to grab the two heros. The Imp summons a Great Wolf to take care of our heros, but then the tree roots release them and attack the wolf, dragging it underground. The Imp, scared, flies away. Mora and Jefferson are about to run away when a deep voice greets them and introduces itself as the Great Tree. He bids them to come deeper into the forest to talk with him, and they agree.

After making their way through the forest, they reach the Great Tree in the middle of it, but the tree is half covered in a squishy rancid film-goo, taking up the left side of his face. He speaks with half a mouth and asks Mora and Jefferson if they could find the Imp they met earlier and squirm a cure from this dreadful illness out of him, who caused it.

They agree and eventually track the imp in a deep, dark part of the forest. The imp summons another Great Wolf, but this time our heros defeat the wolf and capture the imp in a jar. They take the imp to the Great Tree, and it asks Mora to channel her energies through him so that he may cure the Tree. Mora has her doubts, but the Great Tree tells her she may trust him and she agrees. The Imp, with Mora's powers, heals the Great Tree and apologizes. In reality he only wants to cause mischief, not real trouble. He ntells them that he infected the tree with the power from the strange purple skinned man who passed through here and instructed him to do so.

Mora and Jefferson are eager to go after the vampire the Imp mentioned, but the Great Tree tells them that they cannot leave the forest from the other side without two items: The Sceptre of the Ridhelmian King and the Scroll of Passage. Either that or they learn how to fly, which is not an option at the moment. Mora and Jefferson ask where the Scroll is, as the sceptre is obviously with the king at Ridhelm. The Tree says that the last time he heard of the scroll it was heading towards a small city of magicians called Jellen. Mora and Jefferson thank the tree and go off to find the two items.

Lead 2 - Vampire to the (some direction to be determined by the mapper, but not the first one)

Mora and Jefferson head towards where they were told a vampire was seen flying, and eventually arrive at the city of Homel. Homel is another Satellite city of Ridhelm, and use the trade as a way of attracting customers. Mora and Jefferson enter the town and are surprised when they are greeted by none other than Tark! Tark and Jefferson are greatly surprised to meet eachother, and Jefferson introduces Mora to Tark. At this point our attention is, albeit covertly, drawn towards Mora's rising confidence in herself and how she isn't as shy as she used to be at her old town.

Anywho, Tark reveals how he got to the town far before Jefferson and Mora did - a car powered by his new Steam Engine! Soon after Jefferson and Mora had left for Ridhelm, Tark finished his steam engine and built a car system around it. Using this he whizzed past Ridhelm as Mora and Jefferson were wandering the town, and arrived in Homel, home of the Invention Fair. JEfferson and Mora use their time here to stock up on brand new weapons, including a new prototype gun that shoots elemental bullets!

Tark invites Jefferson and Mora to stay in his hotel room that night while he demonstrates the power of his car to the night crowd. They agree, and the night goes by. In the middle of the night, though, Jefferson wakes up, goes outside, and eventually finds himself at Tark's stand. No one is there to see him sow them the car as they are all busy staring in awe at the new guns some smith has made. Tark is really disappointed that these ignorant people would rather shoot eachother than look into the new and revolutionary technology of the Steam Engine.

Jefferson cheers Tark up and takes his mind off the matter by asking him how things have been going back home. Tark says that everything was well when he last checked in - the Telephone system he installed there has kept him in contact with the villagers. Jefferson is relieved that the village is surviving without him, and gains a confidence boost in this.

The next morning, Jefferson and Mora are set to go, after Tark mentions rumors of a vampire seen headding towards the nearby magician town of Jellen. He bids them goodbye and uses his car to travel to another town far away that will appreciate his genius.

Mora and Jefferson reach Jellen and find it in ruins. Tents have been put up over the rubble of what once was a magnificent city. The people they ask say that "it" came and destroyed their town, with Dark Magic matched only by the White Magic of Priestess Shira. They meet Shira, head of the town church, and ask her what happened.  She retells about how the Vampire came, used his magic to attack the weaker citizens, and was pushed off into a nearby cave with her white magic. They decide to persue the vampire, and Shira offers to go with them, but she must stay in the city.

They delve into the maze cave and eventually find the vampire, badly hurt by Shira's White Magic, but still strong enough to be a threat. They defeat him, however, and his body explodes. In it's place is a nearly-naked man, with a wierd amulet around his neck. They take the unconscious man back to Shira, who immedietly removes the amulet and destroys it. The man comes to, and says that he was a warrior in his kingdom, one oif the best, when a vampire captured him and brought him to the Overlord, who used the amulet to transform him into a vampire. He thanks them all, and Shira thanks Mora and Jefferson for saving the man and the village. In return she heals them, teaches Mora an advanced spell of her choice, and gives them the Church's sacred treasure: The Scroll of Passage. Mora dn Jefferson thanks Shira and  backtrack to Ridhelm to continue their fight.

Lead 3 - Vampire in Ridhelm
Rumors of a Vampire in Ridhelm lead Mora and Jefferson on a search throughout the city, following a trail of clues and sightings left by the vampire. Eventually they track him down to a building in a back alley, the headquarters for the "Black Cat Gang", a ruthless group that steals and plunders from shops and houses all over the city. Mora and Jefferson fight their way to the top of the building, and find the leader of the Black Cats almost dead. He tells them before dying that the Vampire stole a set of Royal Keys that he was saving for robbing the castle one day.

Jefferson and Mora head to the castle and find the guards outside dead. Inside is more of the same, but most of the non-warriors are hiding in kitchens and side rooms, safe. The castle is also infested with monsters, following the scent of blood. Mora and Jefferson eventually go through all the caslte levels to the throne room, where they find the Vampire mad for he has lost the King and Queen. He decides to take his anger out on Mora and Jefferson, who fight him off and defeat him. The purple skin on the man withers away and reveals a near-naked man of strong build.

They notify the castle that it's all clear, and the King and Queen come out of their emergency hiding spot under the throne. A nurse comes to look at the man and removes the cursed amulet so that a White Mage may destroy it. The man wakes and tells of how the Overlord used him as a host for the evil spirit within the amulet, and that nearly all of the Vampires are warriors filled with evil spirits.

The King thanks Mora and Jefferson and asks them what they would like in return. They explain to him their story and the reasons behind their journey. The King, intrigued by this, gives them his royal sceptre, and hints at them needing it sometime in the future.

So, as you see, once all three paths are complete, our heros return to the Great Tree, who uses the Scroll of Passage on the Royal Sceptre to create the Wind Rod, a very very powerful weapon. They use the rod to dispel the harsh magical winds blocking them from leaving the forest, and move on.

Coming up next time - The final two characters join, and the path to the Overlord opens!
Post by: Robotam on January 15, 2005, 10:18:32 AM
Keep up the good work, Os.
Will be looking forward to the final part.

Since it is important to find spritors, I may have to PM all active members to tell them about it. I hope I'm not breaking some rule by doing that, but currently we have one active guy who makes good charasets and that's Tomi and we also have another active guy wich takes care of the storyline and we also have Red Fox who made a couple of gameovers and title screens. They are all doing/done a perfect job, but it's far from enough, so contacting people by PM may be the only way to make it a sucess.
I guess it's because some people ignores this forum completely, I know because I did. -_-
So am I alloved to contact all active people by PMs?


If you want to know more of the "Community Contest" you can  find more interesting information Here (

Yes we could, I did that for my game.
I'll think about it.

Title: Good news!
Post by: Robotam on January 15, 2005, 04:49:18 PM
Here's some important and good news. :)
I've found a two guys who's willing to help me with chipsets.
One is an old member of charas called "Viper Snake", he's willing to make a half poor village for me.
The other one is an active member called Red Fox, he's willing to help me with a cave chipset.
And Kijuki might help me as well.
And it's me who's currently doing a worldmap chipset. :)
I have to say thank you Red Fox and Viper Snake I really need you badly.  :bend:
Here's my currently work. (watch the attachment)
Post by: Osmose on January 15, 2005, 06:20:54 PM
Add some texture to that grass, boy!

Oh, and I've gotten shindo to agree to color any faceset we get, and I'm going to contact Mr.X about making facesets. I'm assuming only main and important characters will have faces?

Anyway, I'm a bit concerned. How long should I go before I reach the Overlord? I judge all that I've written is about 30 mins - 1 hour of playtime, depending on how it's implemented, AKA difficulty of the dungeons. I know that now, as they've left the forest, they'll meet Ignar very soon, and then Ordoth(or whatever his name is, too busy to look back) will be seen and aquired soon after, should I then have a bit of other sutff before they actually challenge the Overlord, or perhaps I should just shorten things up a bit and delve into the actual twist?
Post by: woundedgoat on January 15, 2005, 08:13:27 PM
My offer to make the system graphics and do some of the programming still stands.  I can also do some chipset work if need be.  Unfoprtunately, I'm sick as a dog right now, so I'm going to be spending the next few days lazing about the house attempting to get better.
Post by: Robotam on January 15, 2005, 10:00:57 PM
Oh, and I've gotten shindo to agree to color any faceset we get, and I'm going to contact Mr.X about making facesets. I'm assuming only main and important characters will have faces?

Shindo and Mr.X for facesets, that's the best idea you could get!
And yeah only the important characters has facesets.

My offer to make the system graphics and do some of the programming still stands. I can also do some chipset work if need be. Unfoprtunately, I'm sick as a dog right now, so I'm going to be spending the next few days lazing about the house attempting to get better.

That's very good, wounded.
When you're ready PM me.

perhaps I should just shorten things up a bit and delve into the actual twist?

Yeah, some things has to be shorten.
But not too much shorten, and I'm afraid no sidequests.

Everything sounds good with the storyline, resources and such and this project is actually coming along good.  :)
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 15, 2005, 11:13:43 PM
Well I may have to disapoint you but no, I thought about it, and I don't want to to take the job of the chipset spriter. However XD, I'lll fool around and whatever I can come up with might be given to the CC ( In another words, I am not giving a maybe, I am giving a no. But that does not mean I cannot contribute, because regardless, I am still part of the community. So count me out, but I'll be around.)

Anyway, like I said before robotam, if you need some mod work around the forum, PM me, or IM over MSN when I am logged on and I can help.

Sorry for the news xP.

(I hope you saw what I was trying to say)
Post by: Robotam on January 15, 2005, 11:19:36 PM
Okay, Kijuki.
If you say so. ^.^
We still need a few more chipset makers, anyone?
Post by: Ari Rahikkala on January 16, 2005, 01:16:05 AM
I guess I get idiot of the week award for not noticing that there was more than one page to this thread. So, yeah, Osmose told me to criticise this story, and I did criticise it, and we ended up in a huge metaphysical argument about how Jefferson could prove (to himself) that something is wrong with the world.

When I found out that he'd laid out quite a few details that weren't in the big plot summary, I decided I might just as well register on this board and say what I have to say in public...

Disclaimer: I've only played a precious few RPGs, most of them hack-n-slash-oriented instead of plot-oriented, so I'm not even going to try to evaluate this story as the plot of a game. Instead I'll try to provide a more general sort of critique about what I find cool in the plot and what I don't find quite that cool.

The Imp, with Mora's powers, heals the Great Tree and apologizes. In reality he only wants to cause mischief, not real trouble.

This sounds a bit like a cop-out to me. It might be true, imps are traditionally considered not to be all evil, but just imagine the words actually spoken (well, written) out in the story: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to cause real trouble, I was just... um... being mischievous". I'm sure the tree that had just had half of its surface covered by a "dreadful illness" was reeeeaally happy about knowing that.

Tark always had an affinity with technology, and practiced his inventing skills as he grew up. He gained a bit of fame after he invented the gun

Anywho, Tark reveals how he got to the town far before Jefferson and Mora did - a car powered by his new Steam Engine!

Tark says that everything was well when he last checked in - the Telephone system he installed there has kept him in contact with the villagers.

I find this feature quite interesting, perhaps so interesting that it should be considered silly: Tark is an incredible, wizardly inventor who should at *least* be hailed as some sort of a god. A gun that's light and reliable enough to be wielded as the preferred weapon of the hero of the story? A *wireless* telephony system? A steam engine that's light and efficient enough to be mounted on a *car*? (not to forget all the technology related to cars that you would need to invent - an external combustion engine isn't quite enough to get you from point A to point B, you know :p)

Of course, it's your universe, and you have the creative right to say that something this unlikely can happen quite well... still, I wonder if it might be a good idea to either let Tark wield at least some sort of magic power that could help him create all of those inventions or *tone them down*. Considering that the first half of this story doesn't seem nearly as quirky as the second half, you might want to foreshadow the weirdness by adding some of it to the characters here... and Tark is, IMO, a perfect choice to go for a Gyro Gearloose type of insane inventor whose contraptions might be incredible but that never *quite* work the way they should.

