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Alright, what the hell is with Tessa's booty? It completely freezes the game >_> Aaaaargh! Plus it seems to use a variable that I used for my bit so that'll screw it up even if it works.
Love prpl's bit, although the monsters are crazily hard. I'm determined to win the tournament.
Yeah, I know. Also, it's foreshadowed, but you can't actually beat the tournament. The final battle is programmed to make you lose no matter what.
Also, I find it interesting that there was a problem with the tileset in my chapters. Someone changed it after I sent it. 'cuz everything works just fine in my version.
And I can't find anything that would upset the booty event so far. Whenever I search the project (Even FIsh's) the variable booty is only used in the common event and the maps of my chapater. Same goes for the switch called "increase booty"
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Yay I have some good news for everyone! I finally finished Chapter 7! I'll pass it on to you Moose as soon as I get it uploaded.Since I was supposed to get this done last month, Prpl, do you think you'll have time to work on the last chapter after Moose? Otherwise Moose, I did wrap up a lot of stuff (but added some big stuff as well), all in all I think the game can end well in one chapter if that's how we want to do it. Otherwise if anyone else has any suggestions on how to handle it, let us know!I have a feeling I may have a lot in my new chapter as well >_< Don't worry about going and fixing anyone else's. But if you come across any bugs while playing through the game, it helps to write them down, especially if they're big ones, because it's probable that no one else knows about it/remembers it.
EDIT: Oh I get it! You have to re-enter the cave after you get the items if you got them after you defeat the boss.
Finished DB's
is there a soul on the entire le\/el or do you ha\/e to ha\/e one sa\/ed fro|\/| (hapter 2?