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It would be pretty simple to have a parallel process check to see if you have Longsword (2), and if you do, delete it and give you a Longsword (1). That way all the items would stack.
True, but then the selling price would be the same even though you payed 450 for one of the swords and 150 for the other three.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Maybe I'm understanding it wrong, but here's what I think Sai means:Everytime you enter a town, an event runs that takes all your weapons of select type (example, long sword), then changes it to one type for the purpose of selling. By doing this, everytime you enter a place where you can sell things, it just changes the items to the selling price based on the rarity of the metal in that town. Am I wrong?
It would work in a game like Fable, but not in your traditional rpg. Things like these tend to be 'game breakers'.
Even in Fable it's exploitable. With a few diamonds, you can make a fortune buying and selling them all in the same frikkin' shop