New forum theme up and running!
If you can remember the events of this time so clearly, how come you cannot remember the times before this? I know reincarnation believes you lose all recollection of what you did previously to this. But if life were to loop eternally like this where you were reincarnated, then died and lost recollection and were reincarnated, wouldn't it be true that you'd never have consciousness because at some point everything you were or did or had achieved or believed would be forgotten entirely? And in that same thought, does that not kill all possibility of having a soul or inherently having individual thoughts? And if it is true that you lose all recollection after reincarnation than was my birth the last time I will be reincarnated? Because there would be no way I can remember and be conscious of all these things if I were to eventually lose all memory of it, am I right? And if THAT is true, could I go farther to say that, is it possible that protoges and "mankind changing" geniuses such as DaVinci or Einstein are simply the products of their last reincarnation?
Fankies Luccy. ;3There's like, a thousand different questions I have right now, but I'll just ask the most important one: Zeek, if you're religious, why do you masturbate? O_o
He told me awhile back XD
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Am I the only person with a religion thats not atheism? <_<
I'm not gonna make fun of someone because of their beliefs or anything like that, but I find it really hard to understand why theists honestly believe in god. Can one of the christians here help me out? I mean, as a world creation theory, it's about as solid as anything else, but heaven? Omnipotence? Omniscience? I don't get how an intelligent, free thinking person would put their faith in that.