In return she heals them, teaches Mora an advanced spell of her choice, and gives them the Church's sacred treasure: The Scroll of Passage.

The King thanks Mora and Jefferson and asks them what they would like in return. They explain to him their story and the reasons behind their journey. The King, intrigued by this, gives them his royal sceptre, and hints at them needing it sometime in the future.

I understand that sometimes in a RPG this kind of thing has to be done: "Here, you resolved an important quest, please take this unique and extremely expensive artifact that doesn't seem to have anything at all to do with what you just did". Perhaps people are so used to it that they don't really notice it, I don't know. However, wouldn't it really be quite a bit less trouble to just take the first lead first and let the other two be taken in any (possibly random) order? Then your characters could just notice the Scroll placed in a convenient place and ask for it when they're through, and ask the king for the sceptre once they've saved his ***.

Besides, that ordering would make the story just a bit more exciting for most players because the first quest they would not find out about the nature of the vampires on the first quest they take here...

It's 3:14 AM, and the world is going 'round my head in perfect circles... time to go to sleep, I'll return to say more if more needs to be said. This post isn't copyedited, so if parts of it don't make sense... just ask what they should mean and I'll try to figure out what I was trying to say :p.
Post by: Osmose on January 16, 2005, 01:24:37 AM
Oh lord...

Tark's inventions never get noticed because the other crappy inventors stole it and spread guns throughout the world fairly quickly. The telephone is only in his hometown, one he dropped off with a friend at Ridhelm, and one with himself. And the car didn't get noticed because people were too busy going crazy over the elemental guns, showing how stupid they are.

And you assume what the Imp will say. I was thinking something more along the lines of "I didn't know it would hurt the Tree that bad...", and the tree, being a Great Tree, has the mother nature love of all life, good or bad. He also understands that if he killed the Imp his imp babies would have no daddy and so would grow up on the streets with no guidance, become rappers, and be a bad influence on the little forest chidlren.

And our heros might not know they need the items, but Both the King and Shira have a connection to be revealed later which will show why they give the travellers their items.

Your too picky, Ari. :P
Post by: AsakuraHao2004 on January 16, 2005, 01:47:20 AM
Im sure Mooses story is really good, and read it and tell you what I think when Im not in such a lazy mood...
Post by: Osmose on January 16, 2005, 02:27:38 AM
I've signed up Mr.X to help with the facesets, so now we need to design the characters. Tomi, you're in charge, but I'd like Boar to have a beard, Mora to have blue hair, Ordoth to have long black hair and a black robe, and the overlord to have a helmet. I'll desribe it to X, and then you can sprite it, so put the overlord off for now.
Post by: Ari Rahikkala on January 16, 2005, 08:31:05 AM
Originally posted by Osmose
Your too picky, Ari. :P

Hey, being picky is the only way I can even try to be of help :(
Post by: X-F3R on January 16, 2005, 09:15:16 AM
The four part plan doesn't appeal to me at all. Too many differences in a game that's really going to only be two parts anyway.

did you read my post or robotams?

what i said didn't mean that you have to literally make the game 4 parts. what i said was to write the whole story out, divide them into 4 parts (maybe more if you want it done quicker) and give each part to a selected member to make. when it's all done, take all the 4 parts and put them into one project, making it only 1 part.

think of a totem.. lol.. let's say there's 4 faces in the totem. instead of 1 person making all 4 faces, he gets 3 guys to help him out. each guy works on one face. when they all finish, they put the totem together. mmmkay?
Post by: Robotam on January 16, 2005, 01:35:23 PM
About your idea, X-F3R.
I think we'll go for it, I already have another person who wants to do a part and I will of course do one as well.
It would be pretty good since that gives us a better chance to win the contest. Because you guys havn't forgot this is a competition, right? ;)

Here's what we've got this far:

Tomi, you're the leader here. (we still needs many others help)

Mr.X and Shindo, you guys takes care of these resources. (We may need more here as well.)

Robotam, yeah I'm taking care of this one.
Red Fox
Viper Snake
(We need a lot more here, this is our worst problem.)


Battle animations:

Midi makers:

Title and Game over screen:
Red Fox
(We need no more here, we all ready have a couple of screens.)

(Xen would be a good choice here but where is he!?)


As you can see, we still need alot more.
And we may go for the 4 parts idea, anyone wants to help with that stuff?
But over all I think we're doing pretty good, aren't we? :)

Visit this page for information:

Title: Good news again!
Post by: Robotam on January 16, 2005, 02:39:59 PM
Yeah, I'm double posting but it's my thread and I should be able to post some news so yeah I'm double posting, sorry.
Anyway, to the good news.

I've found an exellent Battle animation maker, a guy called FrogKing.
It's not much other things that have happended in these hours so wait for more updates, here's a part of FrogKing's work.
Post by: Tomi on January 16, 2005, 04:13:29 PM
Not bad...

Anyway, how do you like my Idea for Mora? (I'm expecting to have to change it, so critisize away)
Post by: X-F3R on January 16, 2005, 04:45:23 PM
well u guys shouldve been active in AIM, chatting with one another.. Osmose, what do the characters look like anyway? describe them to us.. oo and what color are their clothes and etc etc.. =D cuz that charset is waiting to be improved =P no off.
Post by: Tomi on January 16, 2005, 04:53:23 PM
Well, the only thing Moose told me was to make her hair blue, so I have absolutly no idea what to make her look like...
Post by: Osmose on January 16, 2005, 06:27:34 PM
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...

Okay, you got Jefferson, so here's the rest:

Mora: Blue hair with two locks in front and a ponytail in the back. Purple-pinkish top-robe thingy. Ever seen the new Brother Blood design in the Teen Titans cartoon? Something along the lines of that, only pinkish purple.

Ignar - Simple green dwarf clothes, blond beard, pudgy nose, viking helmet, all of that. Big axe on his back, too.

Ordoth - Long black hair, and a dark robe that has legs instead of just robe down to the bottom. Red eyes.

Boar - Big man. Use the soldier template. Big black beard, but a bit graying, maybe with a streak of white somewhere. Messy black hair, sort of like Hagrid's face. Clothes can be chosen by you, Tomi.

Shira - White robe, short blond hair. Hood on the robe.

Tark - Orange short hair, glasses, brown pants, green tshirt, brown gloves.
Post by: Shindo on January 16, 2005, 07:11:35 PM
cooool, a robe with legs :D
HBut yes, just confirming what Moose said was True, i am willing to colour the faces and whatever else you may need me to colour.
heck, i may even be able to contribute something to the spriting scene.
Post by: Xen on January 16, 2005, 07:19:32 PM
Originally posted by Robotam
(Xen would be a good choice here but where is he!?)

Xen had to be absent for reasons regarding school (damn school). But I'm back now, but maybe still less active(?).

As for Monsters, and me being a possible person to make monsters for this, I don't have any spare time on my hands, because of my GCSEs coming up soon, and my mom wants me to revise, I have tons of coursework to do, and so on, and so forth. So there's a very small chance that I will be able to get anything non-school related done at all. Sorry.
Post by: Tomi on January 16, 2005, 10:09:30 PM
Originally posted by Osmose
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...

The reason I asked you is, when you were thinking up the story, you were probably picturing the characters doing whatever.  Since I have no idea what you were thinking, I wanted to ask you.
Post by: Osmose on January 16, 2005, 10:55:30 PM
Originally posted by Tomi
Originally posted by Osmose
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...

The reason I asked you is, when you were thinking up the story, you were probably picturing the characters doing whatever.  Since I have no idea what you were thinking, I wanted to ask you.

Besides the blue hair and the beard, I had no idea what they looked like. I made those up on the spot.

And Robotam, I strongly suggest you DON'T do that 4 way idea. You'll get four vastly different parts that won't fit together the right way. I don't even think you can take 4 rm2k games and splice them into one. It's just not gonna work.
Post by: Robotam on January 17, 2005, 04:27:39 AM
That's very sad to hear. We must have a monster maker, anyone out there?

I'm putting Osmose all in charge of all the characters. Which means you'll have to ask him what he thinks about your charaset.
No worries, I'm sure he think they're as good as I do. ;)

You don't like the 4 part idea, eh?
It doesn't have to be bad that the game changes a little if it even does, and we will have alot more done in the end. I like that idea.
But it depends, we won't do it if don't get people to do it.
We'll see.

It seems like all midi makers are gone, we used to have alot of them. That's very.
Isn't there anyone left?
However, 7 pages in less than a week (atleast I think so).
That's very good, I'm glad it came along good in the start and that some people know we're serious.
Post by: Osmose on January 17, 2005, 04:56:55 AM
I'll do some story later, hopefully.
Post by: Red Fox on January 17, 2005, 04:55:36 PM
Heres a picture of the cave chipset .(it's not finished)
Post by: Osmose on January 17, 2005, 05:40:28 PM
Alright, so Mora and Jefferson have gotten through the Great Tree's Forest.  Now they're heading through the mountain pass beyond, and meet none other than their old friend Mr.Vampire. A bit of dialogue:

Jefferson: "Wait! I see something up ahead..."

*scroll to "ahead" and then have Mora and Jefferson run in from the bottom*

Jefferson: "Vampire!"

Vampire: "Please, call me Vidnir. I'd like to be known as a bit smarter than my other vampire brethren..."

Jefferson: "Enough! We're here to put an end to you and the Overlord."

Vidnir: "You think it's that easy to destroy the Overlord? Well, why not ask him yourself?"

*Vidnir moves aside as the Overlord walks in from above*

Mora: "The Overlord!"

Overlord: "Glad you recognize me. I'm flattered, really. But enough. You two have been a thorn in my side. I've lost three good soldiers to you. This must end NOW!"

*The Overlord throws a bean of lighting at Jefferson and Mora - they are thrown backward by the blast*

Overlord: "Children who play with fire are bound to get burned!"

Ignar: "Aye, but the old man who plays with fire just wants to cook his bacon!"

*Ignar jumps in from the cliff side and slashes the Overlord across his chest*

Overlord: "Foul dwarf! Your jokes are weak, as are you. Vidnir!"

*Vidnir rushes into Ignar and throws him back with Mora and Jefferson, who have just recovered from the spell*

Overlord: "Vidnir, finish them off. I must visit Ordoth."

Vidnir: "Yes, master."

*the Overlord beams away megaman style as Vidnir closes in on his prey*

Vidnir: "As my master said, play with fire -" *he lights on fire as he walks towards them* "- And your going to get burned!"

*enter fight sequence of Jefferson, Ignar, Mora vs Vidnir*

After our party wins...

Ignar: "Not so tough now, eh, flame boy?"

Mora: "Now to remove his amulet..."

Jefferson: "Wait, look!"

Mora: "What....? He has no amulet?"

*Vidnir rises and staggers backwards*

Vidnir: "Fools... I have no amulet... I am a REAL Vampire! And, as the control of the Overlord spreads, my powers grow! This will not be our last meeting."

*Vidnir warps away megaman style*

Ignar: "Lighty little fellow, that one is. But we showed him, eh?"

Mora: "Thanks for saving us, Ignar."

Jefferson: "Yeah, we definately needed you at that moment."

Ignar: "Think nuthin' of it, me lads! In fact, you might need me again in the future. This Overlord guy doesn't seem to be willin' to gie up his lil' quest anytime soon, so why not take this old soldier along for the ride?"

Jefferson: "We'll gladly accept your help anyday, old man!"

Ignar: "Ey! That's "Sir" Old Man to you! I may have a few years on ya, but a dwarf's ten times stronger'n any man any day."

Jefferson: "We'll just have to see that, eh? Ha ha ha ha!"

And so Ignar has joined our heros on the quest. We learn more about this mysterious Vampire, and we finally see the Overlord for the first time. Our heros, now full of determination to stop the Overlord, head north to the small town of Deckra. But the inhabitants are nowhere to be seen out in the streets, and all the houses are locked up tight. All, except for one.

