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Eh heh heh boy do I feel stupid. I meant the Kingdom Hearts Axel sorry guys. Here's the Axel I was talking about the one that looked squished and messed up when I imported it. I just want one like the battle charsets you find on here I'd do it myself but I don't know how but yeah the type you find on here is what I want.
Well I have a regular Axel sprite I found on here that was part of a KH spritsheet. No I don't know how and yes I'd appreciate it if you'd explain.
three frames got it.
got it
Thanks buddy I appreciate it. I'll give you credit as a special thanks when I release the game. It's called Kingdom Hearts:The Keyblade War and I will be releasing it on here and another site. I can't go into detail about it in fear that I might break the rules but I will say that it takes place right after KH2. I'm also not calling it KH3 for certain reasons. Well until I can figure out how to do screenshots this is all the info I can give hope ya try it out. This'll also be my first game so some of the animation isn't perfect but it's not horrible.