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Look up to our banner, what you see? The banner countins charasets and facesets of our own characters, and worse, of people that do not even fequent anymore. It is sintomatic of a problem we have; we focus too much into being Charas, instead of focusing on what charas should be. As a userbase, we balieve *we* should be Charas, and that is why *we* are on the banner. It is offputting for newcomers, because we seem like a closed group. You'll also notice that a good chunk of signatures, etc, are just in-jokes that newcomers wouldn't get.
Ellie: I had a slice of ham in my hand. I was going to drop it, so I slapped it hard. It attached itself to the wall
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
I agree Generators (and not only) require a full recode, but still I would keep the current ones live somewhere.Not about being selfish (talking as a Charasian, not as the developer), but remember what the internet world looked like when Charas was released to the big audience (2002/2003).No Google Maps, no YouTube, almost no dynamic websites at all... by that time this thing was OVER THE TOP for its technology and, evenif far less crowded than in past, I'd say this is the only website that survived mostly "as is" for more than 10 years. Talking Internet, that's an eternity.So I think that while new things and changes are planned, we should really consider building a sort of "Virtual Museum" to remind it all.Our History was more than unique, and it's a perfect example to (hopefully?) show new youthies what being passionate and creative means.
I don't necessarily think members on banners is a bad thing. New members see it and think 'hey, folks have fun here and make friends.'
I general I'd say I agree 98% with Grandy's post