New forum theme up and running!
Greetings! I used to love this community when I was a very young lad. I love you guys, you've made a great place for resources for years, ever since I started game developing Anyhow, I have a treat for you guys. of you might recognize Mystera Legends. It's having its second release (It released many years ago then shut down again.) It'll release as an Alpha 2 days from this post on November 27th. I implore thou to join, the community is really nice, and the admins are reasonable You may notice the front page is down at the moment. It will come back as the playerbase grows after the Beta release. (There will be MUCH more at beta.) The community is in the forums at the moment. When it releases, the download link will be posted there Anyways, here are a few screenshots of the game. One of the cities (A coastal city) in Mystera.A high leveled area in the gameBottom of a mountain range near the coastal city~ (Better known as Coastal Mountains ^^)A beautiful province near the coastal city. This province actually changes seasonally, due to high tides. The city is actually elevated due to the seasonal changes.South part of LockeCenter of the main town players tend to flock to.A small suburb - One of the three main towns you can choose to begin your adventure!A screen cap of one of the biggest cities in the game. (30 maps!) Better known as Wellington.Outskirts of Wellington.East of the main town (Galebrook.)West of GalebrookOne main grinding area off of Galebrook, better known as Snake pit.Thanks for reading guys Hopefully we'll see a few of you on its release date!