New forum theme up and running!
If you're tired of him, you could always join Black Hole.
Warning us about the dangers of Bots, I thinkOr it might have been a cleverly disguised war rally by GrandyYou never know with that guy >_>BTW, do I have orders sir? Or do I just sit here, like always, sir?
I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post above.
Date Rape Mp3
Private Archem! Your blueprints are quite sonore now, I see, we'll start building right away. But tell me, how far would these bots throw explosives... accidentally?
All the way to the target, sir!I think that's about as far as it would have to go.
Drace likes anything which is 12 inches.
Ellie: I had a slice of ham in my hand. I was going to drop it, so I slapped it hard. It attached itself to the wall
Quite. But correct me if I'm wrong private, I just noticed your blueprints have no scale. Just how big are these robots?
As big as they need to be.
I think Grandy's a bot.
*glowing red eyes for a second*