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Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
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Topic: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age (Read 333672 times)
Jedi Sentinel of the Charasian Cluster.
Posts: 4,199
Just call me Fish.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #45 on:
October 29, 2014, 04:36:32 AM »
David: Sheogorath! I met you once while playing as a hot young blonde Imperial theif. Man I love Olbivion. Like GTA only with bows and swords.
Mary: Huh?
Zoltar: I can answer this! It was in fact-
Mary: *Covers Zoltar's mouth* Don't even think about it!
Dave: Actually I believe I know the answer. The answer is the Orc.
Lylac: Wait do we only get one anwser per person?
Rusty: Bop boop. (I'd say that's a likely assumption.)
Clare: But if we guess wrong one of our party is reduced to zero HP? IE: Killed. Brutally. Before our very eyes?
Rusty: Bop. (Yep.)
Dave: So am I right?
Last Edit: October 29, 2014, 04:50:40 AM by Fisherson
Posts: 373
Gnarly Tubular Ghost Hunting Machine.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #46 on:
October 31, 2014, 04:58:31 PM »
(Um are we waiting for Rahl or can I puppet Shereogoroth?)
Lord Of Gamedwellers
Posts: 2,356
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #47 on:
October 31, 2014, 06:35:05 PM »
Sheogorath: Wrong! Wrong! Wrong!
Begins drawing out his spoon walking to Rahl...
Rahl: What are you talking about? It could only possibly be Orc!
Sheogorath: That so? What tom-cheesery is this? Orcs are such sweet souls... though not so tasty, not even the little toes! Nasty Orcses we hates them, we HATES them! Don't we precious? Yes precious, yes... Nasty little orcses. (Looks at Dave) Are you sure you don't want to stay for the party? (and Zoltar) We've only just become such friends! (and Mary) You'll be the life of the party! Seeing as your the only ones left with that unfortunate attribute... No no no This will not do at all!
Sheogorath pulls out his Wabbajack and strikes it on the chair in front of them.
Sheogorath: Oh preeeeciiioouse! Come play with our party guests!
The chair starts transforming into an enormous disfigured rat with bent, limbs a curved spine, bloodshot eyes, and a head that constantly twitched from side to side.
Rahl: You said you would let us go if we got the riddle right!
Sheogorath: I'm the god of madness not the god of I give a $#!^. Do mind the cheese, he truly hates cheese I so enjoy feeding it to him though!
And Sheogorath was gone, the same was, rather unfortunately, untrue for... precious...
Jedi Sentinel of the Charasian Cluster.
Posts: 4,199
Just call me Fish.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #48 on:
November 01, 2014, 07:08:46 AM »
David: Typical! Leaving his over sized, brutally strong minion to finish us off instead of doing it himself.
Zoltar: Considering he was a deity and immune to mortal weapons? I'm actually kinda glad.
Rahl: Bah I've faced larger rodents.
Dave: Yeah but last time we were eaten by the larger rodent too. ^^;
Rahl: *Draws his Zanpukuto* I was a younger, more foolish warrior then...plus we have a summoner!
Lylac: Eheh heh heh...Yeah but I can only summon one summon and she's not overly useful. ^^;;
Zoltar: I know the feeling.
Mary: I'd clobber you, but I may need that shield of yours in a second. *Draws her blade and advances* Okay "precious", hit me with your best shot!
Precious: *Opens it's mouth and unleashes...WHITE LIGHTNING!
Mary: Gyah! I wasn't being literal! *Leaps out of the way but leaps into the darkness by mistake* ...Oh fuuuuuuuu-*screaming sound*
Zoltar: Mary! Nooo! *He wails watching the spot where she fell off before turning to precious with hate in his eyes* Okay you stinkin' rat! Take this!! *Charges at Precious*
Precious: *Used After image. Zoltar attacked the after image! No damage.*
Zoltar: Huh?? *Is standing close to the edge of the island* Waah!
Precious: *Attempts to use Tail Whip and knock Zoltar off the edge but suddenly Clare leaps out of his pocket and breathes a gout of fire setting precious' tail on fire*
Precious: *Roars in pain and leaps back hissing*
Rusty: Beep? Boop? (The mouse...can breathe fire?? Also why am I not shooting stuff? Mini gun!) *His central panel opens revealing a small vulcan-laser* Boooo-beep! *Fires* (Eat laser bolts, fur face!)
Precious: *Is hit but doesn't even flinch*
Rusty: ...boop. (Oh *****)
Dave: *Ignites his saber* Rahl you need to dawn your mask, but don't use any explosive techniques on Precious. We don't want to weaken the island and fall like Mary did!
Rahl: Hmm don't blow up the island? Well it's totally out of character...But what the hell? Let's rumble! *Calls his mask to his face and...wait it's changed at little* Hm...? Feels...heavier. Ah well probably nothing. *Goes bankai* Let's rock! *Leaps at Precious* Get ready for some awesome sword play! Hiy....aaaaaah! *Slices at Precious in hyper speed*
Precious: *is sliced to ribbons* Scree! Screeeeee!! *It calls out*
Rahl: Ha! Not so tough now are-
Precious: *Sweeps it's legs up at Rahl sending him into the air*
Rahl: Aah! *Course corrects and stares down* How can you even- Oh no!
Precious: *Suddenly grows two more heads and then all three of them charge energy beams in their mouths that temporarily light up the area one points up at Rahl and uses WHITE LIGHTNING which streaks at him*
Rahl: Nice try! *Blocks, but has to add force as the sheer light magic is over whelming his dark defenses* >-<;; Grrr...! This thing is more clever that I- Wait what are the other two doing?
Precious Head 2: *Points to the side at an angle then fires Bio Breath in arc at Rahl's exposed side*
Rahl: Oh f-
Zoltar; Cover!! *Leaps up and blocks the blow with shield* X( Not going to do that again!
Precious Head 3: *Mouth glows blue white and lights up the whole area using Giga Flare which is shot straight at Zoltar and Rahl*|
Rahl: Ha! I can always shunpo- *Attempt to but Precious' tail now holds his feet*- Oh come on!!
*The flare shoots in arching curve and Dave leaps into the way using a force blast to try and direct the angle away from the three air borne heroes*
Dave: Not on my watch! Hyynnnyah! *Sends it away crashing into the old entry way which explodes with blue white energy and is vaporized* Okay now I can-*Suddenly Precious stops white lightning and then swings Rahl around smacking both Dave and Zoltar out of the air!* Owww! *Is knocked to the ground crashing into the table. Extra damage!* UUhmmng....@-@ That's one clever boss.