Our heros enter the house and find a family, hiding in a back room with their daughter, Lilly. They explain how the evil sorceror, Ordoth, has been taking the young women of the town for his own evil needs. Our heros, full of bravado, enter his tower, after stocking up on the town that now welcomes their help.

Midway through the tower our heros pause for a rest, as we cut to a scene in the top:

Jess: "No! Stay away from me you mad freak!"

Ordoth: "Please. You villagers all think I'm doing something horrible to your women, right? I just need you for one little expriment, and you'll all be allowed to go home.

Jess: "Liar! All the other girls are over there, dead!"

Ordoth: "Dead? Don't be silly! They're unconscious. You see, I'm developing a new knockout potion that will work only by smell. So far my only successes have been with women, so I need women to test my new ones on. Once I've perfected it for young women, I can start refining it until it works for all people. Then, I can market it to assasins, thieves, all manner of people who will do what the will with it."

Jess: "I don't care! I just want to go home!"

Overlord: "Your lust has grown, Ordoth."

*Ordoth turns so we see his front*

Ordoth: "I have no lust for the unwilling! Unlike you, I have pride in delving in the dark arts, where your foul touch only puts me in the wrong mindset!"

*the Overlord warps in*

Overlord: "Why do you always treat me as if I am scum? We are brothers, both dark sorcerers, and of the same cloth."

Ordoth: "We know eachother neither by blood, nor by cloth. Only by my hatred for you will we ever speak."

Overlord: "Fair enough. But please, just hear me out. I come with news of great importance. Those heros I mentioned for you, Vidnir is taking care of as we speak. I have saved your expriments-"

Ordoth: "From some innocent travellers who might have ingredients I need. You don't get it, do you? I don't care what you're doing, or why, but it disgraces Black Magic. Now leave me before I try my new potion on you."

Overlord: "This deed I do for you goes unrewarded? You are not the honorable man I thought you to be."

*Vidnir warps in, badly hurt*

Vidnir: "Sir.... I have failed....."

Overlord: "Failure is not acceptable! You are lucky that you are a vampire, and your strength is guarenteed with mine. You shall fight them again, and you shall win then. But now, go lick your wounds, you dog!"

Vidnir: "..."

*Vidnir warps out, and the Overlord turns back to Ordoth*

Overlord: "You see, they are a danger to us all. They will not see you as a dark alchemist, they will see you as an evil sorceror! We must-"

Ordoth: "YOU must leave. Now."

Overlord: "Once my plan comes full fruit, you will be left behind, Ordoth. You have turned away a chance for the truth."

Ordoth: "The truth you know is but a lie of a lie."

*the Overlord warps out*

So we get a tiny hint as to what the story will do, and we learn of the quarrel between the Overlord and Ordoth. We cut back to our heros, who gather up and reach the top fo the tower. Ordoth attempts to welcome them, but they attack him. AFter they defeat him, he explains what he was really doing, and as a show of faith, returns the women to the town. Through a bit more dialogue, including Ignar not trusting him but Mora trusting him, Jefferson decides to trust him and heals him.

Ordoth apologizes for the mix up, and concludes his potion was far from completion anyway. He inquires as to their destination, and they explain their journey. He is intrigued by these events, and offers to come along with them to settle his scord with the Overlord. They agree, although Ignar reluctantly, and they journey off to Krok, the town at the base of the Overlord's mountain.
Post by: Robotam on January 17, 2005, 06:08:03 PM
That's amazing, Red Fox!  :o
Keep it up.

And I'll read that part later, Osmose.
I'm a little lazy right now. This message will be edited.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 19, 2005, 05:12:19 PM
I might help with graphics but I'm only really any good at battle chars- sprite sized usually. Since this is RM2k...

I have an idea. Perhaps at the very end, Robotam meets the heros. He is angry.

"Everything is ruined! You were meant to stay in the game! How can we win the Community Contest now?"

Random hero: "We won't be your puppets to be played with!"

Robotam: "Then you accept deletion."

*Oh holy battle with Robotam*

Obviously this is stupid but it might be funny right at the end when they think It's all over.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 19, 2005, 06:51:07 PM
Or Alex would work XD
Post by: Robotam on January 19, 2005, 07:21:32 PM
I might help with graphics but I'm only really any good at battle chars- sprite sized usually. Since this is RM2k...

I have an idea. Perhaps at the very end, Robotam meets the heros. He is angry.

"Everything is ruined! You were meant to stay in the game! How can we win the Community Contest now?"

Random hero: "We won't be your puppets to be played with!"

Robotam: "Then you accept deletion."

*Oh holy battle with Robotam*

Maybe we could do something like that, but let's focus on the beginning first, shall we? XD
Post by: Robotam on January 21, 2005, 03:42:38 PM
Today, is a great day.
Thanks to Red Fox (the exellent chipset maker) and Tomi (the exellent charaset maker) I've managed to make the firrst screenshot.
Check attachment.

It's been a while since anyone replied, I'd like to see some activity here, come on people! XD

Shindo and Mr.X is taking care of the Facesets, but I haven't heard anything from Mr.X for a while. We need you guys, facesets are pretty important.

There's not much more to say, enjoy the screenshot and once again... Thanks, RedFox and Tomi for your Awesome work.  :)
Post by: Tomi on January 21, 2005, 08:06:26 PM
Umm, is the grassy type stuff suposed to look like that?  Because it looks kinda choppy and stuff...


Originally posted by Robotam
Tomi (the exellent charaset maker)

Thanks :)
Post by: Darkfox on January 21, 2005, 08:10:31 PM
Yes, I agree, the grass looks choppy.
Post by: White Dwarf on January 21, 2005, 08:15:55 PM
it is verry choppy BUT than can be fixed, i suppose the game isent neer complection, so giga can still change it
Post by: Red Fox on January 21, 2005, 08:16:22 PM
Hehe uhm yeah that was the best I could do..
Post by: Osmose on January 21, 2005, 09:08:20 PM
My brain is drained. When the time comes the story will move, don't you worry about that.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 21, 2005, 09:29:50 PM
rofl, it's good enough. Though like WD said, it can be fixed, the grass for me doesn
t seem like a prob, the water however needs a feel of a lighter blue; I'll if I can modify it if I am allowed.
Post by: Red Fox on January 21, 2005, 09:52:07 PM
Originally posted by Kijuki_Magazaki
rofl, it's good enough. Though like WD said, it can be fixed, the grass for me doesn
t seem like a prob, the water however needs a feel of a lighter blue; I'll if I can modify it if I am allowed.

You can modify if here is the chipset.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 22, 2005, 01:30:51 AM
Thx! I'll edited soon.

Also, you might want to start thinking on vharavter and enemies attacks, so you'll have an image of what battle animetions to do.
Post by: Robotam on January 22, 2005, 01:33:52 AM
That's already being taken care of. We have battle animation a few pages back. XD
And I got the Fire animation today.
There will be more.
Post by: MrMister on January 22, 2005, 03:25:47 AM
Why is the main character Cloud
Post by: Robotam on January 22, 2005, 11:40:31 AM
It may look like Cloud from behind but it's not Cloud.
You can see the full charaset a few pages back.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 22, 2005, 02:49:28 PM
I'll make an item chipset since it has to be 100% custom.
Post by: Robotam on January 22, 2005, 02:52:02 PM
Very good, MooseT.
You're absolutly needed.
Post by: WarxePB on January 22, 2005, 03:36:18 PM
Yeah, I know I'm lazy, but I'll ask anyways.

What kind of help do you guys still need? What kind of graphics do you  still need done? Do you need help with programming or plot development? I can help with any of those if you need me.
Post by: Robotam on January 22, 2005, 07:05:05 PM
What kind of help do you guys still need? What kind of graphics do you still need done? Do you need help with programming or plot development? I can help with any of those if you need me.

We need help mostly with the graphics, and as I've said before they have to be 100% costum. I've seen some of your resources, I'm not sure if they're 100% costum made but they're very impressive.
If you can make 100% costum, you are very needed for the team.
We need charaset, chipset, panorams and so on...
If you want to help with the programming stuff that's okay as well, sure you can be a programmer.
The plot is being taken care of by Osmose, there shouldn't be a problem for him.
Tell me what you can do and I'll see what job I can give you. :)
Post by: Osmose on January 22, 2005, 07:25:46 PM

Learn how to speel, damnit!
Post by: WarxePB on January 22, 2005, 07:28:06 PM
I've seen some of your resources, I'm not sure if they're 100% costum made but they're very impressive.

Heh, with the exception of some weapon edits and BChars, everything I do is custom. And I'm aware that most of the stuff needs to be custom, so don't worry about me ripping off someone else's work as my own.

Yeah. My strong point is weapons, though we can't use those in RM2K. I can do charsets decently, I guess, but I'll have to rework my style so it matches what you guys have so far. I guess I can try Battle Anims and Chipsets, though I've never done those. And I don't do BGs and Titles/GameOvers.

As for programming, I'm as good as they come. I can do almost anything in the RM2K3 engine. RM2K is a bit more limited, but that's not a problem.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on January 22, 2005, 08:48:14 PM
Originally posted by Osmose

Learn how to speel[/I], damnit!

lol moose that was spamous, please dun do it again =P
And lol dunno if you meant it, but you did spell something wrong.
Post by: Osmose on January 22, 2005, 09:00:25 PM
That was the point :P

And title/gameover is gonna be done by me. I've already got the title text fully designed, And hopefully you'll see it soon.
Post by: blaman on January 22, 2005, 10:03:00 PM
Is anyone doing the system graphics? If so...
What kind of system do you need? I'll make one tonight and post it tomorow.
Post by: Red Fox on January 22, 2005, 10:38:08 PM
Red Fox who made a couple of gameovers and title screens

But maybe it's better that you do it becouse you made the story so you probly now how it should look like
Post by: Robotam on January 23, 2005, 04:36:32 PM
Damn you, Os! _veryangry_
Speak carefully to me at this place, I have the powes here and with them I can curse you.
But I better wait until you've done with your job.

That is very good, blaman.
We really need a system and it has to be 100% "custom" as you hopefully know well. good luck and I'll look forward to see it.

What we mostly need is Chipsets and Charasets, do you think you can do that job?
If any questions, send me PM.
Post by: Osmose on January 23, 2005, 05:25:30 PM
Well, if he has a title already done he can do it. I was just saying that I already had a logo made for something else, and if he wants to make it I can change mine. Dude, calm down. O_o
Post by: Robotam on January 23, 2005, 05:32:32 PM
Good, Osmose.
We will use RedFox's title and gameover screen, but that logo can still be used as a good picture.
A good one.
Post by: Robotam on January 26, 2005, 04:52:34 AM
A small update, but we now have 5 chipset makers.
They are:

Me, Robotam
Warxe (if says yes)

We need midis and panoramas mostly now, anyone? ...maybe you?
That's all for now, watch for more updates.

And BTW, if you haven't already seen Osmose's charas magazine go and do it, you can see a little interwiew about Community Contest there.
Post by: Mr. X : Syndicate Leader on January 28, 2005, 12:13:30 AM
Sorry that I haven't said much here. Ummm ok
I have some faces for the game here. I'm having trouble with the tree one, sorry.
Of course, these are just prototypes, If you like them, then you can use em.
If you want me to smothen them too, I'll be glad to do so.^_^
(They are set in Black and White so they can be colored easily)

Hope these can help and sorry for the delay.

You wanted a king right Osmose?
Post by: Osmose on January 28, 2005, 01:03:06 AM
Yup. Great job.
Post by: Robotam on January 28, 2005, 04:57:56 AM
Very good, Mr.X.
A question, when you're finished with them, will you make them as a real faceset that can be used (imported) or will someone else do that job?
In any case, you're doing great job and please keep it up. :)
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 28, 2005, 09:41:50 AM
This isn't very good, but I'll give it to you anyway...
(If you remember I offered to make this a few pages ago)

You could certainly use the save point, anyway.
Post by: Osmose on January 28, 2005, 11:24:03 AM
Actually, the save points are going to be a little hobbit man named Og. Nice items, though.
Post by: Robotam on January 28, 2005, 11:36:49 AM
We will surely use some of those items.
Very good MooseT.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 28, 2005, 08:06:22 PM
Oh yeah... I forgot about Og. Healing point, then. The pots aren't very good, but It's my first time drawing stuff like that.
Post by: Tomi on January 29, 2005, 08:44:40 PM
Mora.  Is this ok?
Post by: Robotam on January 29, 2005, 08:58:10 PM
She's looking great Tomi, exellent job.
Post by: Osmose on January 29, 2005, 09:32:38 PM
The orange does not mix with the light purple very welll.... try a white border and a darker purple on the inside instead.
Post by: Tomi on January 30, 2005, 06:53:52 PM
How's this?
Post by: Osmose on January 30, 2005, 07:15:15 PM
Not to be super picky, but this is really how I wanted her, kinda:
Post by: Tomi on January 30, 2005, 07:39:49 PM
Ok, I'll do the charaset like that.
Post by: Robotam on January 30, 2005, 07:47:14 PM
Not to be super picky, but this is really how I wanted her, kinda:

Über picky. :p
Post by: Moosetroop11 on January 31, 2005, 04:32:54 PM
Fine, I guess I'm in charge of what they look like *sigh*...

