New forum theme up and running!
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Interesting game idea. Good graphics would really help it along though- the screens you have so far are super plain. You could really go to town on the sniper bit, for example, with people hiding behind bushes and all sorts of scenery. Otherwise it'll basically be shooting fish in a barrel and I can't see how upgrading your gun would give any advantage whatsoever.Keep up the good work!
Otherwise it'll basically be shooting fish in a barrel and I can't see how upgrading your gun would give any advantage whatsoever.
O_O Shooting me in a barrel?! Why would anyone shoot me? Why in world would I be in a barrel in the first place? Seriously though. You need better chips, plain and simple. And Fish can long as you don't get pleasure from shooting me in a wooded storage device of one kind or another.... Try that place, alots of good chips there.