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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Those look pretty good! There's nothing I dislike there, I just think RF and Stu did it slightly better.
Stu is the superhero alias of Dragonium.
FYI I'm still going with you dude, I dunno why but I like your icons ;P
<img src="">--Banned--1. Almost Banned2. Banned-- Ranks --1. Lurker 0 post2. Newbie 100 post3. Member 500Post4. Barbarian: 1250 Post5. Soldier 2500 post6. Hero 3750 post7. Alien 5000 Post8. Insane 10000 Post9. Addict 15000 Post10. WTF! 20000 Post-- Mods & Admins --1. Mayor2. Mod3. Global Mod4. Admin
Whoever makes a female mayor has my vote. That's all.