New forum theme up and running!
1) The more you request, the less likely you are to get someone to accept your request. If you need 4 battle characters made, request the one you need the most first. A smaller request is easier to handle then a big one.
6) People are more willing to do requests for people they like, or at least know. Get to know the people here. Introduce yourself at the Welcome Forum. Visit the All of All forum. Even better, offer to do some requests yourself. If you are bad at battle characters but can do systems, or make midi files, or WHATEVER, then people will know you are here to help out and they will be more willing to help you too.
7) Please do not make a bunch of requests at once either. I know some people are trying to get around rule #1 by posting a bunch of threads, each with a small request. While I thank you for reading the rules this is cluttering up the forum pretty badly. Please limit yourself to making one or two requests at a time.