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Just another simple CBS tut... *whisals*
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Topic: Just another simple CBS tut... *whisals* (Read 2593 times)
Posts: 23
Just another simple CBS tut... *whisals*
February 28, 2011, 01:12:03 PM »
Author note:sorry I have been gone so long. A move caught me by surprise...
Alright In RM2k3 the DBS has had pretty bad problems,(ie. Too slow) however you don't want to program a entire ABS (action battle system.) well in my new game it features a relatively powerful yet simple CBS. This tutorial will help you shape a simple style CBS.
Authers note:this is simple becuase of lack of time,feel free to improve.
____Setting up your arena.______/
Make your map. Simple as that. But I do have some tips for this.
1.If whan making the arena,for the sake of uncal bob,USE THE SAME CHIPS! Its looks strange to be in a wilderland and then be in a forest during the fight.
2.Something worth doing is separating the place where the heroes fight to where the background is. For example. Use dirt where the heroes and enemies stand and the other part grass. It looks much better.
____Add your Heroes and opponents____/
Nothing to say here,just add them!
Make a invisible event (transparent color). Make 2 variables. (called VARs now) One for Monster HP,another for the hero's. Go VAR operations. Set all these VARs to 40. (Or whatever you want) Then Make it turn on a switch called Battle start. Code shoude look like this:
<>Set VAR Hero HP to 40
<>Set VAR monster HP to 40
<>switch opp. Battle start ON
Make a second page activated by switch Battle start. Keep it blank.
Make another Transparent event. Make a message saying something like "It's Hero's turn!" or "what do you do?" then put a Cont. branch,If hero's hp is Equal or grater than 1. With else handler. On else handler put game over. On the fork put below:
Do a show choices event. One Fight,another Item another Skill,one more Escape! Under attack put a move event,Move your hero to your opponent. Then a show battle anim. on your monster,add a VAR. operational -5 from Monster HP. There! Done with attack! Under skill put a battle anim. on your opponent,subtract 10- HP. Under Item put your Items. For this tut weal use a band-aid. Set a branch for band-aid #. (sorry I didn't mention this erlar... ) else handler. Under the branch put VAR opp. Hero HP +5. On elce,put a mes. "Out"
Under Escape! put a set random number between 1-2 for VAR Escape! then add a branch. If Escape! is equal to 1 and a else handler.
On the branch put Mes. "Ran off!" on the else put,"failed to run"
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!! We are done with the hero! Now my thumb has a bruise...
<>"its hero's turn!"
<>branch if VAR Hero HP is grater or equal to 1
<>show choices Attack/Skill/Item/escape!
Attack handler
<>move event hero {path}
<>show battle ani. Monster {anm.}
<>VAR opperantions -5 From Mon. HP
<>move event {hero}
Skill handler
<>show battle ani. {ani.}
<>Var opp. -10 from Mon. HP
Item handler
<>Show chioces Band-aid.
Band-aid handler
<>branch if VAR Band aid # is over 0
<>VAR opp. +5 Hero's HP
Else handler
Escape handler
VAR opp. Escape! set,and. 1-2
Branch If VAR Escape is one
"ran off!"
'Fasiled to run"
Now for the monster.
For the sake of simplicity Im only doing only one move. (feel free to improve)
Put a branch If VAR monster HP Is grater or equal to 1 Yes a else... Move event monster to hero,show battle ani. on hero,-5 hero HP.Move back.
<>branch if VAR Monster HP is Grater or equal to one
<>Move event Monster {path}
<>show battle ani.,hero
<>VAR opp. Hero HP -5
<>Move event Monster {path}
<>"Defeated Monster!"
<>Telaport to {map X,Y}
Author note:like I said thew out this tut It was short for the fact of time... You can use custom pics for menus,add Monster skills. So far on my game all monsters have only 2 skills... I'm too lazy to add more
If this dosent help you feel free to PM me or e-mail me at
Last Edit: February 28, 2011, 06:10:11 PM by Drevin
Three gesues and the first two don't count...[I\]-don't know don't care...
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Just another simple CBS tut... *whisals*