New forum theme up and running!
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Definitely following this thread. Once I am done with MoSV, I am so giving this a shot. It looks really fun.
Looks fantastic for the time spent!What do you code in? Suddenly had an idea... If you made the framework for a randomised dungeon crawler like this, we could all take the code and add randomised content and make something that was very cool and different every time...
This is mondo coolio! How can you go into a game challenge to make a square game and come out with this gnarly schweet looking thing?
The end boss is way too easy and the game is probably unbeatable if you go with an intelligence based build.
I should start doing game jams, maybe I'll actually finish a second game for good then