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I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post above.
So, any fighting games you've realized that you're a noob on compared to your online opponents?
I play Jump! Ultimate Stars online, and it's like the DS's version of SC4. You get "Gems" (money) each fight to buy new characters and all that, but then we get... *sigh* gem farmers. People who stand around not fighting in the free-for-all matches and gang up on the first person that attacks, and after that they start leteraly beating up your dead body just to say "Hey there, I'm hitting you arharhar." or pressing the taunt buttong nonstop.They also taunt nonstop even when you're not dead, so it's pretty easy to get an opening.There's also runaways, people who run and hide during all deathmatch fights and just come out to take the last person when they're weak, turtlers, and much, much, much more. It's an awesome game, but it's also the MOST ANNOYING GAME EVAR.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
I myself am bloody awful at First-Person Shooters.I tend to only move one analogue stick at a time, forget the map and wander about blind, and fire into walls and dustbins whenever I'm trying to hit a target.Sigh.
The Chinese knock off of Meiscol 2.0 - Iamcool! Teaches kids good sentence structure, and how to share!