Zoltar: *Is smashed into a colum of stone. Crunch!* Aaaah.....*Slides down whti his glasses broken and his form a bit twisted from all the broken bones* Ugh...Proud Mary....I....failed...*Faints*
Precious: *Lets go of Rahl and sends him spinning*
Rahl: Shunpo! *Flash-steps to David* By all the Admins it's more powerful than that giant Pikachu AND that limey british man. How can we hope to fight such a thing?
Dave: With a plan I think...This is no push over. *Stares grimly as the hulking monster advances each head watching them with it's beady purple eyes as it stalks closer to them it's whip-like tail twitching* What I wouldn't give for a giant neko right about now.
Posts: 373
Gnarly Tubular Ghost Hunting Machine.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #49 on:
November 02, 2014, 10:40:38 PM »
(Ouch. Kill off my only two characters, will you?)
*Zoltar's auto-rerise activates*
Zoltar: Oww...My body....It hurts...*Gets up creaking and groaning* That HURT! Okay I know I'm the new guy but even I know when a boss whoops you that bad? It's time to coordinate. *Looks at Rahl* You slice those huge pillars with Gestuga Tensho-*looks at David* You uses the Force to toss them at that giant rat and I, Clare and Lylac will provide cover? Got it?
Dave: Yes sir, Mister Zoltar Sir!
Rahl: Okay newbie, we'll give your plan a shot...But I hope it works otherwise I'll have to Vasto Lorde Rahl and risk blasting this island.
Zoltar: ...Right. Okay let's go!! Rahl, attack!
Rahl: *Shunpo's to Precious and attacks with many sword strikes*
Precious: Hisss! *Charges White Lightning and aims at Rahl then fires*
Zoltar: Cover! *Blocks the blast*
Precious Head 2: *Charges Bad Breath*
Lylac: *Green fire orbs run around her head then suddenly she vanishes and summons carbuncle*
Carbunckle: Buncle! Car! *It's forehead gem gathers light*
[ Ruby light ]
*Red energy shields envelop the party*
Precious Head 2: *Fires bad breath and it is reflected back at itself* Screee! *Is petrified, poisoned, blinded, silenced and beserked*
Zoltar: Not so tough now, are ya??
Precious Head 3: *Charges Giga Flare* RoooooaaaaaRRR!!!
Dave: Look out!!
Clare: I got this! Gigaflare huh? How abotu No-Charge Gigaflare! *Fires instantly after a cool charge up scene which streaks at the Gigaflare matching it and cancelling it out*
Precious: Hissssss!! *Says two of it's head*
Zoltar: Now, Rahl! Fire Gestsuga Tensho at the colums!!
Rahl - -; What am I? A Pokemon? Seesh. *Charges Getsuga Tensho realy big like Ichigo did to Grimjoww in their first fight* Getsu...ga.....Tensoundasho!! *Uleashes a wide blast at Precious, which it uses after image to dodge. Then the columns start to fall being sliced neatly in two*
Dave: Hmm seems I'm up? I was told to move some columns right? No prob! Force Whirlwind!!!
*The columns of huge pitted white stone swirl around precious smashing into it several times causing it to gush blood*
Zoltar: Ha ha! Now everyone attack the ground near precious! Sheild...Beam!! *Fires a small beam of light at the ground cracking it a little*
Rahl: *Getsu-ga-ten-sHOOO! *Slices at the ground near Precious which cracks allot*
Dave: *Puts his hand behind his back and charges the force* Force Cannon!! *The ground cracks all the way and starts to tumble! The creature falls screaming into the abyss.*
Precious: Raaaaaaaaaaaaooooooorrrrrr- *Silence*
Zoltar: Ha ha ha! We did it!! *Hugs Rusty*
Rusty: Beeop bop boop bop! (Get off me, white boy before I put a cap in you're-)
*Suddenly the air is disturbed by a sound. A sound of climbing*
Rahl: Oh no!
Dave: Surely it's defeaten! We used like 999 MP all together.
Clare: *Charges a flame blast* Ssssh- *Stops* Mary!
*Yes Proud Mary is still alive! She's seen climbing over the edge of the spot where Precious fell*
Mary: Darn over sized rat. I'm going to kill- *Looks around* Huh?? Where'd the boss go?
Rusty: Beeoop. (It was defeaten.) *Dissarms his various weapons in disappointment*
Mary: What?
Rahl: Yeah we sorta attacked it in unison with a brillaint plan from Zoltar.
Mary: ...No seriously what really happened?
Anyway we should get moving before-
*There's a rumble in the floor. Then suddenly a dreaded sound: Flap, flap, flap, flapy, flap, flap. And suddenly Precious comes flying up from the darkness staring down the party*
Dave: Oh come onnn! We won! No fair!
Zoltar: Bu-but! My brillaint plan.
Precious: *Grins* Impressssssive! Most impresssive.
Lylac: It spoke!
Precious: Indeed, good lady. I can sssssssspeak. I can also usually deal with my master's enemies without thissss much trouble.
Dave: Yeah we're heroes. Me and Rahl are in fact veterans of a war and a quest or two before this.
Precious: Neverthelesssss you will be desssstroyed. *Uses the Skill Demonic Laugh*
*The party lost reflect*
Lylac: Shoot! I was proud of that.
Precious: Now witnessss my ultimate ability!! *Draws a magic circle in the air* Chaos Destroy-
*Suddenly a figure blacker than than area around them and dwarfing them by several hundred feet appears. It has two red eyes and one huuuuuge mouth which it uses to chomp down on Precious*
Rahl: What?! That's not the black wind!
Munchin Shin: Boy hush up now, 'fore I squish you like a BUG! HA HA HA HA! I'm better than tha tool Machin. Maaaan he wishes he had my skillz, ya dig?
Dave: Okaaay. So you're a giant shadowy sterotype...How's that dangerous to us?
Munchin Shin: Ah, home dawg? You just see the part where I ATE THE BOSS? You think you're lame *** powers gonna even tickle me? Hell no! Besides I can do this!
[ Area Munch! ]
*Suddenly he bites off a huge chunk of the island*
Zoltar: ....AAAAAAAAH!
Munchin Shin: Mmmn! Nom om nom. *Burps* Ha ha ha! Now are you convinced?
Mary: I'm usually down for a fight of any level, but this time I say we follow the time honred advise of the Doctor:
*The party flee's or attempts to anyway with Munchin Shin nomming at the path behind them*
Munchin Shin: Run all you like! You'll never escape me, beotches!!
Jedi Sentinel of the Charasian Cluster.
Posts: 4,199
Just call me Fish.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #50 on:
November 04, 2014, 05:03:08 AM »
(XD Munchin' Shin. Oh I love that!)
Dave: Ah crud! We're going to get get eaten halfway through the adventure again?? Come on! *Looks back at Munchin' Shin eating the path behind them like Packman*
Munchin Shin: Waka, waka, baby! *Chomps down near Rahl* Nom!! Aww man! Almost had some sushi.
