Game Creation => Requests => Topic started by: Goatulon on March 30, 2005, 04:46:12 AM
Well I figure people may be busy taking their time making important aspects of a game, like stories, and characters and all that stuff. I also think that maybe since they're all so busy doing this, they may not have all the time to find, or make a good title or game over screen. So If you need any of these go ahead and say, I'll gladly try my best to help you with these things.
Peace out, oh and please dont swamp me with millions of different requests, like 5 at a time is about as much as my small brain can handle.
As a test- A title screen with dragons flying around a castle... Witht he title "Dragon Quest"
Ok I'll have this done pretty soon, I've got an idea, now I've just got to make it work, anyway shoulnt be long.
Alright I found a basic thing to work with. Here's the most basic picture. I'm still messing around with it, and I think at the end it'll look much better. But for now this is pretty good.
Since i posted 'bout this already, but can you mae this say, Corrupted Enchantments and try to make it was written in the book, but don't make it too big, because the New Game Load Game and Quit Games box will get in the way of it... make the text in black or grey it does not matter...thank you ^_^...heres the attachment.....and please do not Edited by Goatulon, don't worry i will give full credit! ^_^
Well here you go, what do you think? If it needs changing just tell me what needs to be done. I'll keep trying to make it better until it's just perfect for you.
That's awesome! it's great, but do you think you can make the word 'Corrupted' not so edgy and make it smooth like the Word Enchantments it...other than that, it's great! thanks man! ^_^
EDIT: By the way, what does that writing say in the book, i can only make out "long long ago" i was just wanndering, cause it might be good for a story, lol...i dont have a story as of now, im am still an amateur when it comes to rm2k3, but im getting there...
actually I just kind of threw together a few sentences and used a small font so that nobody could make out much of it. But if basically says something to the effect of. This is a game called Corrupt Enchantments, and its set some time ago. Except you know with more random words in there. Ok I'm hoping this is better.
Thanks soooo much Goatulon! It's awesome, it's perfect...oh i wasnt sure about what it said, well thanks again man!
:bend: :jumpin:
You're welcome, finally something I'm decent at!! Hurray for me, keep them requests coming people, or person or whoevers looking at this and needs a title or gameover screen.
umm..did you stretch the picture or change the size of the picture? because the book gets cut off and it says, Corrupted Enchan....then gets cut off....and if you there a way you can fix it?
yes you are talented at this though!
ok hopefully this should fit.
it cuts off the 's' in Enchantments ....=/
This should do it, I reduced the width by almost 20 so it should keep all the words intact.
it's perfect, thanks again Goatulon! :bend: :D
alright dude, I need a title that says Random Adventure in big letters and Travelin' Man underneath that. The rest is up to you, so be creative. I'll attach a characterset of the main character, just incase. :D
Can you make a title screen with a big purple diamond in the middle? Oh and the title "Perfect Materia"
I would be grateful.
Do you mean a diamond as in the shape or the jewel? I'll make two versions and you can choose.
Thatīll be great thx!
Ok Rhonin man here's something I made last night, i was tired and kinda confused, but it still has a certain charm to it in my opinion. Check it.
Ok prpl mage here is the first of the two, this is the diamond as in the jewel, they're basic as basic can be, but it'll do.
Its great! :D Thx alot Goatulon! Perfect thinking :)
I will use it right away. Lots o credit to you Goatulon!
Sweet job Goat-dude!!! You are a freakin' title god or something.
I like your work Goatulon. Can you make me a game over screen as well?
If you can, can you make a black picture whit a buster sword, a shuriken (like the one yuffie from ff7), a hammer and a pistol stuck in (or lying on) the ground.
And i possible a small ray of light shining at them.
YAY! Game over screens havent had to make one of them in a while. Time to test my skills, again.
ERRRGG I'm getting angry now. I just cant make it look the way I want it. I found the weapons, but It just doesnt look great in my opinion. But here, you can have the first draft and use it as a temp until I make a better one. Unless of course you like this.
Thx, This was how it looked in my head.Exept the hammer(Itīs not your fault, i wrote hammer instead of warhammer_sweat_)Can you change the hammer to a warhammer? If you can itīll be perfect !:D But a normal hammer will do it too.
Ops i forgot thx alot Goat!
Ok since I dont have a warhammer or a picture of a warhammer readily available, this should suffice. Redone with a warhammer
Perfect picture :) You are the best when it comes to Title and game overs! Anyway thx alot Goat. You will get your own line in my credits now :D.
I need a new title screen for my upcoming Kweeches video game. I could send you some necessary materials to make it, if you will tell me your e-mail. I will send what I want and how I want if. So just tell me your e-mail and i'll get right to it.
Just tell me on here, I dont have time to read E-mails anymore. Not since the noodle incident, but yeah just tell me how and what you want on here.
hey, could you make me a title screen that has small lights(kinda like Legend of zeldas fairys) floating around a stonehenge with the words shatered souls above it, thanks!!
Alright, here you go. Stonehenge and lights, If it isnt good I'll blame it on the concussion I recieved the other day while playing basketball and running into a pole. Anyway thats a tale for a different thread and day.