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I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post above.
Wow, odd. This is the time I have nothing but good luck o.oI got a new laptop, did really good on a paper I did 10 minutes before it was due, got a luger from 1912 with every number matching for only $635 (should have been at least $1000)Good luck for me. Maybe I stole all your guys' luck!
Ellie: I had a slice of ham in my hand. I was going to drop it, so I slapped it hard. It attached itself to the wall
All my life I have had any headphones I own break down and die within a matter of weeks. I am constantly buying new ones. This voodoo must stop.
Sorry Grandy, I meant for it to go to Lucas.
Oops. Sorry guys.
You look like my grandmother.edit: when she was young. You don't look like you're 80.
Last night I had a dream that Zerlina and I were pirates. It was... beautiful.