You've changed your tone!
Post by: Robotam on February 04, 2005, 01:29:45 PM
Okay, people.
The time is running out, it's less than 2 moths left.
I'd like to see some work here, so please post the resources you've made for CC, if I haven't already seen them that is.
My plan is to start making the game two weeks before the deadline is over, that's why we need most of the resources done until March. So I'd like the CC team to work our A$$ off now in February month. I know, I will.
So let us try to work as much as we can this month.

Right now we have a little problem.
Viper_Snake was going to make a village chipset for us, but as expected someone's computer had to go nuts. This means Viper_Snake's village chipset doesn't exist anymore and I don't think he wants to start over again, sadly.
The village chipset is a very important chipset to us.
Probably one of the most important ones actaully, no villages, no game.
That is why we need a new chipset maker.
If you know or think you can do it please try to help us.
And if you would know any charas user who maybe can make a "custom made chipset" in a month, please tell him about our situation. If you know anyone who can make any "custom made resources" please tell him about this, just like I said with the chipsets.
We need all the help we can get right now.
I've said it before and I'm saying it again...
Must be 100% custom made resources!

Good luck to us, from me.
Post by: Tomi on February 04, 2005, 10:54:09 PM
Sorry, but I cant work on the charasets until next weekend.  I have like 4 projects due next week, and right now I have no time for making them.  I'll post them as soon as I get done.  

P.S.  Wow Robotam, you spelt custom right!!! lol  :D
Post by: Robotam on February 05, 2005, 07:53:57 AM
It's alright, Tomi.
P.S. Wow Robotam, you spelt custom right!!! lol :D

Normaly I would kill you but I'm too tired to move right now. XD

By the way, I made a screenshot with woundedgaot's chipset, it's not 100% complete yet though. (the chipset)
Enjoy the second screenshot of Faded Reality.
Post by: Osmose on February 05, 2005, 03:14:46 PM
WG's definately got some skill going on there.

And the story.... yeah, I'll get to it.
Post by: White Dwarf on February 05, 2005, 03:43:36 PM
nice screene, i like it
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 05, 2005, 05:02:53 PM
I'll try making a town chipset BUT don't expect anything brilliant, It'll be a bit like my charset. I'll try and make it fit in with WG's Chipset.

Edit: Uh-oh I tried but already it sucks beyond all reason so I'll give up on that. Sorry.
Post by: Tomi on February 08, 2005, 02:30:55 AM
Yippee Horray! :D  I found some time to take a break from my school projects, and took some time to do the side views of Mora.  Like them?
Post by: Tomi on February 11, 2005, 05:27:21 PM
Okey, all done with Mora.
Post by: Robotam on February 11, 2005, 09:14:35 PM
Good work, Tomi.
Please keep it up.
Post by: Robotam on February 12, 2005, 10:42:28 AM
Okay, team.
Right now, there isn't much time left.
That's why I've planned to start on the game as fast as I can, but there's some things I need first.
A village chipset, I need Tark and his Mother's charset and some village people charaset.
Tomi, can you make Tark and his mother's charset?
We also need other charset makers, Tomi can't make them all.

Also we will start with IRC meeetings soon, so that I can know that you guys are actually working on the project.

There is one more thing that we really need right now, midis.
We need midi makers.
Isn't there anyone out there?
Right now we need everyone to work to be able to make a game in time.

More updates will come.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 12, 2005, 02:11:05 PM
Where's Drenin? D'you think he'd help with MIDIs?
Post by: RPG LORD on February 12, 2005, 02:32:38 PM
I can try MIDIs, but I spend most of the week at school and that might make the stuff longer to finish.
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 14, 2005, 12:01:04 AM
I'm here to help with midis. I'll be closing my midi request section for a few of my own reasons. That means I'll be able to lend you guys some help.

Just tell me what you need.
Post by: Robotam on February 14, 2005, 05:08:41 AM
Thanks, you two.
Since we havn't got any midi yet, we actually need every kind of midi.

Here's a little list to start with:
3 different village midi's
2 different battle midi's
Og's theme, I want that one to sound a little party-ish.
2 different dungeon midi's
An evil midi, a little chaos like.

We need more but that's a start.

Btw, I have found someone who is able make us a village chipset and a forest chipset, he's also going to make a few town people.
This is great news. :)

And so the work continues, damn I have to finish my own chipset as well.
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 16, 2005, 12:40:56 AM
ok, just a question, what type of midis? all orchestrated, rock like, pop-like, symphony, free style... hm? just so i can get a feel of what the midis should sound like.
Post by: Robotam on February 16, 2005, 05:28:34 AM
It doesn't mather, drenin.
Just make the battle themes sound like real battle themes, it's the same thing with the village's and every other.
It's all your decision.
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 17, 2005, 11:19:29 PM
got it! ;)
Post by: Neonlare on February 18, 2005, 07:07:13 PM
Mmm, can I join the Team? I'm good with making Puzzles, and I could give graphic making a shot. (I'm an editor)
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 18, 2005, 08:16:48 PM
I'm still helping, but I don't know what to do. Gimme a job (Preferably charset) and I'll see what I can do...
Post by: Robotam on February 19, 2005, 10:13:48 AM
Sure, you can join, Neonlare. Can you make custom resources? No edits.

MooseT, Do you think you could make some towns people?
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 19, 2005, 04:11:24 PM
Hey, Robotam, I'm a Character Creator, so I could help out a bit, if you ever need anything with charsets, let me know. ;)

I can do paranorma's, but just not at the moment, I can update you when I can.

And plus you say pictures, I'm not absolutely sure what you need in pictures that will be in my skill, but if you can provide me with an example, I'll tell you if I can or not.
Post by: Robotam on February 19, 2005, 04:27:28 PM
That's very good, wildguy. I don't know what I need right now.
But I will tell you by PM when I know.
Thanks. :)
Post by: Neonlare on February 19, 2005, 08:46:44 PM
Mmmm, well I can make Certain graphics, but there like Map Items, but as I said, I'll give Bodies a shot...
Title: Horrid Bass
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 20, 2005, 12:02:30 AM
here's an evil midi for you. Will this work?
Title: Boss
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 20, 2005, 12:25:05 AM
And here's the boss song, I'm working on a regular battle theme, then I'll do village.
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on February 20, 2005, 03:58:59 AM
Not bad, not bad at all!

Keep the good work up!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 20, 2005, 05:24:52 AM
here's a better version fo the boss song. I figured, a boss song has got to be powerful, and the old one lacked bass and other things. So i've improve it, not changing much notewise, but sound, bass, and volume-wise, i have.

and I named it!
Post by: Robotam on February 20, 2005, 06:35:51 AM
They're exellent, drenin!
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 21, 2005, 12:46:47 AM
I was in them mood for something jazzy, so here's Og theme, do you think It'll work?
Post by: Robotam on February 21, 2005, 07:09:01 AM
Very good!
It works perfectly for Og.
Post by: White Dwarf on February 21, 2005, 09:21:17 AM
well done, I love the midis!!!!
Post by: Red Fox on February 21, 2005, 11:42:58 AM
I have made the title screen little better.
Post by: Robotam on February 21, 2005, 12:39:09 PM
That's exellent, Foxie!
Post by: Red Fox on February 21, 2005, 12:41:13 PM
Originally posted by Robotam
That's exellent, Foxie!

Don't call me that..
Post by: Red Fox on February 21, 2005, 03:23:40 PM
I tried to make a monster.
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 21, 2005, 04:41:30 PM
What is that?

- Robotam, if you ever need any kind of monsters, ripped or custom, just let me know.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 21, 2005, 04:58:22 PM
My first completely custom person... Is it okay? If it is I'll do a whole charset of 'em.
Post by: Robotam on February 21, 2005, 07:10:15 PM
Lol, that's awesome MooseT.

Btw wildguy, can you make custom monsters as well!?
Then, hell yes we need you! :bend:

One more and monsters won't probably be a problem to us anymore.
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 21, 2005, 07:12:02 PM
Robotam, I am the leader of the Monster Makers, lol. Of course I can make custom monsters! Sorry I didn't put that in my application. But, can you give examples of what you need, like what monsters, and I can get an idea from there.
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 21, 2005, 07:49:19 PM
Here's a green monster smiley, if it's not good enough for you, I'll try again.
Post by: Robotam on February 21, 2005, 07:55:01 PM
That's so cool, wildguy. XD
Even though it's not really a monster I can still see a bit of your talent. ^_^
You're in.
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 21, 2005, 09:11:37 PM
Is this good enough for a slime, Robotam?
Post by: Robotam on February 22, 2005, 04:51:58 AM
Add some yellow eyes and it will look very good. ^_^
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 22, 2005, 10:43:00 PM
All right, good idea! And plus I'm going to fix a few more things on it. =_=
Post by: Xen on February 23, 2005, 08:10:39 PM
Is it too late to help out with Monster resources? 'Cause I have a little free time on my hands, and I want to help.
Post by: Robotam on February 23, 2005, 09:02:48 PM
As I already said, Of course you can help!
Another good monster maker is not bad at all. ;)
Post by: White Dwarf on February 23, 2005, 09:06:06 PM
all seems to be going well here then...i only wish i could help.....*sigh*
Post by: drenrin2120 on February 23, 2005, 11:12:30 PM
Just to let you know. I'll be taking a slight break from midi making, rm2k/3 and anything like this for a few days or so. To tell the truth, after you do so much you kinda get a little sick of it.
*Outside life calls...*

So I won't be producing midis for the time being, but I'm not quitting
Post by: CoolZidane on February 24, 2005, 12:01:51 AM
Here is an MIDI I'd like to submit, but is it alright if I use it in my own game as well. I made this myself.
Post by: InsaneJP on February 24, 2005, 12:19:05 AM
I was just guys are all pitching in to make like one big game? if i could help in anyway let me know cuz i can make charsets battle character sets and battle animations with sprite battle characters so if i can help i will share my talents :p
Post by: Xen on February 24, 2005, 03:32:12 PM
Originally posted by Robotam
As I already said, Of course you can help!
Another good monster maker is not bad at all. ;)

Yeah, I already asked you over MSN after asking here...

Well, here's something I'm working on at the moment, it's only a draft, and I'll resize it to a size compatable with rm2k when finished:

Post by: drenrin2120 on February 24, 2005, 03:38:10 PM
not bad, I'd say with some shading and toning(and defining the head!) It'll look like a good boss.... thingy. haha. Nice job, Xen! :D

BTW: Nice MIDI Cool Zidane! Creative
Post by: Robotam on February 24, 2005, 05:08:52 PM
Very good, Xen.
And yeah, I understand you drenin, you've done a really great job anyway. ;)
And Insane, Charset would be good. ^_^
Btw, I guess we could use that midi CZ, good job on it.
Post by: InsaneJP on February 24, 2005, 08:20:24 PM
so any charset i can make? just a random person?
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 25, 2005, 06:06:21 PM
Hey hey! Finished two kids for the game! Like 'em?
Post by: Robotam on February 26, 2005, 10:30:24 AM
Okay, charas. Now it's time for Robotam's speak of truth.
Today it's almost a month left to deadline. And by the all resources we have now, there is absolutly no way we can make a game out of it. We still need a lot of chipsets and such. But we're all doing an exellent job, atleast that's what I think.
Of course, I always fight until the end of it, and there's absolutly no possibilaty that I am going to give up. But what if we can't make a decent game by this small amount of time. It would be very sad to see such a good job we've done just go to waste. I say, if we doesn't make it in time we still continue on the game. This is a very big contest but I can tell that other communities are dealing with the same problems right now. This game can be the official custom charas game. We could call it the Community game instead of the community contest game. ;)
Seing all these good and custom resources just go to waste wouldn't be fun, would it?
Being a big part of the contest between all these communites isn't gonna make charas more famous. In the end charas will always be charas. And I think charas is perfect as it is, don't you?