Rahl: >-<+ I'm not Japanese, I'm a Japanonphile! There's a difference!! *Shunpo's ahead a bit then turns around* Okay you want a snack? Have some blue plate special Getsuga Tenshousandsho!! *Fires* Haaa!!
*The black and red energy streams at Munchin Shin*
Munchin Shin: *Used devour and swallows it whole* Yummmy!!
Rahl: Damnit! Doesn't anything affect him?!
Lylac: I'd offer to use some summon magic, but I used allot to summon Carbuncle.
Zoltar: I thought you said you were a magic expert?
Lylac: I am! In theory...I've never been able to summon anything that powerful before. My uncle made it rather unnecessary.
Dave: I can see why. *A loud crunch is heard behind them*
Munchin Shin: Eha ha ha ha ha! *Sinks down into the darkness*
Mary: Where's he-
*Suddenly the path ahead exploded where Munchin Shin took a huge bite of it* Booga, booga, booga!
Dave: Egad! He can move through this stuff like a huge wale! How will we ever escape??
Clare: I'd breathe fire, but he'd just eat it.
Mary: How do you do that anyway?
Clare: I used to be a Shinro.
Zoltar: A what?
Dave: T-T Didn't anybody play Wrath of Gaia? A dragon humanoid! They are awesome. Zesher is one, Ie Dragonblaze?
Rahl: Huh! I didn't know that, but enough random facts! I say we stuff this monster with as many special attacks as we can at once!
Zoltar: Ummm that won't work. He's huge, we wasted a tone of MP on Precious and oh yeah he's got a million freaking hit points! What we need is a miracle...*He looked skyward...and a small, gentlemanly voice said:*
?: 'Miracles'? I'm no miracle worker, but I have on ocassion, in certain company, been told I'm quite a good shot.
Munchin' Shin: Eh? Where'd that come from? And who the **** are you??
*Suddenly a blue pegasus appeared! On it's back was a small man wearing leather armor that was of quite good cut and design. His face was hard to see but light poured from his mount's body like it was a made of moon beams. Suddenly they began to descend as they got nearer and nearer the party could make out that the small man was holding a rather over sized flintlock in his right hand. It said "Wonderbuss" on the side in stenciled letters*
Fruckert: Not "****", my good man, "Fruck" as in Sir Fruckert Slayer of things much, much larger than himself. I do apologize of this but....COMIC CANNON! *Fires a small cannon ball that causes him and his steed to be flung back suddenly*
Munchin Shin: Hmpf! Hardly a meal. *Opens his mouth and as he chomps down and swallows looking pleased suddenly he raises an eyebrow* Wait...I don't feel right...Suddenly much more....heavy....Ugh! *His stomach starts tuck inwards* N-No! What was in that cannon ball?!
Frucket: *Puts on his professor glasses* To be exact in my attempt to make you understand would require that you have some knowledge of Dwarven Astro-Magic. In layman's terms? A quantum singularity with a near identical atomic weight to your own mass, sir. *Waves slowly as he flies to the path landing* Good day to you sir.
Munchin Shin: NOOOOOO-*Is sucked into himself* You've not heard the last of meeeeeeee- *Pop*
Dave: Huh?? Fruck? How the...? Who the...?
Fruck: *Dismounts as the others come running up to him and turns on his little light on his helment* Hello gentleman, sorry I'm late to the quest but I was detained by goblins who seemed to be under a strange impression that all dwarves taste well with tomato paste. Suffered a rather nasty couple of blows from my finest pickaxe they did. *His mount laughed*
Moonbeam: That that did, boss! *said his, upon observation, pony-sized mount. Who was only a little taller than Fruck's dwarven height, light blue, with a longe white mane and covered in armored plating.*
Lylac: *.* She's pretty.
Moonbeam: < <; I'm a dude? Hellooo? Isn't that obvious? *flutters his wings*
Lylac: *Still in trance*
Rahl: By hades! I can't believe it's really you, Fruck! Where have you been? Also why haven't you exploded yet?
Fruck: I am on a tonic of my own devising to prevent random spontaneous combustion. It's rather inconvenient when you're flying twenty one thousand leagues in the air upon pony back wouldn't you agree?
Dave: Pony? Flying ponies?
Fruck: Why not? You fly in that strange contraption you call a "star vessel" and it doesn't even have a proper aerodynamic shape.
Zoltar: Oh snap!
Mary: Ha ha. He's funny for a gnome.
Fruck: Gnome? Do I appear to be statuary to you, young woman?
Dave: Ingore her and tell us where you've been? After the failed raid at Dragonium's castle we didn't see hide nor hair of you!
Fruck: Perhaps after I lead your party with haste to the exit of this dreadful and dreary monster pit. Fair?
Rahl: Sounds fair to me!
Fruck: Indeed. Then come, Moonbeam, let us make haste. *Remounts his pony and trots ahead lighting the way around the huge jag left in the path by Munchin' Shin.*
*Behind them unseen to the gackling party of travelers. Lord Pop watched from the shadows, his mencacing one eye following their movement from beneath the brim of his wizzard hat*
Pop: He he he! Well you have survived those challenges, but it was to be expected. I hope you won't fair this well when you find my surprise at the exit! Aha ha ha ha! *Fades into shadow*
Lord Of Gamedwellers
Posts: 2,356
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #51 on:
November 05, 2014, 05:46:31 AM »
The Hero continue the ways, until they reach the end where the Waygate stood. Fruck moves to the gate and slides the leaf in place that locks the exit. And as the real world once again began to materialize a long hooked chain shoots through wrapping it around Dave dragging him with great force through the gate.
Rahl: Dave!
And Rahl rushed through after to be greeted by the site of orcs and their crude but sharp weapons. They were surrounded, there had to be well over a hundred and in front stood the biggest or any of them had ever seen, and sitting atop his head was stunted orc in a purple cloak bearing a ridged staff, his eyes hidden from view but for a faint green glow.
Pop: Well well now friends. It seems the shining hope of Charas is not so great. It seems your mp bars have seen better days! Though I thought the old dolt Sheogorath would have left you something a bit meaner to play with, he must have liked you. Well I assure you this is as far as you go. I would like to introduce you to my friend here, his name is Worm. Hes not very talkative but hes very good at what he does. And these are my other friends-
He gestures to the surrounding woods, orcish archers in the trees and troll grunts on the ground eyeing the group and licking their weapons teeth filed to points. Dave was struggling, hanging from a nearby tree chain wrapped tightly around his neck.
Rahl: You'd best let my friend go *mask materializing around his face.
Pop: Why dont we just let him go boys!
Laughing burst out as the chain was hauled even farther up the tree.
Pop turns to the group and sreams "tonight we eat manflesh!" and bloodcurdling roar soars into the air as the beasts charged.
