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Goooood morning boys!I am ItalianWhere is in this is website the download of faceset generator???
Hey all. I'm Warxe PhoenixBlade, but you can call me Warxe.I've used RPGMaker for awhile now, and I am quite proficient in it. My speciality is battle systems, but I can do things like minigames and intros as well. I also write good tutorials, and I can rip stuff. I can do edits as well, but I'm limited in that.So anyway, if you need help with something, PM me!-WarxeP.S: I bow to the maker of this site! The makers are AWESOME!P.P.S: Oops, posted this twice. Sorry.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.