New forum theme up and running!
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
That's a better understanding of what I feel, yes. Appearances are skin deep, and I'm not one to judge based on that. However, that does lead me to see a person as what they are beneath the skin, and that's why I tend to disregard transgenderism as little more than cosmetic body modification. I can't see a person as a new version of themselves because the person inside hasn't changed in any way, they just have a new wrapper on the outside. Coke in a bottle and Coke in a can, it's still Coke, and the container doesn't change anything about it.
I mean... I get that, but what if you drank Coke out of a Pepsi can your whole life and one day was told the truth? Would you drink Coke out of its proper can and tell people you were drinking Pepsi?
And yet you call me Lucas.
His or mine?
Razor's right.
I don't drink cola./dodge