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Can I get a cool job without doing anything to get it?
I was hoping to one day write soundtracks for videogames. How would I go about getting someone interested and establishing myself? Or, if I wanted to peddle my game idea onto some company for mass market, how would I do that?
Pornstar, model, escort?
Can I get in even if I go for college for something thats not related to video games that much, and if I have no talent or experience working with video games other than playing them?
Can you score some free swag and send it to us?
I was hoping to one day write soundtracks for videogames. How would I go about getting someone interested and establishing myself? Or, if I wanted to peddle my game idea onto some company for mass market, how would I do that?I would ask a ridiculous question right now, but I'm too tired to really come up with one. Sorry, but this chain game is over.
How is it different from other companies?