New forum theme up and running!
Originally posted by lucas_irineuYour mother says you that Prof. Palm wants to see you. You go to his lab, and he is not there. When get there, he is not there. Then, the guy blocking the way to outside the town (maybe a evil team guy) will not be there anymore. But professor palm is being attacked by that guy, that says something like: give me the research or I ll use my pokemon! Prof Palm says to you take a pokemon from his lab, or his backpack, havent decided yet, and you fight that guy that will used a phantom pokemon, that I already made (he and the evoluted form) but have no idea of a good name.
Your mother tells you that Prof.palm wants to see you. As you try to walk out of the town there will be an evil team guy in the way. When you enter the lab you will realise that there is no proffesor in there and you exit it again. When you go back to where the guy used to stand Prof.Palm will be there instead being comfronted by the guy and threatened to his life. He wants the research but the prof tells you to run back to the lab and collect a pokemon in order to help him.Note that Lucas has made the pokemon and its evolution but hasn't decided if the guy really should be a team member.