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I guess some have wondered why, me being a pixel artist would want an anthro artist, it's because I'm limited to pixels, hand drawn/mouse drawn (non-pixelart) is somthing I have no skills, I'm limited to crude reference sketches and it's always been up to a true artist to use that to make a pic according to the reference and specs. Currently however I have no artists because A) Kijuki is at college and B) Carmen is busy on another pic of mine, and it sounds like it coming out good but needs more work. Also, I do not copy characters of others, my characters are all original, though I will use Mythology as a place of insiration, and I do make it so they look original, otherwise it's things that popped off the top of my head, like Psychosis ^.^.Mainly right now I'm looking for sombody to draw a few prime female characters, Carbunka, Levinna, Heisheros, Psychosis, Luna, Ayoko & Kyoko (Two heads, one body), and a few others. Of course the artist would be fully credited for his or her work ^.^ these images are for future operations for the 3D modelling and animation (I plan to make a 3D RPG and an anime, hence why I'm in college), because a good picture is better to work off of rather than a terrible sketch (I STINK!). I must give warning that I'm very creative and there's no telling what I'll come up with, you can ask my friends, they'll tell you X3. Well here I go with the guidlines:1) I like anime style, but other styles can work as long as they look like the character.2) I prefer it that characters stay in character and that they are appropriate for multiple age groups, they can look attractive but lets not get carried away! X33) Don't steal my characters, the drawing you make is yours but the character represented is still mine, I work months with no end on each character's individual traits, though I'm sure I won't have this problem! I trust you guys enough. ^.^Thats about it, and again, you'll be credited for your work as well as my gratitude! ^^ And try not to be scared away by my oddball imagination X3!-Darkfox the "Shinjuu"