I'd really like to hear what you think of this, Alex.
We're absolutly not giving up, I'm just saying we continue this game even if we fail.
Of course, I'd like to hear everyone's oppinions on this.

I'd like to se some of your custom made charaset first. So I can see what your capable of. ;)

MooseT: Very good ones! ^_^
Post by: White Dwarf on February 26, 2005, 10:35:07 AM

i think that you have all worked to hard for it to go to wast, but if everyone works HARDER we might finish for the contest, and have a good chance of winning
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 26, 2005, 06:38:27 PM
Here you go, Robotam, sorry it took so long.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 26, 2005, 06:41:07 PM
Win or lose we continue the game... But as long as we're all here, we might as well win!!!

Being the kind and generous person I am, I'll continue that Kids charset and make the rest of the villagers.
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 26, 2005, 06:53:55 PM
Win or lose we continue the game... But as long as we're all here, we might as well win!!!

Agreed, Robotam :)
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 26, 2005, 06:59:04 PM
Agreed, Robotam  

Ermm... I said it not Robotam. I was quoting Wakka anyways.
Post by: wildguy3922 on February 26, 2005, 07:11:39 PM
I know, I was directing it towards Robotam. Like:

Agreed (I agree with Moose), Robotam.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on February 26, 2005, 07:23:59 PM
Oh. Fair enough. Anyway, What types of villagers do you need? Just humans, or Dwarves, Elves... Tell me and I'll try
Post by: InsaneJP on February 26, 2005, 07:48:41 PM
Hows this for a character? i made him from a naked guy...hope you can use it!.....I call him Vance!
Post by: Robotam on February 26, 2005, 07:59:03 PM
InsaneJP, you're in! ^_^
And that monster looks great, wildguy.
Could you make a Goblin this time? A red goblin.

Btw, thank you all.
Post by: InsaneJP on February 26, 2005, 08:17:33 PM
ok ill get to making more characters!!
Post by: blaman on February 26, 2005, 10:09:47 PM
I am very sorry, but I won't be able to get the system to the team any time soon. When is the game due? If it's later on in the summer, maybey. Oh, BTW, did you need a system 2 as well?
Post by: Tomi on February 27, 2005, 11:16:45 PM
Ok, so we're out of the contest?  Because then later on (Probably on spring break) I can detail all of the characters i made better, and I can also finish other stuff, and maybe try my hand at a chipset.
Post by: Spike21 on March 01, 2005, 02:28:02 PM
i could make poses for the charas
Post by: Spike21 on March 01, 2005, 02:46:30 PM
how about this monster?
Post by: Robotam on March 01, 2005, 04:21:54 PM
I am very sorry, but I won't be able to get the system to the team any time soon.

Don't worry, blaman. Of course I respect that you have your own stuff to do.

Ok, so we're out of the contest? Because then later on (Probably on spring break) I can detail all of the characters i made better, and I can also finish other stuff, and maybe try my hand at a chipset.

I thought you would all understand, please try to read everything I say next time.
We're far from out of the contest, I'm just saying we continue the game even if we fail. We won't give up just like that.
And well, yes. That sounds very good.

And btw, that's great, Spike.
Do you want to join the CC monster maker team?

And, I'm sorry for all my late replies. -_-
Post by: Spike21 on March 01, 2005, 04:50:10 PM
ya but i can only make certain things
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 01, 2005, 06:33:00 PM

My charset won't get done as quickly as it might because of REVISION but it will get finished. And afterwards if you don't have enough I'll make another one so basically don't assign townfolk to anyone else, give them something else, cos I'm on the case.

Also, could you answer my question in my last post?
Post by: Robotam on March 01, 2005, 06:52:25 PM
Normal people, MooseT. But older.
Post by: InsaneJP on March 01, 2005, 07:04:17 PM
hey Robotam....what kind of people should i make?? like party member people and some villians?
Post by: CoolZidane on March 01, 2005, 10:14:45 PM
Here is something that could be used for the final dungeon.
Post by: Spike21 on March 01, 2005, 10:39:26 PM
jp can i make poses for Vance?
Post by: InsaneJP on March 02, 2005, 12:18:20 AM
If you want...but ill be makin poses myself also...eventually
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 02, 2005, 05:40:57 PM
Here's an update- Is it good enough?
Post by: Robotam on March 05, 2005, 11:37:42 AM
Great job, MT and CZ!

And Insane, I dunno. lol
Oh, yes. Could you make the Overlord perhaps?
Post by: InsaneJP on March 05, 2005, 04:58:21 PM
any ideas on what the overlord should look like??
Post by: Osmose on March 05, 2005, 05:12:26 PM
Back a few pages is the face I had Mr.X draw, use that head and just a long dark purple-ish cloak. The helmet should be golden.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 05, 2005, 05:30:23 PM
Post by: InsaneJP on March 05, 2005, 05:48:09 PM
LIke this???
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 05, 2005, 05:49:14 PM
Hey- It's Golbez!

Just kidding, good work. He does look like him though...
Post by: InsaneJP on March 05, 2005, 05:52:42 PM
idk who Golbez is :D  ...but if theres nothing rong with this guy ill finish him rite away
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 05, 2005, 05:54:33 PM
Well that's not my decision wait for Robotam or Osmose

(Btw, Golbez is the villain of FF4)
Post by: InsaneJP on March 05, 2005, 05:59:58 PM
o0oo ok... im done with it but ill wait for them to tell me what i shoudl change
Post by: Tomi on March 05, 2005, 08:48:34 PM
Well, I think it looks sweet.  Great Job! :bend:
Post by: InsaneJP on March 05, 2005, 08:50:47 PM
heres the whole thing anyway
Post by: Osmose on March 06, 2005, 02:17:00 AM
The seperation of the lines in his helmet should be a bit more recognizable, and he should have three lines down if possible.

Also, the cloak could be more purple, but other than that it looks great!
Post by: InsaneJP on March 06, 2005, 02:29:20 AM
the way it is you cant really do three lines evenly so i just put a lighter grey between the black lines..and do you want it lighter purple then it is? cuz you said dark :p
Post by: Osmose on March 06, 2005, 03:22:03 AM
Who says you can't widen him out a bit?

Image hosted by
Post by: InsaneJP on March 06, 2005, 03:39:25 AM
lol you got a wanted all the helmet gold??
Post by: Tomi on March 06, 2005, 04:07:15 AM
Ehh, this is Tark.  It seems as if I'm having a bad case of spriters block, because I can't get anything to look right.  If anyone wants to take over for me, that would be great, and if spriters block goes away, I'll try to help again.
Post by: Osmose on March 06, 2005, 04:38:54 AM
Originally posted by InsaneJP
lol you got a wanted all the helmet gold??

It IS a gold helmet :P
Post by: InsaneJP on March 06, 2005, 04:47:48 AM
lol good point.....and tomi i might be able to help a little
Post by: Bobb on March 12, 2005, 04:08:18 PM
did you guys like stop working on this because it's been a week since someone last posted here? :jumpin:
Post by: Kinslayer on March 13, 2005, 03:57:49 PM
I'm not good at drowing, but you can ask me anything about a storyline. If you have any difficulties with a storyline, let me know, I could advise you a little bit.

Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 13, 2005, 09:08:05 PM
If you need more charsets, I'm free.
Post by: RPG LORD on March 30, 2005, 12:32:56 PM
Ah crap, did I desert this for so long??!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 30, 2005, 01:31:31 PM
I think today was the deadline... What was Robotam doing?
Post by: RPG LORD on March 30, 2005, 03:31:48 PM
Post by: Robotam on March 30, 2005, 04:57:08 PM
I'm so sorry, guys.
I just got home from the hospital, happened alittle accident today.
Anyway, I guess there isn't much to say... We failed I guess.
But I still think we've done a great job, everyone in the team. And if there would be anyone to blame it's probably me, because I wasn't the best leader in the end. -_-
But thank you all who hepled out... You've all done a great job.

So who say we continue the game even if we have failed?
Post by: Kijuki_Magazaki on March 30, 2005, 06:58:24 PM

You are not done cause you lose. You are done til you quit.
Post by: Tomi on March 31, 2005, 01:03:25 AM
Heres a quick idea for Og, our beloved hobbit friend, and....

Whoa, the deadline is here already?  Oh well, we can still make the game, and it can still be sweet.

Robotam:  What were you in the hospital for?
Post by: Robotam on March 31, 2005, 07:32:38 AM
So I guess we continue then. ;)
Og looks pretty good.
I dunno how Osmose want him to look but I say that'll do.

Robotam: What were you in the hospital for?

Post by: Moosetroop11 on March 31, 2005, 11:05:08 AM
Well, tell me what you need
Post by: Osmose on March 31, 2005, 11:16:27 AM
Hehe, Og looks short. Good job.
Post by: Tomi on March 31, 2005, 03:35:52 PM
Thanks.  I assumed he should be short, being a hobbit and all.  Once I finish his walking animation, I'll try to make a pose where he takes out his book and writes in it to save your game.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on April 01, 2005, 01:15:32 PM
I'll recolour my townpeople, to make some variety. Okay?
Post by: Osmose on April 06, 2005, 09:23:51 AM
So last time we checked Jefferson, Mora, Ignar, and Ordoth were all heading towards Krok, the final town before the Overlord's castle. It's your ordinary town before final dungeon, with people speaking of how the Overlord terrorizes them with monsters from time to time, but funds them as well, in order to get their crops and supplies.

The mountain on which The Overlord resides is a cliche dungeon level, with rocky crags and dark monsters and such. At the entrance to the castle, Vidnir warps in and attacks our party for the last time, finally dying after he is defeated. But, as he dies, he takes all their skills and equipment away from our heros, leaving them only with physical attacks. They then have to traverse the lower levels of the castle to refind their items, weapons, armor, magic, techniques, and gold. Also, as a little sidequest, in order to save, you need to find Og's Journal, also taken by Vidnir but not noticed.

Anyway, as our heros approach the second or third floor, they notice a change in the setting. The castle has gone from dark, moldy, and scary to bright and crystallized. Ordoth suggests that the castle was built over a crystal formation that formed over an old castle.

On the next floor (Well, some floor above them, there can be a few in between for dungeon purposes) they start to notice some more radical changes. The inside of the castle is all green, with transistors and circuts and electricity running across the walls. They also notice some NPCs lying around, saying different things such as "TEST" or "NPC #83: Townsfolk". Lastly, they find a wierd item that plays several different clips of music heard before in the game - it's a sound test item!

During all this, there may be a few guardian bosses and such.

As our heros near the top the random battles stop. They pass through the lab of the Overlord and see lots of different testing scripts on screens on the wall. Suddenly, right before the very pinaccle of the castle, they find the Overlord.

Jefferson: "Overlord! We've come to destroy you!"

Overlord: "Ah, my little friends. You have made it. Well done. Your player must be very skilled."

Jefferson: "Player?!"

Ordoth: "Don't worry about that, Jefferson, we need to kill him now before his plans are complete!"

Overlord: "Don't change the subject, traitor! You too are controlled by him! Don't be manipulated!"

Jefferson looks at Ordoth, then at the Overlord, and walks over to a screen on the wall.

Jefferson: "Player.... of a game?"

Overlord: "Yes! You're starting to see. Don't you get it? We are not real, merely pawns to entertain a supposedly 'higher being'."

Jefferson: "Being controlled.... yes....."

Ordoth: "Don't listen to him, Jefferson! He is mad!"

Jefferson: "No.... I've felt it before. The presance of someone else in my head, telling me what to do. Though I only just barely realized it, I can agree that there has been someone else controlling my actions."

Overlord: "Exactly! Do not let him control you! Join me and we will deny him his satisfaction."

Ordoth: "You fool! He is using some sort of mind control!"

Overlord: "Don't you speak! Let the child see the truth!"

Jefferson simply stares at the screen. Mora walks up beside him.

Mora: "I've felt it too."

Jefferson turns towards Mora. Ignar walks up beside the both of them.

Ignar: "Aye. I know what you mean."

Ordoth simply stares at them all.

Overlord:  "Yes! We must break free of our bonds. Help me free the world!"

Jefferson walks towards the Overlord as he talks.

