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Old Game Discussion
Grey's War: A New Era
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Topic: Grey's War: A New Era (Read 1943 times)
Seth Mitchell
The Music Man
Posts: 528
I am the Music Man
Grey's War: A New Era
July 11, 2006, 03:19:07 AM »
Ok, sorry for the Deletion of the old thread, but the fung shui was way off with it. It made my back quiver lol. So I desided to make a new thread.
Story Summary:
The game starts and you are asked a question. After answering
the question, your character starts on an airship known as the
"Lagereth II" where a captin of thePirate Fleet A-11 is giving his
orders. Your character, Cassius, is held high as a note-worthy
officer in Fleet A-11. He has spent hisWhole life training under the
Captian of Fleet A-11, who is also His gaurdian. He was taken
by the pirates at a young age. His whole life he has done all
he has been asked of, but always Questioned it To himself.
But for reasons unknown, on this particular day, he decides to
speak out upon the wrong of their doing. He is quickly corrected
by the captain of Fleet A-11. During the brawl of the fight, Cassius
accidently falls off of the ship into a holy land known as "Alsta Lagoon".
He can barley see in this foggy forest, but one thing he does see is
a sword shining through the fog. He walks towards it, and thinks to himself
"I must have this". As he reaches for the blade he hears a high pitch
sound, he slowly but surely falls asleep. He dreams of fairies, and
maidens of beauty he has yet to even imagine. Suddenly it all starts
to burn, and out of no where he sees himself, along with his crew Fleet
A-11, riding in and destroying it all. Then he starts to drown, and he
wakes from his sleep. As he wakes, he realizes that an old woman is
pouring water upon him. And this is where our story begins.
•Chapter 1
:Escape From Relm
Your character wakes and he's startled by an old woman pouring
water on him. He thinks shes attacking him and jumps up ready to
fight. Just in time, the woman's granddaughter walks in. She stops
you and explains what happend.
Apparently, they found him near Runth lake he was very mudddy
and stuck in the dirt. They had to take him out of his armor to
get him out. He questions the fact that the old woman and young
girl don't run. He comes to realize that the old woman is blind.
Since hes out of his armor, no one will recognize him and he can
roam around freely. He waits until night fall and tries to escape
from this isolated village.
-Shadowless1 for the title
-Dragoon de sol for a chipset edit
Seth Mitchell
The Music Man
Posts: 528
I am the Music Man
Some Screens From Chapter 1
Reply #1 on:
July 16, 2006, 11:29:40 AM »
Here are some screens from chapter one in various places. I may change some, and if I do, i'll repost the new one asap. Also, I will be adding more to this post later.
(for a better look, right click and click view image)
Alsta Lagoon
This is the Alsta Lagoon, it's the Holy lagoon, and the most unseen. I'll explain what the Lagoons are in chapter 3.
The Lagereth II
This is the new Lagereth, the first one was destroyed in the Capture of the Stone. Unlike the Lagereth I, the Lagereth II has air and water capablities. The Lagereth I was just an airship.
Global Moderator
Posts: 6,101
(No subject)
Reply #2 on:
July 16, 2006, 03:52:33 PM »
I like the first screen, but you desperately need a new panorama for the second. You know, for screens like that, including boats, I find not onyl does it look better, but panoramas for a horizontal view of the ship/airship are easier to find.
Seth Mitchell
The Music Man
Posts: 528
I am the Music Man
(No subject)
Reply #3 on:
July 16, 2006, 06:54:18 PM »
I'm gonna change probably the whole map, I don't feel it matches at all. Its kinda just a filler.
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Grey's War: A New Era