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Originally posted by Moosetroop11I'll wait for more information before I pass judgement. If the master and student are the first two playable characters then you've given yourself a good starting point; that setup is way cooler than the main character and his best buddy in my opinion.
Originally posted by DominicyIMO, this'll only work if you give it an arcade style feel. The story's much too cliche for anything else, odd as it sounds. Honestly, even if you give at an 'arcade feel' I'm not too excited. I'm sick of this 'ZOMG CHOSEN ONE' plot.Honestly, I never got the chosen one thing. Out of all the people in the game, it ALWAYS happens to be the spiky haired (more or less optional), teenage sword wielding idealist/apathetic fruit cake.
Originally posted by Prpl_MageAnd may I ask why the swordmaster's name is Kenya? It's a country after all.
Originally posted by DominicyQuoteOriginally posted by Prpl_MageAnd may I ask why the swordmaster's name is Kenya? It's a country after all.I dunno, I like the name.[/B]
StorylineYou play as a swordsman known as Hector, and is in a doomed world. You wake up in a small village with no memory, but you luckily find a swordmaster who restores your skills as a swordsman. The swordsmaster was a chosen one who was known as Kenya, who has tried to vanquish evil but has failed. You are the one gifted by the gods, the chosen one, who will succeed in vanishing all evil.
Originally posted by DrakiythQuoteStorylineYou play as a swordsman known as Hector, and is in a doomed world. You wake up in a small village with no memory, but you luckily find a swordmaster who restores your skills as a swordsman. The swordsmaster was a chosen one who was known as Kenya, who has tried to vanquish evil but has failed. You are the one gifted by the gods, the chosen one, who will succeed in vanishing all evil.You just spoiled your entire storyline.... If we know already before even playing the game we are the "Chosen One", and we will indeed "Vanish All Evil", than what's the point of playing the game? Don't go so insane on giving away stuff if you have a great idea.. You could have said that you start in a strange land and have no clue who you are. (Cliche) You eventually find out who are you in this awesome tale of a man who has some kind of link or destiny.. Get my point?[/B]
Originally posted by Moosetroop11No offense, but this is a place where you put out ideas so that they can be criticised. If there's something wrong, you need to be told.However, the strong willed can choose when not to change their game to fit another's opinions. Use the criticism to find flaws you might want to iron out. You don't have to act on all advice, but take everything into consideration. 'Strong willed' is very different to 'stubborn'.
Originally posted by DominicyI'm not trying in any way to irritate you or anything like that, I just see it as, as soon as you make a topic about an upcoming game of your's, it's ready for criticism.But the thing is, how can you edit your story line, say, half way through the game? It'll make some inconsistencies unless you very slightly tweak it. Just a warning, believe me, I tried.