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I admit i was rushing at the dialogues...But i promise i will polish everything in the final version...and i respect all of your opinions..
...or this quote...<.<
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
the 8-Bit items.and a unique idea for The Water palace/Shrine/Dungeon. (I did two dams inside the dungreon they each will fill the first flour with water...and that's it!? )
There's lots you can do just based on video games: Golden Sun: Leap Frog Maze using floating pillars. Final Fantasy 10: Underwater battles with a oxygen time limit. KOTOR: A puzzle where only a certain amount of water in two or more recipticles will add up mathematically and allow passage. See? You have to imagine and visualize your puzzles. Unless you want somethign enemies wise? Then try water elementals who can't be killed except by lightning attacks and then you change that up by having shark-like enemies who if you attack will take some HP away with a battle effect programed in. Hydras where you have to kill all the heads to make the body morph into something weaker? That's all I can come up with. Hope it helps.
That's pretty neat. Does it play well?