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rpg maker vx questions
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Topic: rpg maker vx questions (Read 3583 times)
Posts: 8
rpg maker vx questions
May 12, 2011, 12:39:35 PM »
I have a few questions about vx. But i dont wanna spam up this site so i'll fit them all here.
I heard you can add tilesets without replacing the old ones on vx. Is it true? If so how do i do it?
Like most rpg games, i plan to make a bonus dungeon for those who beats the game. I only have the option to go up to level 99, at what level est. should i try to end the game? (well which level you think the final boss should be on? What you think is best.)
I've made this new element called Vir. (It's a really powerful element, the weakest spell of Vir takes 50 mp. The game maxmp is 999.) This element can't be learned by levels, it has to
be learned through side quests. But it's needed to do another side quest on the game because i made a monster that you can't beat without it. Vir is basically the user life force plus
every element made into one. You are able to use it to attack enemies or cast spells. No madder the spell it is always ignore defense. If you give the Vir element to the main
Character because of a sickness he has, his heart is set to explode in a set amount of time. But anyway he will learn a special attack that involves him gathering up everyone
ounce of his magic and making it into Vir magic to shoot it at all enemies. (The thing with that is, you risk his life because his heart could (not explode) but stop beating which
will cause him to die during battle. 20% chance of that happening though. So do you think this vir element i made is a good idea?
Last but not least, here's what my game is about: (I'm gonna try not to list character names yet.)
A young racer was in a grand prix and his was tied for first with one of his friends, in the race they had always been rivals, but outside of racing they where always friends.
But during this race towards the end, the race was stopped when this one abnormal monster got in. So him and his friend travel to the finish and stop their cars where
the monster had got in, only to discovery that it was an army. Charged with guiding the people out, the main character guides them only to find the biggest threat in his
face, so he told the people to run out while he delayed the monster. He did do a good job of delaying the monster, only that he almost died, thanks to his friend coming
in the nick of time he was able to survive. But only to find out that from fighting the monster had gave him a disease. It wasn't any disease either, this was the B disease.
If left untreated the infected person's heart could explode at a moments notice. So after getting a little treatment, the main character wakes up. During his little tour
of what ever place he was at (found out later it was an airship) the alarm went off. So the main character seeks safety in the bridge with a few other people.
But soldiers bust in, he manage to fight them off, so he went into the hallway to make sure no one else was coming. The close was clear so he turned around and a
knight in purple armor was standing there. "You will not interfere." was all he heard before being pushed out the ship's window. He woke in a desert, only to walk
a few yards and pass out again. He then woke up again to the smile of a young woman his age and two children. But something's wrong. Up until that point, he
don't remember anything. He had lost his memory and even his name! So after a while the nice woman named him Furin. Everything in this new town was great,
only that he didn't remember the disease and his once good friends are now after him and willing to destroy the town to do it.
Will he find out about his deadly disease again? Will he find out why his own friends are now after him? Will he find out who was the guy that basically knocked him into
the desert to begin with? Or his true name? And will the town he now resides in be destroyed due to him being there? The journey awaits...
o.o I'm not good at summarizing just so you know. But that's what the story is about. I'm going to release a demo soon, don't have much to do with the story. But its the 17
characters just hanging out in a town and being silly. The demo will allow you to test play them and see their favorite battles and memory. Also travel to 3 other places.
Then there's the interview room where the characters are asked questions about the game.
You are gonna have some lol's about what they have to say. I'm making
the demo and the actual game at the same time. So a little time will be needed. Because it's a demo, things will be restricted.
So do you think the story is any good? (what you read above)
A Forgotten Legend
Your neighborhood box of colors
Posts: 4,428
Re: rpg maker vx questions
Reply #1 on:
May 12, 2011, 04:47:49 PM »
This way can be very difficult, but its the only way that we have found to get around it.
2. I'm not sure I understand what the level means. Like, leveling up kind of levels? Or levels as in number of parts of the game?
3. Interesting concept. It would depend on how well you implement it for me. One of those things that you just have to see.
4. This also, has an interesting concept. I'm interested to see how it turns out. Good luck!
Posts: 8
Re: rpg maker vx questions
Reply #2 on:
May 13, 2011, 12:46:02 PM »
1. Thanks. I needed that. I didn't like all the objects facing down on the tilesets. So i imported rpg maker 2003 objects to vx. Don't look as good but it works for me. XD
2. Yeah the leveling up kind. I originally tried to go for the lv. 255 thing but after 99, it interferes with an important script so i have to leave it alone.
3. ok. Just hope i do good on it.
4. 17 characters. On my game, you can also take advantage of that. Once you get like 8 characters, The stand by members will
recover their hp and mp after each battle. How much hp they recover is about 100% of the enemy attack power. But the mp they
recover is only 10% of the enemy attack power. It also occurs for the people in battle, but not as good because they the ones
taking all the damage and using their mp. Because my game max item limit is 30 that can come in handy during harder dungeons
where you might need to conserve items.
Ex. Enemy attack = 225 (Hp recover equal 225 entire party unless dead) (Mp recover equal entire party. 22 or 23)
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rpg maker vx questions