Last Edit: November 05, 2014, 05:50:26 AM by Rahl
Posts: 373
Gnarly Tubular Ghost Hunting Machine.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #52 on:
November 05, 2014, 02:58:14 PM »
Mary: Aww give me a break! *Hefts her scythe-like blade and charges* I ain't gonna lose to a bunch of lame eleven rejects! Rave....Cyclone!! *Dives into the air and does a spin slash through the central most orcs continuing on her way towards Pop* Or a Black Waltz!
Pop: *Smiles in the shadows of his cloak* Pig. *He said extending hand and as he did Mary suddenly was surrounded in yellow smoke obscuring her form. When it cleared a dark blue skinned anthropology pig stood in her place*
Mary: Awwww duck! I have multiple racks and my arse is plump. >.<; But I still have my sword! Have at you!! *She said leaping at Pop*
Pop: Dual Cast part II: Stop!
*Mary froze in place with her sword raised high*
Mary: Dammit! *The orcs take her and tie her to a spit over a large fire pit*
Pop: Correction. We shall feast on man and pig flesh tonight!! Ma ha ha ha!! Who's next?
Zoltar: Proud Mary!! Why you stupid oversized Heartless wannabe... I'll END you! *Call his flickering shield to life and dives at the orcs* I'm comming, Mary, just hang on and try not get give off any delicious aromas!
Mary: *Rolls her eyes* I'll do my best.*She says sarcastically*
Lord Of Gamedwellers
Posts: 2,356
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #53 on:
November 05, 2014, 08:20:17 PM »
Rahl flash steps to the tree where Dave is being choked by the chain jumping between it and the nearest tree to reach him and a hail of arrows greeted him, one lodged into his shoulder and the rest flew past. The pain of the barbed tip shot through his entire body as he clung to a branch nearby. Again he pushed off and slashed the chain grabbing a gasping dave by the arm before he fell to the ground.
Dave: T-Thanks *coughhackcough* I-
Another volley of orcish arrows flew through the air and Rahl dropped Dave letting him fall near another branch on down the tree. Arrows the would have struck vital organs being deflected at the last moment by the edge of his katana. Dave fell from branch to branch until hit hit the ground below Rahl just behind.
Rahl: Carriage of Thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Kido 61 Rikujokoro!
Beams of light shoot from the skies slamming slamming into a number of the archers above throwing them screaming to the ground below.
Pop: Thundaga!
A bolt of lightning soars through the air striking Rahl in the side sending him spinning through the air burning his right side as steady booming started coming closer.
Worm: Wooooorrrrmmmm crush!
Rahl was sprawled on the ground having trouble to getting up as the giant troll raised his treetrunk of a club into the air ready to crush his skull.
Jedi Sentinel of the Charasian Cluster.
Posts: 4,199
Just call me Fish.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #54 on:
November 06, 2014, 07:41:04 PM »
Dave: *Saw that a troll was about to crush Rahl and closed his eyes sinking deep into a state of calm.* Eye of the Storm....*He simultaneously calls both shot and saber to his hands then calmly steps to where the tree is about it hit Rahl slashes, once, twice and thrice the pieces of tree tree comming away in layers till only the troll's hands are left which, with a simple pitvot and slish-slash of the energy swords, go to join the remnants of the tree trunk he then opens his eyes and delivers a kick to the troll's stomach sending him to fall on top of some of his fellows* Wow. Been a while since I was able to manage a technique like that! Heh heh. *Turns to Rahl* So you've started working on your Kido Spells like I suggested last time?
Rahl: Well I realized that using Getsuga all the time drains me and often is predictable no mater how much I change it up. *Smirks* Nobody expects me to call pillars of light or fire balls to lay them down low, eh?
Dave: Heh heh. Now let's go-
Pop: Wide Cast: Pig!! *Points at Rahl and David* *Yellow smoke flows in his direction!* WA HA HA HA HA!!
Lylac: Oh no you don't! *Green flames suround her head* Carbuncle!!
*Suddenly the small green critter appears on Rahl's head and with a red flash that sends Dave's eyes a spinning they are shielded in red light which bounces the spell back at Pop*
Pop: HA HA HA- HA? Haaaaaaaaagh! *Grabs one of his larger trolls who takes the spell becoming a large green pig* _< Not cool man! Wait I thought you were all out of MP??
Lylac: *Smirks* I spent some extra JP from these battles learning "Walk MP Up!" I just had my hour's run and gained back all my MP. Now...*Cracks her kuckles* It's time to try one of the big guys out...*Points to the sky* Avail us, oh lord of the sky come forth Valefor!!
*She sky opens and out of it comes a shinier newer version of the unappreciated starting wind summon from FF10! He's got armor, a new hair cut and looks ticked that he's not one of the most popular summons of all time*
[Gale Breath]
*Suddenly a wind storm erupts from his mouth shooting at Pop*
Pop: Damn! Shell!! *Is protected by a magic barrier as the wind crashes into him like screaming drill bit from Hades and drives him back. and the party and trolls alike have to take cover as swords, arrows and even Rusty are all tossed about for a good long minute. When it clears there's only a hole left where Pop was*
Lylac: Yes! Good work Valefor-
*Suddenly Pop's tattered red and black gloved hand grips the edge and slowly the very disheveled, but otherwise mostly unharmed, black mage slowly crawls from the hole his one eye blazing a errie green*
Pop: Summons? You attack me with summons...? Hmpf. *Stands up and dusts himself off his hat leaning crookedly on his head and part of it torn off and hanging like a monster with it's mouth open* Have you never heard of me? I am Lord Popernilicus Gradstuffhasen, the one and only Omni Mage! All magics of worth are mine to command...Including Summons. Feel-my-power!! *Gestures and a ring of green flames suround his head* Come forth mighty shaker of the earth and unleash your fury! Titan!!
*Suddenly a huge towering fifty foot tall half naked swartznaegian fellow appears behind Pop and then drives his hand down into the earth sending a pillar of earth high into the air hitting Valefor knocking him from the sky.*
Valefor: Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeik! *Crashes into the ground fading*
Lylac: Vaelfor...*Glares at Pop* How could you?!
Pop: Easily. Like crushing an ant. Speaking of...*Draws a sword from nowhere made of spectral light* Sword Magic: Shock!! The more damage I took...
*Lylac is surrounded by painfully bolts of magic which attack her relentlessly*
Lylac: AAAAAAUGH!! *She says falling to her hands and knee's*
Pop: ...the more is inflicted on you as revenge. *Smiles* Ha ha ha! See? An Omni Mage like me can even use spells available to posers like Mage Blades and Sword Saints! Oh and since I dual cast...Foxbir-
Rahl: Not today! *Shunpo's to Pop and slashes vertically* Yaaagh! Back away from my wife!!
