New forum theme up and running!
Well. I usually don't get on the soapbox, but what the hell. It's a trend now.Really, the point of arguing with each other on this forum and getting all riled up like drunken Irish is non-existent. I mean, what am I to you but a bunch of 0's and 1's coded into mostly logical characters? Honestly, every time I see shyte like this going down, I just want to roll my eyes and X out the existence of anyone stupid enough to continue such an idiotic thing. But I don't roll my eyes, and I can't, so I just sit back and make off-the-wall posts to attempt, pitifully, to redirect the thread in some manner, even though it never works.The point of this rant is that YOU PEOPLE DON'T FUGGIN' MATTER TO EACH OTHER IN ANY REAL MANNER. So quit squabbling and let the love-depraved Canadian/British Whatthefuck just float off. Quite frankly, if it bothers you that much, you either need to grow a pair of GTFOH quick quick until further notice, because you rack disciprine.
Wanna fight about it?
...I seem to have walked into this topic at the wrong time.I personally think that everyone should just leave it. Including myself.So.I dunno, I was hoping that he would win over McCain, but I wasn't an Obama person until he beat Hillary in the primary. I won't be able to vote until the next election in 2012 though. =/
Shame the world ends in 2012.
Well, if you REAALLLY Belive that to be true, do us all a favor and kill yourself on 2011.I have a theoryGet enough douchnozzles worked up about 2012 as I can. And then when they mass suicide, Laugh, and resume playing my PS3 and Xbox