New forum theme up and running!
It's pretty... bad.
In the frozen depths of space there spins a quite unremarkble little green planet by the name of Balzar.It is a class three world in the Free Alliance. Which means it is a pre-tecnological planet with no goverment system. Which is no suprise to some considering the inhabitants happen to be reptiles.They are called Balzari; a balzari is typicaly four to six feet tall covered in blue,black and scales.They are regaurded by most as agressive,primitive and dumb,but this is not the case, episcialy not a young Balzari by the name of Salazar.
Remember, try to be as descritive as possible. Use many words, many sentence. The bigger it is, the better. Describe the place, the time, the lighting, all that ****. And check your topic.
Bigger, overdescriptive, etc =/= better. Describe what's important, don't flood us with adjectives. Just enough to paint a picture, Lucas.As for your story, Fisherson, even after sifting through the bad spellign and such, it's just. . . meh. Sorry. If you want, I've taken fantasy workshops with authors of some of the Star Wars books, along with Tamora Pierce and a few other authors. If you need any editing done, I'll see what I can do, but I can be pretty angry in my editing comments.