Pop: *Is sent backward with a rent in his chest* Ugh! Curaga! *Is healed instantly, but his clothes remain tattered* Damn you're sword! Fine you want to live by the sword?? Then die by it!! 13 Blades! *Thirteen swords appear around pop and as he rushes at Rahl they spin*
Rahl: Ah hell! *Fends them off as best he can but it getting cut up*
Dave: Rahl! Knight Speed! *Zips over and helps Rahl fend them back but they are still only three against thirteen*
Pop: HA HA HA HA HA HA! Shred them to- *It tapped on the shoulder*-Eh? What is it?
Fruck: *Is sitting atop Moonbeam looking quite smug* You can use all magics eh? What about equinine energy based attacks?
Pop: ....wha?
Moonbeam: Cutie Stamp! *Raises up and 'stamps' Pop's head over and over*
Pop: Ow ow ow ow ow! Heeeey! That's not the way it's supposed to work!! *He said opening his mouth wide and Shouting at Fruck and Moonbeam in the ancient language of the Dragons sending out a shock wave.* RUGHTL GIDLFH HAAGL! *They were knocked out of the air*
Fruck:*Gets up from his dazed mount and shakes himself off* Ah no need for that sort of language, laddy. *He says dusting himself off and hefting his biggest Demonite Pickaxe as Rahl and Dave close in* Even if you are out numbered and about to triple attacked. *He said a smirk splitting his long thick red-brown mustaches*
Pop: Grrrr...Why won't you all just stay down??
Dave: We're heroes! *Extends a hand crackling with lightning*
Rahl: We don't know any better. *He says charging Getsuga*
Fruck: *Dwarven Runes glow on his pick axe* Damn straight.
Pop: Hmpf! If you think me some weak black mage with no muscle...Bersek Olde Shcool! *A green beam of energy hits him doubling his body mass till he's as buff as Yammy* You're outa luck, zeroes! *Takes his staff* Full-Tilt!! *Spins around at high speed smashing it into all three with his huge Dragon Bone staff and sending them flying back*
Dave: AUGH!!
Rahl: GYAH!!
Titan Pop: *In a deep voice* HA HA HA HA....Now do you see? Even the fools at Square Enix can't stop me from reaching across time and gaining the most powerful of forbiden magics!! With this power I will rule this world and many more! The name "Mage" will no longer be a joke! It will be a war cry that rends the air and sends fear into every man woman and child who dares to oppress us!! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! *he says staring down at them with a insane look on his face*
Lord Of Gamedwellers
Posts: 2,356
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #55 on:
November 07, 2014, 01:23:12 AM »
Rahl: Dave take the others and back away, I didn't want to have to do this but hes left me no other choice.
Dave: But-
Rahl: Go!
Dave motions to the others and they fade back into the forest.
Pop: How very noble of you, to stay and die while the others-
Rahl: Ban-kai
Waves of energy filled the air around Rahl, the shear force of it bringing the berserked giant to a single knee with his hand to the ground.
Pop: Not possib-
In an instant Rahl vanished and reappeared behind the giant his sword already at the end of its deadly arc, blood spraying into the air. Again and again each time from a different direction the blade swung a swath of blood and flesh trailing in his wake. A blood curdling roar shook the ground as the monster bellowed in pain.
Pop: Haste!
He flashed red and swatted from side to side trying to catch Rahl and stop the blows but still he was not fast enough.
Pop: Slow!
But the spell missed and hit a tree making the leaves that had once been alive with movement from the heated fight slow to a snails pace. Cut after cut the blood now poured from his open wounds and he was starting to slow down his swings growing wilder and less coordinated.
Pop: Cura-curaga!
Many of his wounds sealed shut as if they had never been but still too many were open and it did little to help him. And then it stopped. The blows stopped and all was silent.
Pop: You give up you coward?! Out of juice alre-
And there was Rahl face to face with the giant.
Rahl: I just wanted to give me friends enough time to get away from the blast.
Pop: What blas-
Rahl: Getsuga Tenshou!
A massive blast of burning black and red spirit energy ripped at the very farbic of the world around it exploded outward enveloping pop as Rahl landed once more on the ground. Slowly the dust began to settle and Pop lie there on the ground his normal size panting frantically blood flowing freely all around him.
Pop: Heh- *hack hack* hehe, you- you little- *hack* how dare- *hack* @#&# you all! METEO!!
And with that the skies and the heavens themselves began to fall around them both...
Dave and the other glance around the aftermath that had once been the forest now crater in the earth a mile wide where the two great forces had come to a climax. Pops body lie still on the ground, atleast, what was left of him.
Lylac: Rahl!
He lay still on the ground his breath shallow, and unresponsive.
Dave: He isn't dead but he is as close as they come, that meteo did 9998 damage it seems.
Fruck: This close to death he will need help that none of us can provide.
They place his limp body atop moonbeam and continue on.
Posts: 373
Gnarly Tubular Ghost Hunting Machine.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #56 on:
November 07, 2014, 05:31:52 AM »
Zoltar: *Is about to untie marry from the spit when suddenly as Pop's soul departs his body the magic reverses itself*
Mary: *Bursts out of the ropes and materializes her sword to her hand* Heeeey orcs...*She says with a particuly chilling grin* So you want to eat me eh? Well eat this!
[Rave Ripper]
*Much nasty crunching and grinding sounds are heard*
Mary: *Sorting out loot obtained from the trolls and orcs, her long blade dripping black blood. The few who got away are left running for the hills at high speed* And stay gone! Hmpf. Turn me into pig will he? Ooh just wait till I get my hands on him!
Zoltar: Kinda hard. That spikey haired Ichigo guy Rahl? Sorta went Bankai Baby and smashed him up till he died.
Mary: What?! Aww man...
Dave: *is helping Rahl to walk while his mask crumbles reaveling his faintly smiling, sweat covered, daze face.*
Rahl: Ha! That'll show 'em...
Lylac: Talk less. Regenerate HP more.
Mary: The hell happened to this place?
Dave: *Grits his teeth* Tellah's curse. METEO. Horrible spell to use even on a wicked enemy. *Looks ahead* Plus it leveled the land. I can't make out any of the land marks we're supposed to be looking for.
Rusty: Boop! *He says from a tree* (There's a town not that far away from hear according to my sensors.)
Dave: Good job, Rusty! *uses the Force to levitate him out of the tree then the party sets off down the one path that wasn't damaged. They walk off as the sun slowly follows them and soon it becomes night and Zoltar calls a halt, the party ignores him and then Mary suggest they make camp and, ofcourse, the listen to the female version of Zack. Never the less they all pitched tents and set up their camp.*
Zoltar: Somebody needs to go get some wood.