Jefferson: "We understand that there may be something controlling us, but we will NOT help you take over the world. Your evils are not justified by your reasons. We WILL punish you for all that you have done!"

*insert big final battle*

After the Overlord dies, Ordoth walks up to the door the Overlord guarded. The others, tired from the battle, decide to head back to the town, but Ordoth stays to investigate.

Peace returns to the land. A bunch of filler here for how great things are again. Insert some excuse to go visit Ordoth, who has moved into the Overlord's castle. Jefferson and Mora make the trip from Jefferson's hometown.

They arrive at the top floor to find Ordoth speaking of unexistance and Faded Realities. Mora and Jefferson, after finishing a very strange conversation with him, attempt to go into the back room that the Overlord had guarded, but Ordoth stops them and attacks them.

They defeat Ordoth and move on, into a developer's room. Here they talk to NPCs of the game developers who explain that, yes, they are in a game, and offer them a way out. Before they leave, however, they visit a dev drone that allows the old Ordoth and Ignar to rejoin the party and go with them.

They leave the game and traverse the desktop. Among the many icons and their corresponding minworlds is "The Adventures of Daren", where they find Jefferson's father, the ex-mayor of Odel, a tree-man(the great tree before he rooted himself), and Vidnir as a human. The two parties battle at first, thinking eachother enemies. After the battle, however, they talk and realise who they are. Jefferosn offers to bring his father to see his mother, but Daren declines and says that his place is here. He urges Jefferson to find a way out of this computer world.

Eventually, through the desktop world, the heros come to a giant Mouse, which attacks them. Though huge, it is a weak monster and is easily defeated. After they defeat it, however, the true final boss appears: CTRL ALT DEL!!!!!

Final battle, yadda yadda yadda, Jefferson and friends find an open outlet to the Internet and free themselves from their bonds, and become viruses devoted to destroying the false realities that bind other game characters.

That's the very shortened conclusion. Comments?
Post by: Robotam on April 06, 2005, 05:28:45 PM
Sorry for the late reply MooseT, but there is no need to re-colour them.
And I'm afraid that right now I have no job for you.
Or perhaps you could make some animals? Birds and such?

And very amazing Osmose.  :]]
Post by: Moosetroop11 on April 06, 2005, 06:22:54 PM
Whoops, did it already. Oh well. Hope you can find use for them. I also changed them a bit.
Post by: Robotam on April 06, 2005, 06:26:21 PM
They look great, MooseT.
Post by: Osmose on April 06, 2005, 11:29:19 PM
Not to insult, but why are all those people stick thin and awkwardly shaped?
Post by: Moosetroop11 on April 07, 2005, 09:22:45 AM
Because they're my first custom people. I wouldn't have offered to help but you looked like you needed all the help you could get...
Post by: Tomi on April 08, 2005, 01:02:46 AM
Here, here's something that might help you.  Just draw clothes and hair stuff on it.  This is what I usually do. :D
Post by: Tomi on April 08, 2005, 01:05:21 AM
Or you can use this for kids (custom by me  :D )
Post by: Osmose on April 11, 2005, 10:33:39 AM
*poke* So where's all that stuff people were supposed to do? Huh?
Title: I'm here and ready
Post by: Chrono_Ky on May 18, 2005, 08:12:22 PM
Remember me?  I am back for a while and I'm willing to put my skills to any good use to you.  Say the word and I'm up to it.

                                                             - Chrono Ky -
Post by: Red Fox on May 31, 2005, 02:48:58 PM
Made a monster...
Post by: Moosetroop11 on May 31, 2005, 03:03:56 PM
*Waves hand in front of Robotam's face*
Hello? Anyone in there?
Post by: Robotam on May 31, 2005, 04:14:15 PM
Yeah, Moose T. It's not like I've forgot about this or something. I'm just taking a little break from it to be able to finish LoL's new demo. That's all.
Great job on the monster btw Redfox.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on May 31, 2005, 04:15:10 PM
Okay, sorry :D
Post by: Red Fox on June 01, 2005, 01:57:08 PM
Made another monster ...... (it's a flower)
Post by: Robotam on July 03, 2005, 11:00:18 AM
 An announcement from the leader

I was going to make this a surprise, but I figured it would be better of telling you about it now. On the 5th December this year I will release a small demo of this game, but it will not be based on Osmose's plot but my own. Straight after that I will make you guys decide if we should keep Osmose's storyline or if we should continue on making mine. And when that's the decided we're gonna start working our souls apart on this project and then try to finish it some time in the later part of the year 2006.
Good chances also says that the demo may be out earlier than the 5th December, probably some time in November.
I will contact most of the CC-crew in September telling you in detail what's going to happened and how the demo's going to look, and some of you may have to prepare for making some graphics too.
I thought it would be better of telling you now so that there's no chance that you'd be thinking that I don't care about the CC team anymore, but I do. ^_^

That's all for now..  Robotam out!
Post by: White Dwarf on July 03, 2005, 11:11:14 AM
Post by: Drace on July 03, 2005, 12:13:01 PM
w00t w00t! Party!
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 03, 2005, 05:11:02 PM

Post by: RoseAce on July 04, 2005, 07:37:01 PM
Well, I can do some pictures and title& ending, Im horable at coloring, but someone else could do that, My calling is black and white, and that is what I do.Heres just a sample at the bottom, that was a quick-sketch, so if you want something very detaile dIll do it but you'll have to give me about 2 hours!

So thanks...
Post by: Drace on July 04, 2005, 08:15:53 PM
Is it me or does she have big bo..... I'll shut up now.
Post by: RoseAce on July 04, 2005, 09:18:59 PM
Lol, sorry the pictures so big also.
Post by: Robotam on July 08, 2005, 08:44:56 AM
Alright, RoseAce. When we're in need of a title or game over screen I will contact you through PM.
Post by: PikaTira on July 17, 2005, 06:36:44 AM
Even tho I'm a beginner I can make

Here an example:
Post by: Robotam on July 17, 2005, 02:05:22 PM
You're in, Pika. I will contact you when charaset is needed.
Post by: PikaTira on July 18, 2005, 02:16:45 AM
I hope you don't mind but I started working on Ordoth. Tell me if you hate it.
Post by: PikaTira on July 23, 2005, 09:13:38 AM
Sorry for double but I finish Ordoth. Tell if you like it or not.
Post by: Osmose on July 23, 2005, 11:08:23 AM
Make his coat a bit longer (and less squarish for that matter) and it'd be perfect.
Post by: Robotam on July 23, 2005, 11:13:26 AM
Oh, I never noticed..
I'll let Osmose do the Judge but I think it's perfect.
Post by: PikaTira on July 24, 2005, 11:50:48 PM
Okay. I hope I did this right. (Warning I'm still a beginner at this)
Post by: Osmose on July 25, 2005, 02:22:20 AM
Works for me.
Post by: Tomi on July 25, 2005, 02:32:21 AM
Good job Pika.
Post by: PikaTira on July 25, 2005, 03:18:18 AM
Really!!! Thanks! ^-^

Okay. Who should I do next?
Post by: Osmose on July 24, 2006, 04:02:58 AM
It was one year ago today that the community contest died. One year ago a single person asked "What can I do to help?" No one answered her. For the people had given up on their dream. They had decided that it wasn't worth the effort, it wasn't worth the long nights spriting and composing and coding, it wasn't worth holding on to just to get it done.

If we, a large community devoted to making games, cannot do what one person can do with a little bit of effort, how can we hope to stay together?

I am sad this day. I am sad that we copped out. I am sad that I didn't do more to keep this boat afloat. Are we really that weak? Can we not come together and finish what we started? Or are we not even good enough to do that?

It was one year ago today that the community contest died.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 24, 2006, 06:50:59 AM
Aye, I guess we were all a little lazy. :(

I did try, but as you pointed out at the time Osmose, my spriting skills left much to be desired >.>
Post by: Osmose on July 24, 2006, 02:20:28 PM
I'm sure if you worked off the RTP base they'd be great. :P
Post by: Tomi on July 24, 2006, 02:31:01 PM
I just looked throught this thread the other day, wondering the same thing.  I still wanted to work on it, we had awesome ideas and talent, but not everyone was devoted.  I'm still willing to keep the former job and sprite, maybe even try a chipset, but we need some leadership back *pokes Robotam*.  What do you all say about starting it back up where we left off?
Post by: Robotam on July 24, 2006, 04:10:05 PM
We could. But then again I'm already devoted to two other big projects. And last time it didn't go too well having me as the man in charge.

I was talking to Arcanagirl about this a couple of months ago, she said she wanted to revive the community game to its old shape. But if that still applies, I don't know. You could always ask for her to become the new leader.

If anyone feels like taking the leader position, talk to me and I'll give you all the old material I got.
Post by: Osmose on July 24, 2006, 04:59:58 PM
Whoever becomes the new leader, I'd be glad to work with to work on the more important story dialog - the old stuff could use some work, but I promise it'll be better. :P
Post by: MrMister on July 24, 2006, 05:16:44 PM
I would like a lot to work on a community game. The community contest was a bad idea, but the game was a good one. Anyways, as far as being the 'leader' goes, I don't know what that entails but I could give it a try.

EDIX: I'd rather start a new community game, to be honest.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 24, 2006, 05:19:13 PM
If we are working on it again, I'll take up my old job of making townpeople charsets. I'm quite a bit better than before and I'll actually use the template :D
Post by: Tomi on July 24, 2006, 05:25:16 PM
Originally posted by Moosetroop11
If we are working on it again, I'll take up my old job of making townpeople charsets. I'm quite a bit better than before and I'll actually use the template :D

Thank you. :p

And Mr. Mr., I think we had a good game going before, and Moose put a lot of good stuff into the story, so I think we should keep the old one.
Post by: MrMister on July 24, 2006, 05:30:45 PM
Fair enough. Wait, by Moose you mean the real moose, not this shitpacker moosetroop, right?
Post by: WarxePB on July 24, 2006, 05:39:08 PM
Originally posted by Osmose
It was one year ago today that the community contest died.

It was one year and a few days ago that we all died.

There's no point in trying to revive this. It'll just go unanswered, until someone does what Moose did yesterday. And such begins a cycle of reviving and dying. It'll never work.
Post by: Cosmos on July 24, 2006, 05:41:18 PM
With attitudes like that, of course it wont.
Post by: SaiKar on July 24, 2006, 05:41:50 PM
It was one year ago that your face died.  :dry:
Post by: Cosmos on July 24, 2006, 05:42:53 PM
Originally posted by SaiKar
It was one year ago that your face died.  :dry:

Post by: Tomi on July 24, 2006, 05:43:27 PM
Originally posted by SaiKar
It was one year ago that your face died.  :dry:


And by Moose, I mean Osmose.
Post by: coreystranick on July 24, 2006, 05:45:02 PM
I wouldn't mind helping with this game, If I ever complete my tall charas template we could use that.

Edit:I actually did complete one of three version that I wanted to do for it. I have a thread in the Gallery named My First Scratch Charasets, something along that line, if you wish me to I can post it here.
Post by: MrMister on July 24, 2006, 05:55:43 PM
Warxe is such a bummer.. ever since.. the accident..
Warxe, it's been 54 years since we crashed into that orphanage of ghost transformers! We were kids, everyone was injecting and swimming!
Post by: Osmose on July 24, 2006, 07:56:04 PM
Yes, if you look on the old pages in this thread you can see the story I wrote. :P

It'd be a lot easier to work with what we have rather than start anew.

And Warxe, you're right. We'll never finish... if we don't try.

EDIT: The role of the leader mainly is to be the one putting all the work of everyone else together. They'll be the one coding the scenes and stuff that I write, since I'm aparently the head writer now. They also have to organize the help, although really that's a group effort in this case.
Post by: Arcanagirl on July 25, 2006, 01:20:53 AM
It be nice to see the community working on a project together again, been so long.   :flower: I am sure if everyone truely desires to make something grand together, this can work out.

Post by: Osmose on July 25, 2006, 06:55:35 PM
So who's going to step up and be leader?
Post by: Arcanagirl on July 25, 2006, 09:19:29 PM
I decline, cause I do not make a good leader.

So can someone else kindly step up and lead this project!?
Post by: Osmose on July 25, 2006, 10:08:45 PM
...right. You go do that.

