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Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Ah yes I totally forgot about Kaia's MP mechanic : ) I'll make sure that's been set up correctly for each spirit as I never seemed to go above 30.
Howdy! Just reporting some bad news; my laptop has completely died on me and I'm in the process of getting the stuff off the hard drive! This'll delay me for a little bit. Hopefully I'll be able to recover what I'd done so far, which in fairness was just half a cutscene (but my stupid mspaint cutscenes end up taking a lot of time).
But I love those MSpaint cutscenes. Also starting to feel like this chain game may be cursed (chapter one was finished a year ago from now). Should we just let everyone do a final chapter and whoever finishes first earns glory and fame for being the official one and the rest are the B sides?
I have got a new laptop and the data, did anyone else start working on it? Otherwise I'll continue where I left off