Mary: Cool! I'll chop down a few tree's. X3
Zoltar: > >Mary...Tree's have feeling too ya know.
Mary: Hippie. *Raz's him*
Zoltar: So only take the Dead Wood.
Mary: Oh fine. *Stomps off to find some*
Zoltar: *Gets up and inspects the camp stopping by the make shift hospital tent where Rahl is resting* How's he doing, Lylac?
Lylac: He's a little better. I don't know any summons to cure him but I did find some wild herbs growing and using my Alchemy skill was able to make a very weak potion to heal him a little. But he'll need at least a full day's rest before we set out.
Zoltar: But we need to save the Pubb! We can't afford to- *Suddenly Dave lays a hand on Zoltar's shoulder*
Dave: Hey. Easy on them. We don't know where we're going anymore anyway we can rest till at least mid morning. Trust me I've done allot of these things before. You want to save your energy up just in case you get jumped again.
Zoltar: But we still have the Dwarf, his Pony and your Robot.
Rusty: Boop....be...ep....(Ugh...Not for much longer. Need power....)
Dave: Ah! Sorry buddy I forgot about that. Deploy your solar panel and get some moon light. That should help.
Rusty: Be-beep-bop. (Okay. Goodnight David.)
Zoltar: Um who's going to keep watch now?
Fruck: No need to worry, laddy. Me and Moonbeam will keep watch. We Dwarves need less daylight hours than humans. It comes from minning all the time, ya know.
Zoltar: Huh. *Shrugs* Alright then....I guess I'll catch some Z's too. Yawwn...Night guys. *Walks over to his bunk and lays down soon drifting off.*
- In the Forest -
Mary: Man gathering fallen wood is just stupid. Perfectly good tree's around and I could use something to chop right about now...
Rip: Funny I was just thinking the same thing.
Mary: Oh ****! I know that voice! *Spins around* Rip Edgeworth.
*Rip was ...well basically he looked a heck of allot somebody trying to rip off Grimjoww from Bleach. <.< Though can Rahl honestly say anything? Yeah as I was saying. He has spiky blue hair, dark eyes and wears allot of white stuff. Now what wasn't like Grimjoww was the fact this guy was full dressed in white business suit with fur lining the neck and cuffs and fingerless gloves. Another key difefference was the fact he had no markings under his eyes or a bone mask.*
Rip: In the flesh- Er ectoplasm. Heh heh. S'up? Been a while since you and Zoltar were around for sparing sessions.
Mary: We're out to save the world, Jack, so beat it!
Rip: Oh no need to worry, poppet! Ah don't intend to beat you at all. Slice and dice? Perhaps. Then again I could jus leave you guys here to suffer the Curse of Morphiah. *Smiles insanely*
Mary: What are you talking about your weirdo brit?!
Rip: Beat me and I'll tell ya! Ripping Wind! *Sends a wind gust at at Mary who blocks it*
(Oh guys? Don't control those two and change from this scene for a bit, okay? I got something I want to play with! X3)
Jedi Sentinel of the Charasian Cluster.
Posts: 4,199
Just call me Fish.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #57 on:
November 09, 2014, 05:52:21 AM »
(Hmm it goes against the rules but okay just for a few posts, but wrap it up, Zoltar. Half the fun is getting to pilot other's characters. XD)
Dave: *Is relaxing in meditative pose* Been while since I actually slept under the stars.
Fruck: Don't you always sleep beneath the stars since you do travel by star ship?
Dave: Yeah but it's not the same. I don't always leave my view port open and even when I do sometimes they all sort of blur together.
Rusty: Beeop. (Especially at warp speeds) *Electronically warbles and chuckles a bit before Clare emerges from Zoltar's pocket*
Clare: Gah! Air! Oh blessed sweet O2X! I miss you so. *She scurries near the fire and takes up a spot starting to groom herself*
Dave: Hey Clare! Been a while! We thought you might have been lost forever in Zoltar's pocket. Heh heh.
Clare: I very well would have been if not for a melted candy bar and some lint...- -;
Dave: O_O; Sounds harsh.
Clare: So where's Johnny Cash?
Dave: Eh?
Clare: The guy in black.
Dave: Oh Rahl? Lylac is treating his injuries. He pushed himself a bit too far.
Clare: Will he be okay? *She asked worriedly*
Dave: I...Don't know. Spirit Reapers walk a very treacherous path and Rahl isn't just any Spirit Reaper. *Watches Rahl breathing shallowly* But I have faith he'll pull through. I've been fighting alongside him for a very long while. *He said smiling* Besides I'm sure Lylac knows what she's doing.
- Rahl's Construct -
*Rahl stood in the middle of a huge throne room. The whole area was made of cold grey stone and what little color was displayed in violent tapestries ont he walls and Hallow mask's hung up like trophies. Suddenly he heard somebody appear behind him using Sonido and drew his sword to block their blade...but it never came and Rahl gasped suddenly at what he saw.*
Rahl: Damnit! I should have known I wasn't finished with you....You pasty devil. *He said to his duplicate whom was dressed in white kimono whith a black version of the Sword of Truth on his belt. He also differed from Rahl due to his hair being longer and white blonde. Though Rahl noticed his doupleganger had lost his white skin tone and blackened "whites" of his eyes. He still had a Hollow's feral yellow eyes though and his teeth were sharper than Rahl's. But other than that they could have passed for twins.*
Hahl: *Walks towards Rahl with his hands up* How we, Lord Rahl?
Rahl: Huh? Who are you?
Hahl: Ha ha ha! Don't play with me. You know who I am.
Rahl: Hmm if I'm still copying Ichigo you're my Zanpukuto Spirit pretending to be my Hollow side, right?
Hahl: No! *Smiles wide and toothy* The opposite! I'm your Hollow side come to wake you up, Lord Rahl.
Rahl: Well that would be welcome since this dream is-
Hahl: IT'S NOT A DREAM MORON HELOO~ It's your soul construct!
Rahl: What? This place was a bunch of Sky scrappers before why has it changed??
Hahl: Because you changed. You abandoned just being an "Inchigo wannabe" and started to awaken your darker powers. *Laughs* Like when you wasted Eldritch! Remember that? Oh man the look on his face!! Priceless.
Rahl: I did rather enjoy sending him to Hades but how do you know about tha- Ah...You're tryring to imply you did that?
Hahl: Well I "nudged" your darker powers to the surface. Your the one who actually summoned it. Previously you weren't ready to become who you must be...
Rahl: *Feels a shudder go through him* And just who is that, spirit?
Hahl: *Grins widely* Lord Rahl ofcourse! A Warrior King who will unite the land in way Dragonium and that poser Alex never could! Under te banner of-
Rahl: *Shakes his head* No. I tried that once with Dragonium's castle. I heard his throne of power could give me even more power and I foolishly used Dave, Fruck and Ed to try and unlock it...I nearly lost myself to...It.