I'm talking about finishing THIS game. Not starting a new one. You can certainly do your own thing and start a new thread for it - by all means do so. But I was aiming to finish what we started, not try again. We've already seen how well it worked out starting anew before.
Post by: MrMister on July 25, 2006, 10:14:28 PM
This is an RPG community, Robotam. You are gay in the butt for posting that.
I'm gonna make my OWN community game! WHO'S WITH ME!?!? YARR!!
Post by: Robotam on July 25, 2006, 10:16:05 PM
For your info all we have is a story.
I'm just trying to help here, but if you don't like it fine.
Idea canceled.
Post by: Robotam on July 25, 2006, 10:17:23 PM
Originally posted by MrMister
This is an RPG community, Robotam. You are gay in the butt for posting that.
I'm gonna make my OWN community game! WHO'S WITH ME!?!? YARR!!

It was a suggestion, you idiot.
Post by: MrMister on July 25, 2006, 10:21:25 PM
Originally posted by Robotam
Originally posted by MrMister
This is an RPG community, Robotam. You are gay in the butt for posting that.
I'm gonna make my OWN community game! WHO'S WITH ME!?!? YARR!!

It was a suggestion, you idiot.

Words hurt sometimes..


Post by: Robotam on July 25, 2006, 10:29:18 PM
I can't believe this, I'm not going to go for the idea now that Moose didn't like it. However, getting flamed at for trying to help, that's just wrong.
Post by: MrMister on July 25, 2006, 10:33:12 PM
Originally posted by Robotam
I can't believe this, I'm not going to go for the idea now that Moose didn't like it. However, getting flamed at for trying to help, that's just wrong.

Who flamed you? I never said anything bad. You ******.
Post by: Osmose on July 25, 2006, 10:35:18 PM
Originally posted by MrMister
Originally posted by Robotam
I can't believe this, I'm not going to go for the idea now that Moose didn't like it. However, getting flamed at for trying to help, that's just wrong.

Who flamed you? I never said anything bad. You ******.

Post by: Tomi on July 25, 2006, 10:42:06 PM
Come on guys, he just had a suggestion, and even volenteered to lead.  Leave him alone.
Post by: Cosmos on July 25, 2006, 10:44:16 PM
Edit: Screw it, carry on mr.mister and moose. I don't care.
Post by: SaiKar on July 25, 2006, 11:05:56 PM
I don't know what the crap you people think you're doing here, but if you cannot get along than there will be no official Charas Community Contest. Savvy?
Post by: charaman on July 25, 2006, 11:10:09 PM

bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch.

How do you expect to have a team if you can't at least be civil?
Post by: MrMister on July 25, 2006, 11:40:06 PM
Originally posted by SaiKar
I don't know what the crap you people think you're doing here, but if you cannot get along than there will be no official Charas Community Contest. Savvy?

There's no Contest to begin with. The original contest consisted of a couple pissant sites that probably don't exist anymore, and ended long ago. And an 'official' Charas game is a dumb idea.
Post by: Osmose on July 25, 2006, 11:50:10 PM
Alright, how about I redefine - there won't be a leader, I just need someone to do the maps and coding - if you don't want to code, find someone who will and share your maps with them.

That's really what I want. Leadership is something any shmuck can do, even me. I just don't want to mess with RPG Maker - it isn't my favorite program.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 26, 2006, 07:16:22 PM
I'll do the code. I'm a bit rusty, but as I recall, I was able to code a CMS in 20 minutes flat on my first try. It was a really nice one if anyone recalls my old game Area 19. Mapping, I could also do, although if Meis or Robotam wanted to do that, it would be coolio too.
Post by: Osmose on July 26, 2006, 09:03:22 PM
Fair enough. We don't really need a coder for custom stuff as much as one for story scenes and other tidbits, but it certainly won't hurt us if you want to add that kinda stuff in.

Can I just see a few sample maps of yours? If it's half-way decent we'll use you, but if there's someone better we might choose them, since you're okay with it. :P
Post by: Linkizcool on July 26, 2006, 09:14:30 PM
Lol, sure. I'm not on my comp, but once I am, I'll send you a few by PM. How many are talking about here? Samples I mean.

Edit: Back on, here are a few:

My entry to the mapping contest:

A map I made for Bart_Fatima.

Another map I made for Neb87. Simple, but the chip lacked details other than whats on there now.

Those are a few I made. If you want more, I can show you.
Post by: Osmose on July 27, 2006, 12:42:27 AM
Like two or three. PM, public, any work, although posting them publicly would make me see them faster.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 27, 2006, 03:43:43 AM
I edited them in.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 27, 2006, 09:54:12 AM
Well, I'm not sure about the first map, but you certainly aren't bad and I admire the fact you've stepped up to the plate.

By the way, are these still crap, in which case I can change them, or will they do for townspeople, in which case I'll do more?
Post by: Osmose on July 27, 2006, 10:32:15 AM
I say we stick with you - you could use a few pointers, but you've got the skill.

I'm going to split the project into pieces, but not like Robotam was going to - each section represents a part of the story that we need resources for.

The first section will be the beginning town, whose name slips my mind right now. We need a chipset, townsfolk (normal city-in-the-plains ones), and music. I want to reuse the set for Jefferson, but I'd like a set for Tark, Jefferson's mom, and the vampire. I believe we already have one for Og the Hobbit, but I don't know if I liked it that much...

-Normal Town, inside and out

-Normal Town
-Nighttime, peaceful
-Suspense, trouble, attack, something
-Vampire Battle music

-Tark (See previous description)
-Jefferson's Mom (Some unique woman)
-Townsfolk Normal

-Jefferson (Go by charaset)
-Temp Companion who introduces the battle system?

-Vampire (Should be purple-skinned, lanky and bony, wearing a dark cloak of some sort, bald)

Well now you all have specific tasks to work on, get to it! :P
Post by: Red Fox on July 27, 2006, 11:20:13 AM
I can do some charset.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 27, 2006, 06:23:16 PM
Should I wait for some chipset, or use my own?

Edit: How big should the town be?
We could also use this for a GO screen when the character breaks out of the game, if we still decide to do that:
Post by: Osmose on July 27, 2006, 06:47:32 PM
Eh, no BSOD. The program isn't supposed to crash the computer, it's supposed to take it over.

If you want to use your chipset, go ahead, although I'd like for the game to match up style-wise all the way through, or at least for the first half.
Post by: Tomi on July 27, 2006, 06:53:07 PM
So you want Og redone too?
Post by: Osmose on July 27, 2006, 08:03:08 PM
Well the first one was kinda nice, but I pictured Og as a bit more of a traveller. You know, backpack with book sticking out, walking stick, etc.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 27, 2006, 10:11:27 PM
Sure, and if you don't mind, I'll also start the CMS. I have a wicked idea that I havent seen in any RPG.

I will also do this in RM2k3 if thats ok.
Post by: Osmose on July 27, 2006, 10:29:54 PM
That's fine. Just please explain the menu system before trying to make it - I really don't want to have to tell you if it sucks after you've made it instead of suggesting a better idea before you spend all the time working on it.

Consider this thread to be as private as planning is going to get - trying to surprise me or anyone else with your own little spin is only going to lead to headaches.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 28, 2006, 02:25:44 AM
Okay, what I have in mind is a CMS that has the items moving up and down, in a circular fashion.

Example: you press up, the item selected moves up and fades out to give a sort of 3-d look as the item below it takes it's place. I think I can pull it off. The only thing I need to know other than whether I should do this is what the selectable items should be like. I was thinking scrolls, untill you break out of the game and into the computer, where they will become schematics diagrams or electronics circuit pictographs. I could also make the backround of the menu change depending on whhich location you are at.

Another thing I need to know is how many selectable items there are going to be, Item, Skill, Stats, etc.
Post by: Osmose on July 28, 2006, 02:46:27 AM
I say keep them the same throughout, and make them... scrolls or windows sounds good. As for the amount, Items, Equip, Skills, Stats, and Quit sounds like all we need.

Doesn't a CMS require custom items and a CBS? I'm confused as to how you can keep track of items and use that in the DBS...
Post by: Linkizcool on July 28, 2006, 03:39:57 AM
No, you can add a common event that keeps track of all the items in your inventory.

Basically it adds to a variable whenever you recieve that particular item.

Or you could just make it go to the default menu, but thats no fun.  :p
Post by: Osmose on July 28, 2006, 04:09:07 AM
Cool. Let it be done!!!

I'll get a more detailed list and more organizational work done tomorrow, er, today.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 29, 2006, 04:59:14 PM
Its going fine.

I'll need the faces for the main characters before I can finish the final touches of the menu, so can somebody do those?

Not that I'm almost finished, but yeah...
Post by: Osmose on July 29, 2006, 08:51:00 PM
I knew I forgot something.


-Normal Town, inside and out

-Normal Town
-Nighttime, peaceful
-Suspense, trouble, attack, something
-Vampire Battle music

-Tark (See previous description)
-Jefferson's Mom (Some unique woman)
-Townsfolk Normal

-Jefferson (Go by charaset)
-Temp Companion who introduces the battle system?

-Vampire (Should be purple-skinned, lanky and bony, wearing a dark cloak of some sort, bald)


As for who is doing what, if you want to help (anyone who's helped in the past or is helping now count too), PM me with either an AIM or MSN name that I can use to bug you with.
Post by: Arcanagirl on July 29, 2006, 09:10:15 PM
Umm, why did you pronouce yourself Mr. Leader? This is Robotams thread and thus his right to lead the project.

btw robotam says he already has almost all of those materials you're looking for.
If you weren't so careless maybe you'd find that some are actually a few pages back in this thread.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 29, 2006, 09:13:09 PM
Robo's account got hacked. And this project is basically starting over. I think Osmose wants new stuff, unless the poeple who originaly made the old stuff decide to JOIN US :p  :jest:

Edit: Theres no town chip in the thread, so I can't map. The CMS is finished the Alpha stage. Onto the Beta...then Delta...and...and...PI!

As soon as I get a good pic of a scroll (can someone get me one plz? lol) I'll put in a screenie and you can see my codin SKILLZ. lol.

I have two chips I got from phylomortis. The town, I edited, and the inner is how I got it. Tell me if we should use them, please.

Da town

Da inner

The only probby would be trying to keep this semi-realistic style throught the fantasy portion of the game.
Post by: Osmose on July 29, 2006, 11:39:46 PM
Originally posted by Arcanagirl
Umm, why did you pronouce yourself Mr. Leader? This is Robotams thread and thus his right to lead the project.

btw robotam says he already has almost all of those materials you're looking for.
If you weren't so careless maybe you'd find that some are actually a few pages back in this thread.

1.Robotam has already stated that he wants to start something new with a different idea if the idea is restarted at all, not to mention his account has been hacked. I'm trying to continue the story we had at first, and since this thread has all of said story in it, it's the best place for this to be.
2.Robotam has most of what I need? Good! Post them as a zip and help us out! It certainly doesn't help anyone to keep these things to yourself.
3.Half of the things in the past pages are crap that Robotam was too afraid to say no to. I, on the other hand, have no problem telling someone if they're not good. The other half are not included on my list. The only things I can think of that I might have passed over are chips and midis. I never saw anything for the vampire, no colored faces (I don't want to use Mr.X's stuff because then there'd be a conflict of face styles, although his stuff is pretty awesome).

Thanks for trying to discourage me though. Maybe if you weren't so careless you'd realise that I don't care about your opinion if you're going to bash us instead of help us.

Those chips are nice, but they're not really suited for the small small first town. They are perfect, however, for the second city and the fourht one, the two that are offshoots from the big main city. We could defenately use them there. Good work!

Maybe something a bit more rural, like wooden cotteges or something would work for the first town. Don't try too hard looking though - if nothing fits, we could still use this for the first town as well, it's not that big of a deal. :)
Post by: Linkizcool on July 30, 2006, 12:00:19 AM
I'm on it. ;)

eddited this one

got this one
Post by: Osmose on July 30, 2006, 02:00:28 AM
Eh, the one on top looks too much like something you'd see out in the woods, and the one on the bottom looks kinda like a POW camp.

More popular RPGs have had less varied towns, we can use the same chip for all the towns, although the big town I'd rather would have a different chip.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 30, 2006, 04:30:29 AM
Hmmm... I'll leave it at that then.

