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Dreams end-Awakening of the dark goddess
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Topic: Dreams end-Awakening of the dark goddess (Read 1641 times)
Angel Of Wavering Tides
Posts: 236
Dreams end-Awakening of the dark goddess
June 08, 2006, 09:36:02 PM »
-from beyond the chaos there lies the everlasting nothingness.Life yearns for destructiopn,just as every being does-
"It comes upon and evolves from Anxiety......"
"This Anxiety becomes the scolding fear..."
"This fear leads to everlasting anger....and this anger.....revolutionizes to Hate,the everlasting key to destruction"
"However........the only way to end this everlasting darkness is the total annihilation of it's existance....and to end all life."
-A flase humanoid does not deserve to live.It's mere existance corrupts the balance of life...-
"It rejects the purpose of it's existance...thus it shall be branded a failure.This has been the second failure so far....and we can't allow any more screw ups."
"We shall just let it rot in it's own purpose of creation....it shall die of it's own cause.That is,however,if it can feel any pain.But more than likely it's human instincts will help out in that department and it will die a slow death,just like the other one."
-Dreams are mere images of a false reality that somone wishes to make real....-
"It was the best thing i had ever seen! there were so many facinating things there,like an entire different world!"
"heh....i just wish that you could see it....."
"who knows.....maybe you'll see it someday....or even the both of us...."
-Promises are meant to be kept into reality.However,not very often does this occur,and thus all dreams are cast asunder.-
"we will get to see it,i just know it! we'll both travel there,togeather!
"do you promise?"
"i promise!"
-Once the darkness has it's grasp upon one,there is no escaping it's endless boundries.-
"look how they treated you.They tossed you to the side as if you weren't even there......"
"To them,your just another failed project and nothing more.You have no feelings,no emotions to care about in their eyes."
"Togeather we can rid of them! we can make your dreams a reality and keep your promise strong and true!"
-It is sometimes hard to belive that others feel the same as you,see the same,and have the exact emotions.However,not matter how the same they really are...they shall never be trated as such.One shall always be trated as if their existance was a total waste and that they deserved what they had coming....no matter how innocent.-
-But...the vile darkness created by such acts will linger on,clinging to life and never forgetting.These emoptions,if they should take control,would want nothing more than to bring everyone and everything into the exile of death with them....for all of teternity-
-Through two gates we are all connected to it-the world of the dead.There...where everything begins and ends shall we find the only true peace.Thru there is where all life begins anew and where all life ends,a never ending cycle.-
-Even if ones being is to enter this plane to be re-constructed,it sometimes may hold onto something of a life long passed,yearning for it's completion,for it's true peace.-
-----------------------------------The truth beyond the madness------------------------------------------------
Many years passed by,one after another,some going as if they were a bullet,cominf from the barrel of a gun,while others moved as if they had been riding upon the shell of a snail.Some days made on feel as if they were worthless while others made it feel like the world revolved around them,a variety of things all mixed into one.....each passing day had been something different,a new adventure.However,for the young boy by the name of Lance Willaims,time seemingly stood still,making him seeth in the pain in which ate away at him.Lance's parents had been brutaly murdered,their remains found scattered upon the floor of their small home.Everything had been drentched in the red liquid which secreted from their mangled corpses.It had been Lance's brithday,supposedly one of the most happiest days in his life.The young boy was told to go out for a while to gather a few things whilst his parents readied their surprise for him for his birthday.And it was...it had been a great surprise,one to surpass all others he was to encounter in his life.Within the red room he found the present that he was supposed to go to him-his fathers magnificant sword.It had been a great sword which had been in many battles through the ages and was passed down through his family and was about to be given to him.Lance had stood within the same spot in that home for the longest while,finding it quite difficult and more overwhelming than anything to accept the reality that he was unwillingly forced into accepting.