Hahl: Is it so bad? Being a Hollow? I mean you are above Vasto Lordes if you'd just unleash that power you could put it to good use!
Rahl: *Frowns* Again I will not become It again. *Points his Katana at Hahl* Leave this place, specter! Trouble me no more.
Hahl: ...But if I do...It will take control. I'm the only thing holding it back, ya know. Not to mention if you don't grow those magic abilities...well let's just say the next couple of guys aren't as much of pushovers as Pop.
Rahl: Be that as it may I will not give in to my ambitions. I am ...unworthy to be king of this or any other land! Now leave me!
Hahl: Okay I'll leave. *Turns to go then turns back with Gin Ichimaru eyes and points behind Rahl* But what about him?
*Rahl hears a snarling behind him and turns to see his Beastial Hollow self standing behind him dwarfing him*
Beasty: *Extends a hand and malevolent energy gathers with a whoosh lighting up the whole throne room*
Rahl: Oh shi- *Calls his mask just as the blast hits pushing him through the wall then exploding with violent force that doesn't seem to affect Hahl*
Hahl: *Sits down and watches the smoke clear where Rahl is in yet another throne room but on the ceiling of this one* that hurt?
Rahl: *Wearing half his mask* Yeah...You did this didn't you?
Hahl: Nope! He's just your Ambition comming to the surface...to devour you.
Rahl: Super... *Repairs his mask and holds his blade with both hands* I suppose it couldn't be avoided. *Smiles beneath the mask and his eyes turn red8 'Ello, Beasty. *Leaps at Beasty*
Posts: 373
Gnarly Tubular Ghost Hunting Machine.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #58 on:
November 11, 2014, 12:13:30 AM »
*As Rahl battled his own demons Mary was still fighting Rip!*
Mary: What do you mean "Morphiah's Curse"? Tell me! Rave Beamer! *Sends a fast moving arc of sharp energy at Rip who blocks it with a small butcher's knife*
Rip: Seriously, love, you expect me to just tell ya? Ha ha ha ha! Sad. *Makes several gestures* You have to earrrrrn it! *He said striking at her face which she fended off easy enough then zipped at him slicing vertically. Rip then deflected her blade into the tree then tossed the knife in the air and put his fingers into a "X"symbol grinning madly*
Mary: *Tugs at the blade and it doesn't quite give* What now? Going to Naruto me to death?
Rip: Nah I was thinking more like Fairy Tail. Emera Baram!! *He says firing a razor sharp blast of air at Mary*
Mary: Ah heck! *leaps back and hand springs up to a branch narrowly avoiding being killed* >O< What the hell is your problem, Rip?!
Rip: *Laughs insanely* Uh? I need a reason to kill you and Zoltar? You two are my enemies. You oppose everything Specter 9 stands for.
Mary: What do you really stand for? *She said drawing her first back and watching Rip intently*
Rip: Freedom from Shamen who use us like ....like POKEMON! Surely you can see how wrong that is!
Mary: Yeah I can. -_- But Zoltar doesn't make me feel like some monster trapped in a ball! We're one. Like a married couple! ...Only without ya know...
Rip: *Glares at her* You want live like a slave?? Fine! Then...*Makes several Kata's* Die like one! Lightning Blade!! *Hunches over his hand gathering energy to it*
Mary: Crap!
(Okay I can't let him use that on me or I'm finished! I need to take him out with one powerful combo...but my sword is stuck in a damn tree...) *She said looking at it then suddenly a black-light bulb went off over her smiling face* Okay it'll be tough but I think I can manage that many cheap-o-anime moves in one shot. *She made some Kata's herself* Kage Bushin No Justu! *Poof! The area was filled with blue smoke and suddenly the whole branch was covered in clones of Proud Mary*
Rip: *Narrows his eyes* What are you up t-
Mary 1: *Makes several Katas* Blaze...*Takes a breath* Of Glory! *Blasts a stream of fire at Rip*
Rip: *!* Oh ****! *He said ducking to the side*
What's the big idea-
Mary 2: Lion Barrage! *She said delivering a kick to his chin while Mary three struck him from a different angle then Mary one struck him from another with all three surrounding him*
Rip: Augh! Okay forget lighting blade you guys are getting my full wrath! *Takes his knife* Butcher of Baker's Street! *The blade suddenly becomes a huge two handed sword* Buz Saw Soree! *He said spinning around and slashing every clone at once* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
Mary 1: Eeek! *Poofs!*
Mary 2: Grrr you bastard!! *Poofs*
Mary 3: Uggggh! It hurts! *She said flying back*
Rip: *Stops looking up at the last one he hasn't cut yet* Now for you...*Leaps into the air* Baker Street Style Braver!! *He said about to leap in the air when suddenly there was a chunk-slash-glush sound and blood sprayed from hsi back* W-wha...Augggh! *He said dropping his sword into the ground and holding onto it to prompt himself up before turning around and seeing Mary with a slash along her chest, blood dripping slowly from the wound but standing there with her scythe-like sword in both hands she then swings and positions it so Rip's head is caught by the blade and even the single jerk will remove it.*
Mary: Heh heh. You fell for a pretty basic trick. I mean I'm not even that big a fan of pre-shipuden Sukura!
Rip: Bollocks.
Mary: Now tell me about this curse! *Glares at Rip*
Rip: *Looks at her defiantly at first then smiles slowly and sociopathicaly.* Oh very well, love! I'll tell you that this valley is in fact cursed. Well the locals think so, poor blighters. They don't realize this place is the home of a particular type of monster called a Dream Devorer. These little flying pests crawl into your nose when you sleep and attach themselves to your brain inducing horrible never ending nightmares ...that are so real if you die in them you can die here!! *He said with a snarl* So you best hurry off and tell Zoltar, eh love?
Mary: Y-You dispicable!! *Boots Rip in the face sending him flying and sheathes her sword dashing back through the forest* Guys! You have to listen to me- *Suddenly a trap door opens and Mary falls down it* Aaaagggh! *Crash*
Rip: *Gets up slowly taking off his heavy white coat till he's just in his shirt vest and dusts himself off walking towards the hole* Ha! Serves you right. *He said picking up his knife and putting it away* Almost wish I could stick around and let you hear the horrors of your buddies buuut you did wound me. Damnit. That'll probably leave a scar you know. You couldn't have done it on my chest eh? Like Grimjoww? Ah well. *Throws his coat over his shoulder and waves so long as he turns away* See you in the funny papers, poppet! AHA HA HA HA HA!
Mary: *Laying on her face* I'll murder him when I get out of this hole. *Gets up and looks upward at how far she fell* I'm lucky my construct is made of tough Spira otherwise I'd have shattered! Fifty feet? Ugh...better start climbing. *She takes out her sword and starts her long journey upwards* Just hope Rahl, Dave and Zoltar don't fall asleep before I get out of this.