I finished creating the algorithms to allow the CMS selection wheel to rotate, now I just have to put it in the event script.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 30, 2006, 12:07:15 PM
Townwoman done. Work is slow, but I'm gettng there ;)
Post by: Osmose on July 30, 2006, 03:18:08 PM
Good work. Can we have some women with skirts, like working mothers or something? To add to the "small town" atmosphere. :)
Post by: Moosetroop11 on July 30, 2006, 08:28:49 PM
Well here's a woman in a dress... The side view its a bit odd in motion, is all. I might do variants holding babies and things.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 30, 2006, 08:54:43 PM
Looks nice, keep it up. Holding babies would be really good. Do you know how to do pose animations?

Heres a menu screenie.

Criticize it please.
Post by: Robotam Plus on July 30, 2006, 09:16:17 PM
2.Robotam has most of what I need? Good! Post them as a zip and help us out! It certainly doesn't help anyone to keep these things to yourself.

Gah, get over yourself. I'd like to see you reply while being a guest.
Anyway, here's all of the the resources I could find. It may not be all of what you currently need, but I do hope it'll do good help for you.

And that menu picture looks nice, Link.
Post by: Osmose on July 30, 2006, 10:01:58 PM
The only thing in there that I'd use now is Ordoth, Jefferson, and Tark, Ordoth and Jefferson I knew about, and hence didn't request them. Tark is the only thing I forgot and is unfinished, but better than nothing. Thank you.

PS: Registering a new account, like you just did, doesn't take that long, so get over yourself.

The menu is nice, although the scroll could be a bit better-looking. If you want to, I could whip up some more specific pictures, such as one for items with an item symbol next to it, weapons with a sword, etc.

Great job on coding it in, though. :)
Post by: Robotam Plus on July 30, 2006, 10:11:43 PM
Originally posted by Osmose
PS: Registering a new account, like you just did, doesn't take that long, so get over yourself.

The menu is nice, although the scroll could be a bit better-looking. If you want to, I could whip up some more specific pictures, such as one for items with an item symbol next to it, weapons with a sword, etc.

Great job on coding it in, though. :)

I couldn't do it, because charas refused to send me the confirmation mail. I have this account thanks to Razor.
Anything else you'd like to point out?
Post by: Osmose on July 30, 2006, 10:17:21 PM
Yes. It's called getting a new email address. Charas won't send a confirmation email to an address that already has an account here.

Now we were talking about the Community Contest...
Post by: Linkizcool on July 30, 2006, 10:20:19 PM
Originally posted by Osmose
The only thing in there that I'd use now is Ordoth, Jefferson, and Tark, Ordoth and Jefferson I knew about, and hence didn't request them. Tark is the only thing I forgot and is unfinished, but better than nothing. Thank you.

PS: Registering a new account, like you just did, doesn't take that long, so get over yourself.

The menu is nice, although the scroll could be a bit better-looking. If you want to, I could whip up some more specific pictures, such as one for items with an item symbol next to it, weapons with a sword, etc.

Great job on coding it in, though. :)

Thanks, Theres one bug, but I can fix it easily. It just takes a while. And yes, could you please make a new scroll pic, because that was a 5-min search on Google.
Post by: Robotam Plus on July 30, 2006, 10:25:07 PM
Originally posted by Osmose
Yes. It's called getting a new email address. Charas won't send a confirmation email to an address that already has an account here.

Now we were talking about the Community Contest...

I did. I'm not an idiot. Now leave me alone.
Besides, you'll have a hard time finding any chipset makers, so I suggest you use those chipsets.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 30, 2006, 10:29:31 PM
For now, were just splicing chips together.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 12:16:06 AM
I couldn't find a good scoll pic on Google either. So, to make up for it, I threw together this thing. I can make the icons for the other stuff too, if you think it looks decent enough, or I could keep looking for scrolls.

Actually, I could throw together a scroll that matches the pixel-y look I was going for. However, I'd like to know if you like this or if we should go for something else first.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 31, 2006, 01:46:44 AM
Lets see what else there is. I'd like to see what kind of scroll you had in mind. Just keep in mind: the smalller the scroll, the less choppy the animation in the cms will be. The scrolls I have now make the animation very, very choppy.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 02:32:54 AM
Something along the lines of this, perhaps bigger to accomodate longer menu names, but more or less how it is now? If not, I'll try a different type of scroll or continue Googleing.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 31, 2006, 02:40:21 AM
Thats perfectly sized. If you like it, I think thats perfect.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 02:58:32 AM
Alright. It's kinda late, so I'm going to bed soon, but tomorrow I'll get the menu items done. But how many do we need? So far I can think of:


Anything else? I don't know if we need something like "Formation" since I'm not that familiar with the DBS.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 31, 2006, 03:30:18 AM
CRAP I forgot equip! Back to square one...

No, formation can be switched when you initiate a battle.

I'm gonna have to completely remake the CMS, unless we decide to have the Equip as a submenu in the Stats section. Please let me do that instead, or else it will mean I might as well star over, because it would require changing all the move pic commands (there are about 100) to allow space for the new command.

So all of those except the Equip. If you want, you can swtich Magic with Skills, but thats your choice.

I'm going to bed too. It's 9:50 where I live. TTYL to all of ya tommorow.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 01:04:16 PM
Sure, we can, although I'd like to know how exactly you forgot EQUIP! :P
Post by: Ruler of the Dark on July 31, 2006, 02:06:50 PM
OMG I want to help, seriously.

I can sprite and code well, should I post any examples?
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 04:07:40 PM
Depends on what you want to do. Charasets? Faces? Monsters? Battlecharas?
Post by: Ruler of the Dark on July 31, 2006, 04:10:48 PM
Charsets and Battlecharsets mostly.  Thought I have a tablet and could possibly draw some faces.  Someone else should colour them though.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 05:50:21 PM
Go ahead and try your hand at Jefferson's Mom and see what you can come up with.
Post by: Ruler of the Dark on July 31, 2006, 08:24:11 PM
To be honest I would probably be better suited to spriting the charsets and stuff like that.  <_<
Post by: Linkizcool on July 31, 2006, 08:48:49 PM
Originally posted by Osmose
Sure, we can, although I'd like to know how exactly you forgot EQUIP! :P

Ummm.... <_<

Long story...

I could fix it, by swithcing the save command with an equipt command, since we are going to use Og as a save point. So instead of a save icon, make an equip Icon. Problem solved.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 08:57:46 PM
Originally posted by Ruler of the Dark
To be honest I would probably be better suited to spriting the charsets and stuff like that.  <_<

Jefferson's Mom is charaset only. That's what I was asking you for. :P

Linkizcool: Well damn. I forgot about Og and in my stupidity made a Save menu option. Well, whatever. I just need an idea as to what the Equip icon should be...
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 31, 2006, 09:08:19 PM
Wow, you decided to continue this?

Well it seems to run along smothly, anything I can do to help?

I´m good at pretty much everything but stuff like faces and chipsets take a lot of time longer then stuff like charsets, b-chars, b-ani and monsters ect.

Oh and for equipment button, make a hand reaching out for a sword or something like that.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 09:22:51 PM
Sure. You could start by doing Jefferson's battlechara. I've been looking at his Face(Second one) ( and Charaset ( and I've decided that his body and head are fine, but I like Mr.X's take on his hair more. The charaset can be redone, but you should probably keep the Face's hairstyle in mind when you make the battlechara - you can see in the menu above that I put his hair like Mr.X did.
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 31, 2006, 09:42:05 PM
Oh my, I checked through the topic again but I couldn´t find a single battle-char. What style do we use?

Do we use the rtp's but more unique? Maybe spritesized? Something else perhaps...

I need at least something to use as a base/foundation(?).
So just naything would be nice so I can start with it right away.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 10:29:02 PM
Anything you want. RTP could work since we could just steal weapons that were made for RTP style. :P
Post by: Prpl_Mage on July 31, 2006, 10:42:09 PM
Yeah but what do we prefer?
If someone writes a objection about the rtp I will use another style. Till then I will make make Jefferson as a rtp b-char. But I´ll start with it tomorrow(sorry) cuz' it´s pretty late up here.
Post by: Ruler of the Dark on July 31, 2006, 10:48:25 PM
What does Jefferson's Mom look like?
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 11:08:54 PM
A woman with a dress, probably blond long hair. That's about all I've got.
Post by: Linkizcool on July 31, 2006, 11:40:15 PM
Equip could just be an armor icon.
Post by: Osmose on July 31, 2006, 11:48:12 PM
Good idea. I'll get on it.

Oh, also, Sai wants to know if you guys want me to be mod of the team now. I don't really care either way, although I could make more organized stickies if I was. It's up to you guys, the ones helping out at least.
Post by: Linkizcool on August 01, 2006, 02:33:29 AM
Sure. I wouldn't mind being mod either (hint, lol, jk). You are acting like the leader, so I think you would be our choice of mod. Once you are mod, please make a new thread and sticky it, so we can start in a whole knew thread.

BTW, I like the icons you made. The go well with the Cliché style of the game.

Progress Update:

FIXED DA BUG!! w00t!

Now I will make the custom item screen, stats screen, and etc.

It is important that before I do this that we either stick with the DBS for the whole game or choose a CBS. Judging by the fact that RotD and MT11 are doing bchars, I assume we're using the CBS.
Post by: Osmose on August 01, 2006, 09:55:37 AM
I was under the impression that because they're making bchars we're using the DBS. This is RM2K3, right? It's just too much time and effort to make a CBS. If Dragonblaze was finished with his system I'd recommend using his, but he's not, and I'm not going to delay the project for that. DBS it is.

Question before I post a zip with the final pictures - does RPG Maker automatically doublesize them in game or not?
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 01, 2006, 12:09:47 PM
Yeah Osmose, It'd be great for you to mod this bit, you have my vote.

Also, here's a woman holding a baby. I like how it came out.
Post by: Osmose on August 01, 2006, 03:55:05 PM
I do too. Good job.
Post by: Prpl_Mage on August 01, 2006, 04:08:40 PM
Well I´m sorry but I´m going away to some relatives and I´ll be gone during the next week so I can´t do anything more...

Well I just made this pose of Jefferson, just to see what you think about it. Tell me what to change and I should be able to fix it before I leave.

Oh and yes, Osmoose should be the mod for this.
Post by: Osmose on August 01, 2006, 04:22:16 PM
It's not bad. I have a few complaints, but they're not related to a lack of skill. :P

1.The goggles could be a bit more goggly - a tad bit bigger, and with a brown strap, like old airplane goggles.
2.His sleeve is kinda poking out the side.
3.His pants are kind up high on his waist, and they're kinda flat - perhaps make them baggier and go nearer to the foot, like semi-cargo pants?

It's a great sprite otherwise. :)

And since aparently no one has any objections, I guess I'll take the mod position. I have a few ideas to make things much more organized and streamlined.
Post by: MrMister on August 01, 2006, 04:30:21 PM
Like a new thread

Oh no, that would be silly. More than one thread in a forum.
Post by: Linkizcool on August 01, 2006, 04:42:14 PM
@MT11: Very nice! Can I edit it a bit? Just to make a pose of the baby woman.

@Osmose: It depends what you mean. The pictures are doublesized when you play the game fullscreen, because the whole screen is doublesized. If you play the game in a 360 by 240 game screen, it shows up just the way you made it.
Alright, even if we were using DB's CBS, it wouldn't matter, because he uses the stats directly from the database, so I'll start working on the item screen.
One last thing I need to know is if we are going to have the armor/weapons viewable in the item screen, or only in the equip screen, and how many items are going to be in the game overall.
Post by: Moosetroop11 on August 01, 2006, 04:52:30 PM
Link, I doubt the townpeople need poses. It's better to get all the essentials out the way first, right?

But cheers for the compliments.
Post by: Linkizcool on August 01, 2006, 04:54:10 PM
Lol, alright. How's the icon coming along? The equip one I mean.
Post by: Osmose on August 01, 2006, 04:54:18 PM
To answer your question, Link, equipment should be in the item screen, and I'll post the final menu items in a little bit. As for the number of items, we can figure that out in another thread. Give me a few minutes here people.

PS: My name is sexy in orange.
Post by: Linkizcool on August 01, 2006, 04:57:01 PM

BTW, a lot of the files in Robbie's zip are invalid colour depth, image size, etc. I can fix all of that, but some of the monsters are made for 2K rather than 2k3, so we might have to edit them, if we are even going to use them.
Post by: Osmose on August 01, 2006, 06:39:04 PM
Yeah. We'll deal with that eventually.

PS: Done. Read the new stickies.