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Angry Flocks! [Complete]
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Topic: Angry Flocks! [Complete] (Read 8654 times)
A Wild DB Appeared!
Posts: 3,329
Angry Flocks! [Complete]
September 30, 2011, 11:10:33 PM »
Welcome to the world of Angry Flocks!
In Angry Flocks you control a flock of birds that are set on world domination. Help them achieve their goal by guiding them to they targets. Birds will automatically engage the enemy once they are in range, but the enemies will fight back. If your birds are injured or if some of your birds die, you can fly back to your nest to heal and respawn your fallen comrades. Once you kill all the people around a city, you take it over and it becomes a nest that you can retreat to. Every enemy you kill drops 1 feather, and every town you destroy drops 5 feathers. You can use feathers to boost the attributes of your flock. You can use the escape button to bring up a menu where you can spend your feathers on upgrades. Once you kill all the enemy bases, you win the game.
This game was a 3 week school project where we had to make a game in javascript that implements a focking algorithm. Because my partner and I only had three weeks to make this (from scratch), there's no fancy attacking graphics, sound effects, and it may get easy once you boost your flock enough.
NOTE: You must use FireFox 6.0 or newer to run this game. When the game starts, you will have to refresh the page once before you play, otherwise most of the images won't load in time. This game runs at 1600 x 900 resolution, if this is too big to fit in your screen, you can edit angryflocks.html and go to line 7 and change the width and height to whatever you would like. The only thing that won't work on lower resolutions is the "information" button on the title screen.
To start the game, just open angryflocks.html with firefox.
My partner and I may revamp this project at a later point in time and add a lot more features and animations, but that is yet to be decided.
Download link:
Screen Shots
Hell Yeah! Just recovered all my old rm2k/3 games from my 10 year old, broken laptop hard drive that had been formatted and had a new OS installed on it. Oh, and I did all of this from my phone. WIN
Posts: 7,645
The Administrator Mage
Re: Angry Flocks! [Complete]
Reply #1 on:
October 02, 2011, 10:24:18 AM »
This looks brilliant, downloading it now and gonna try it later on today. Also, that minimap is darn sweet.
Yepp that was sweet, birds got all confused at the north eastern entrance to the snowlands though.
What did the bird +1 do? didn't really figure it out, although that attack buff did wonders, poor humans trying to fight my ravaging birds off.
Great work on this project and kudos for making this thing work in just 3 weeks.
Last Edit: October 02, 2011, 10:39:36 AM by Prpl_Mage
Cool RPGM Project!
Sprite till you die
Oh my god, this was ...10 years ago...
A Wild DB Appeared!
Posts: 3,329
Re: Angry Flocks! [Complete]
Reply #2 on:
October 02, 2011, 03:43:12 PM »
Haha thanks! The +1 bird increases your maximum flock size by one. The two catches are that you need to go to one of your nests before the bird will spawn, and the other is that if you have a flock size of 5, pick up a special bird and try to increase the flock size to 6, a bird won't spawn when you go back to the nest because you already have 6 birds in your flock. Once a bird dies though and you only have 5 birds in the flock, another will spawn.
There's no cap on any of the attributes including the flock size, so by the end of the game, you could have 50 birds in your flock just messing s*** up
Hell Yeah! Just recovered all my old rm2k/3 games from my 10 year old, broken laptop hard drive that had been formatted and had a new OS installed on it. Oh, and I did all of this from my phone. WIN
Posts: 8
Re: Angry Flocks! [Complete]
Reply #3 on:
October 08, 2011, 02:42:59 PM »
nice! download it now, I will try it later, my download speed is very slow 200kbps. dragonblaze your brilliant, amazing, only 3 weeks
, looks like we will enjoy this one. I wonder how many stage this game have. oh 1 only, I will post my review later.
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Posts: 6,101
Re: Angry Flocks! [Complete]
Reply #4 on:
November 06, 2011, 04:39:44 AM »
oooo, downloading.
huh, not sure what's wrong. it lags really badly. though my computer's been acting up lately so it might be that.
Last Edit: November 06, 2011, 04:47:19 AM by drenrin2120
A Wild DB Appeared!
Posts: 3,329
Re: Angry Flocks! [Complete]
Reply #5 on:
November 10, 2011, 06:40:10 PM »
Yeah the system requirements are kind of high, we used a lazy form of collision detection that is really inefficient which basically tests everything against everything. And there are a LOT of mountains, plus eggs, plus nests, plus enemy units, etc. Plus every bird is tested against every other bird in the flock to get the flocking behavior.
Graphically wise, there are a lot of overlapping transparent textures, and if you have an old or integrated graphics card, it might not be able to keep up. :/
Hell Yeah! Just recovered all my old rm2k/3 games from my 10 year old, broken laptop hard drive that had been formatted and had a new OS installed on it. Oh, and I did all of this from my phone. WIN
Posts: 166
Re: Angry Flocks! [Complete]
Reply #6 on:
November 12, 2011, 08:22:53 PM »
Sweet, downloading right now.
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Angry Flocks! [Complete]