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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Okay, so I recolored the charsets to match the color palettes of their matching battle sprites. Should I also scale back the palettes on the tilesets or do you think it'll will be alright? If I do, do you think the tilesets will be able to be scaled back in their detail and still work? Or would it be better just to keep the charsets more detail and just have a style change between battles and the characters?The charsets are just some FSM edits.Battle character for reference:[spoiler][/spoiler]
Hedge MazeEntrance to main templeInterior of main temple
Tree stumps. On an earlier page I have the trees with their tops, this is just a picture without them (as the treetops are actually picture overlays and not part of the chipset).
Firstly I love the fact somebody edited those old sets into something less ....soft and fuzzy. Secondly that is a great use of that chip set and thirdly why does it remind me of "Twin Peak Mountain" from Brave Fencer Musashi? o.O