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You know what they call projects that release with all sorts of ignored issues? Crap. I'm not saying this game will be great, but it would really be a shame if we ignored all of the little things after we spent nearly a year creating the chapters.
You're like a broken record man. Considering the average time it takes for people to finish one of their projects I'd say that a year is pretty fast.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
I don't think the delays have made it less impressive. In an ideal world we could have stuck to the deadlines but in reality that'll never happen when people are just working casually like this. Having said that I wouldn't take the game back until the finish now myself for fear of causing delay : p
Play through everything you made from beginning to end and make sure everything works.
I apologize for the double post, but the Chain Game is FINISHED!! =O Ugh. Double play tested, there may be one or two minor misspellings...but it works 100%. ^O^ Battles also may or may not be 100% balanced. < <; Anywho sending the game to Purps tomorrow as theres lightning storms about to come over and it'd take hours with my internet anyway. ^^; But hey we did it guys!! Celebrate good times, come on~