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Originally posted by geminiI have an XP request.Actually, Its to do with custom templates Ive made. Ill find my thread and link to it...hang on.I NEED assorted NPC sprites made out of some templates. Some different clothes.Hairs. Stuff like that.WAIT. I cant find the thread. Ill go pull off my templates and post them in a while.Im pretty sure the general Idea is in my gallery thread, but yeah...;Ill post the image links to the templates in a lil while.
Originally posted by geminiwow dude...sorry.I just re-read this, and for some reason when I read it last time, I misunderstood, and looking back, I dont know how...but I thought you were doing requests...holy crapballs. I dont know where I got that from.Sorry for my thread Hijacking smo.