New forum theme up and running!
Steamworld is the jam, my guy.For iconic games I just jammed through Sonic 1-3, capped with a lot of Sonic Mania. I would play the adventure series but I don't hate myself that much.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Sounds like you've had a good year as well.So far my plan is to replay games from the following series:Super Mario brosSonicCrash bandicootSpyroResident EvilDevil May cryMetal Gear SolidDark SoulsMass EffectDiabloPaper MarioKingdom HeartsFire EmblemPortalMetroid PrimeBayonettaResonance of FateXenoblade ChroniclesFF Crystal ChroniclesPretty much
I'm playing Celeste and Dusk right now, and I'm super excited to talk about those in a year.
Let me know when you do Diablo!1, 2, or 3? Maybe all?
As far as Darksouls goes, this mod looks similarly fantastic.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - The Crystal Bearer (Wii)A lot of disappointment in this game. Despite the magnificent soundtrack and a beautiful game for a Wii, everything else gets boring quickly, dut to the absence of evoution of Layle's power (except at the final boss, but does that really count?). It's a shame, because stroy wise it's probably the best FFCC with Rings of Fate.