Jedi Sentinel of the Charasian Cluster.
Posts: 4,199
Just call me Fish.
Re: Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age
Reply #59 on:
November 12, 2014, 07:09:28 AM »
(Good writing, Zolty! =D I liked that little scene with Rip and Mary! Dude seems kinda interesting and it was neat how he told her what she wanted to know and kept her from warning the team. XD )
*As Mary was attempting to get out of the pit soon Clare began nod off and Dave smiled*
Dave: Heh heh. She reminds me of Miname.
Lylac: Who?
Dave: He used to be called Missing Name since he was a lab mouse and never had a name only a number. *Frowns* Poor thing. So I gave him a name "Miname"
Lylac: It's pretty. What is it? Elvish? Dragon?
Dave: Nah just a fusion of "Mi-ssing" and "Nam-ay" as in a stretched out version of name.
Lylac: Well that's rather clever!
Rahl: *Sweats and fidgets* Umn...
Dave: Hm? Seems his dreams aren't going so smoothly as Clare's.
*Little did Dave know that Clare's dream wasn't going so smooth either...*
- Kharn the City of the Bronze Towers -
*Clare was now a Shinro, a anthro dragon decked out in dark blue armor and with light powder blue scales. Her weapon was chain scythe which she held as she looked around with her fierce dark blue eyes* Wh-where am I?? Wait..I know this place. Kharn. My hatmate and I grew up her. Khroom...I wonder what became of him? *She went to the window then stepped back* Yaaah! Since when are the towers so tall?? We must be twenty thousand feet in the air!
*Suddenly a voice cackled with laughter.*
Clare: *Turns around* Who's there?
?: Like you don't know!
Clare: N-No! It can't be!
*From the shadows stepped a figure garbed in black but save for one feature. A silver cat eared mask covered her face while her long dark blue hair spilled down his back*
Bastille: Te he he! Hello Clare! Nyah!
Clare: You are that evil witch who cursed me! ...But wait...I don't remember you wearing so much black then.
Bastille: Murr you wouldn't having such a tiny mouse brain, huh my sweet?
Clare: *Smirks* But I have my Shinro body back now and it's payback time, bitch! *Tosses the scythe at Bastille*
Bastille: *Smiles and deflects it with ease*
Clare: Grrr! Try this one for size! *Draws in air* Shock Popper! *Sends blast of concentrated air at Bastille*
Bastille: *Walks forward and leap frogs over the blast* Te he he he!! That it?
Clare: *Growls and flaps her wings* Die monster!! *Leaps at Bastille with her claws slicing at her*
Bastille: *Is slashed, cut and sliced but doesn't bleed and slowly straightens out*
Clare: H-How is that possible?!
Bastille: Because dear sweet, Clare...You were always a mouse. You always will be...*raised her hands and Cero energy extends along them forming claws like one of Grimjow's attacks only these were pink* No mater what form! *She says slashing down8
Clare: Fire Sheild!! *Bursts into flames and the attack collides with the flames sending her back and crashing into the wall causing it to crack and fall away* Eeek!
Bastille: *Slowly walking towards Clare with her fore finger extended* Don't you see? It is always the cat's place to show the mouse where she belongs...Now squeek and die! Cero Oscuras!! *Fires a black Cero at Clare*
Clare: *As it comes for her* You forgot one thing! Mice can't fly!! *Leaps up and flies away from the blast then stops when she's far enough up and does a double take. One of the Bronze Towers of Kharn was here but it was far away from the city! It was in fact a turret on a very odd grey castle that seemed to stretch out forver with various pieces all mashed up liek a jigsaw puzzle* W-wha?
Bastille's voice: Oh mousie~ Te he he! You too have not taken something into account, no?
Clare: Huh?? *Looks down and see's Bastille standing on the air* T-that's impossible!!
Bastille: No dear. *Tosses off her black robes revealing a set of bone white sexier ones and a short tanto katana* I am an Arrancar. I died you see...My sister Fara killed me in order to gain my dark powers of transformation so she could turn herself and others into what she pleased. *Takes her hand and grips her mask pulling it away leaving only the bones above the cheeks like wiskers and the car ears* Now I am free thanks to the power of the Morphiah Bugs! Aha ha ha ha! Once I kill you I'll eat your soul and become even more powerful then I can finally take on Fara in the after life and reclaim my powers of transformation!! *Draws the blade and leaps at Clare* Yaaaaaaaaah!
Clare: Aaaaaaah! Flame Sheild! *Sets herself on fire again*
Bastille: Hisss! *Sonido's to Clare's right crouching on the sky* >=3 That stupid little trick! Well it hurts you too so you'll be weakened if you keep using it. HA HA HA HA! *She said laughing mainaclly* And soon you'll exhaust your MP and not be able to strike ba-
Clare: *Flies at Bastile* Comet Impact!
Bastille: Aaaah! *Blocks with her Zanpukuto* >-<;; Damn you learn fast!! If I had my powers you'd still be a mouse...
Clare: *Her fires go out* Uh oh! Flaaame
Bastille: Not this time! Cero!! *Uses her free hand swipe at Clare sending a bladed claw-like Cero at her at close range*
Clare: Aaaaaaahg! *She says falling back and downward* Augh my wing!! *She said looking at her torn wing*
Bastille: I'd be more worried about the bottomless clouds, dear! Heh! Let me help you ascend a bit... *Sonido's under Clare and delivers a nasty kick to her back*
Clare: ARRGGGH!! *She says spinning upward*
Bastille: *Sonido's again and bicyle kicks Clare, then Sonido's and does it again sending her at the grey stones of the castle!!*
Clare: Oh fu-
*CRASH!! She flies through it and lands in the middle of some huge pretyt badly thrashed throne room as she looks up she see's Rahl locked sword to unleashed sword with a huge monster that looks a little like a big white muscular version of himself standing beside it is another version of Rahl, only pointer and dressed more regally in white sitting in the throne laughing*
Hahl: Mwa ha ha ha ha! Come on Rahl! Give in to your dark powers! It'll let you escape and you can kill Raffles and take his place!
Rahl: Never- Clare?! What are you-*Suddenly is knee'd in the gut by Beasty*-Aaaaaugh! *Send flying into a collection of swords. Ouch!*
Beasty: Raaaaaargh! *Is roars him triumphantly*
Clare: And I thought I had it bad!
Bastille: *Appears in the hole* Yoo hoo~
Clare: O_O ****! *Runs over to Rahl* Hey, Lord Rahl, your highness? You need to get up or we're going to be sandwhiched between two...whatever they are!
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Charas Grande Adventure Game: Rebirth of an Age