Many years had passed as Lance had to go and fend for himself.He had no 'family' or 'friends' yet still seemed to be quite the cheerful person,seeing as how his childhood went.Lance was forced into stealing and living upon the streets of the many places he visited,having to go through the harsh winters by hemself,with no one else by his side...only him.Later through the year,Lance was taken in by a rather cheerful,yet disturbing man by the name of Yurel (you-rel).Yu-rel had been the rather 'harsh and hard' leader,according to some people, of Eclipse,a group of theives and mercenaries who wished to over throw the 'organization',a group who used their people as mere tools and wished to harm everyone and everything just for the money and power.
Now,Lance continues his life as an 'eclipse' member,living each day to the fullest,not knowing what kind of great adventure was to unfold before him,leading him down it's unsuspecting path untill it was too late.
((ok.So that was just the basic story.Now,bellow are some terms that are known in the story))
Spirit Plane/Spirit World: The place where everything begins and ends.A soul is called upon from this area when a new life is about to come into realitry.There are endless souls within this void.When someone dies their soul return to this place and is cleanes and given new life.However,there are still many,many countless souls which linger to the plane and do not wish to become a new life,so the void creates countless new ones to replace them.
Creta: A special crystal which can break through the 'Life barrier" and open up a small breach into the Spirit Plane.However,it is only if there is alot of this special item for even the slighest holes to open.This special crystal holds magical energy and,if used correctly,can be used to cast magic spells if used in it's raw,common form.However,not all creta hold magical properties such as these.
Life well:A massive tower like structure built by the organization which has,at it's base,a massive Creta which is used to open a void to the spirit plane in order to gather souls and refine into many items.For example,if many souls are condensed int one,they can form a type of 'pure' creta which can be used to cast magcial attaks.It can also be used as a power source and a great way to power weapons and such.
Pure Creta: A form of crystal which is formed when many spirits gather into one and fuse togeather to form a very powerful type of crystal.Through the use of this crystal only can one use the powers of magic to hamrm his/her foes.However,their is another catch to this,it's magic can onl be harnessed through the use of an 'amplifier'.
Amplifier:A special device which harnesses the power of pure creta and allows it's bearer to cast powerful magic using the crystal.
Eclipse: A group of people who have many followers and care for nothing more than for power of wealth.The organization plans to collect many souls from the spirit plane in order to make an all-powerful army and make an all-powerful spell in which they can equip themselves and their soldiers with so they will be feared worldwide instead of half.
(i'll have some character info on here later.Sorry if it's not that good,but it's the best i could come up with as of yet.)
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Reply #1 on:
June 08, 2006, 10:52:43 PM »
That first line really sounded like the Yoda quote: fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. I thinks it's kinda cool. I didn't read it all yet sorry. I'll edit this post when I'm through.
This really reminds me of FF9 and Necron. As for your story, it has its cliches but you do have some original things in there that sound good.
+The boys parents were killed and he didn't do anything. I'd personally go look for the police.
+He is a cheerful person now. Even though it happened years ago, an event that traumatic shouldn't make him too cheerful unless he has a hidden mental problem you're not telling me about.
+The Rebellion over the oppressive empire is used in a lot of games. This isn't a bad thing, but I see in a lot of games the NPCs don't care (they should either love it to death or rebel). If you can make the NPCs this way you can keep this one.
+He becomes a street thief. This can be good in a lot of ways and can put in a lot of character developement. Maybe people fear him because he always carries a sword. If pulled off right, this could really make this game something to see.
That's all.
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Reply #2 on:
June 08, 2006, 11:01:44 PM »
You've got some serious grammar issues goin' on there. I hope the script in your game is different.
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Angel Of Wavering Tides
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Reply #3 on:
June 08, 2006, 11:29:24 PM »
lol....sorry about the grammer mistakes -.-.I had been up late typing that up and i just copied and pasted it onto the page.
The thing about the parents....well..i don't know.Lance's home was meant to be in a solitary area-like in the forest-so it would be rather hard to find help when it was needed.Although he is cheerful,as you stated,he only does this to mask the things that happened and such.
And also,about the empire thing,it might have been used over and over (it's hard to come by something that someone else has not used as of yet) but mine might come out differently.
Thanks for the comments!
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Dreams end-Awakening of the dark goddess