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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Heyhey, I am The Dark Tower!!! I joined up here... Quite sometime ago lol Although I never really posted here. In fact I completely forgot I had an account and tried to make a new one lolOn other forums I've been known as elf wind, but my current alias is LagunaX1, I'm happy being known as the dark tower though, they are an amazing book series after all!Anyway, not much to say. I'm a co-admin on my home site, while loyal to it I also want to get more varied help and opinions you can't get from one single site (imo anyway). So I'll be posting info about a game I'm making later.I'm toying with the idea of including a demo, but I'll probably have updated version by next week so I'll probably hold off on it. Anyway, I look forward to browsing the forum and maybe helping out if I find an opportunity to do so!Oh, and guess who my favourite fictional character is XD