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Need a small team
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Topic: Need a small team (Read 1486 times)
Dragoon de Sol
Common sense isn't very common
Posts: 800
Need a small team
September 03, 2007, 10:42:44 AM »
The Zelda screenshots you saw where just an experimentation. This is my real game, and I need a team.
I'm looking for:
- 2 Spriters
- A Composer
- An Artist
The composer and artist are not absolutely needed, but I need two spriters. One for Charsets/Battlers in my CBS, and one for custom facesets/portraits for my Custom Message System.
I know I've started a good number of projects, but they never get completed because I get over worked on them because I do everything myself. If I had a couple of spriters and maybe a composer and artist, then this would get done, I'm sure of it.
If you need to have an idea of the story, it's below.
Years ago, Earth’s scientists discovered a planet not unlike our own in a neighboring galaxy. The planet seemed to be our owns exact duplicate, so it was named Gemini. Astronauts were sent to the planet as “peace bringers,” though their real mission was recon on this planet. The research showed that Gemini contained beings of a superior height, physical form, and intelligence to our own citizens. Concerned that these beings might try to start a war, Earth, determined to remain the more intelligent of all life forms, created a device that could absorb Gemini, and send it into another dimension. The device was launched shortly after development, and did it’s job well. The device created a black hole-like anomaly that sucked up Gemini, and disappeared shortly after. Earth thought it was rid of Gemini’s inhabitants. However, there were survivors. One hundred thousand warriors of magic and swords stormed Earth’s surface, led by the Knight Grisalmoore, and proceeded to destroy everything they could. Somehow, without Earth ever finding out how they did it, the Gemini Remnants detonated every nuclear missle we had, turning Earth into a wasteland. Before the Heradon Kingdom fell victim, it managed to trap Grisalmoore and his eight generals in magic circles called GRANs (Gemini Remnant Astral Neutralizers). The other Gemini Remnants fell from weither the nuclear gasses or from defeat from the humans.
It’s four hundred years since this event, and Earth is in no better shape. Forests have returned, and water has been safe to drink for decades. However, Earth is still covered in desert plains with three major kingdoms, ten major cities, and twenty two villages remaining. The human population, as you can tell, is low. The nuclear gasses have caused all kinds of catastrophe such as the dead reanimating, animals becoming more humanoid, some animals gaining the traits of others, and even more odd occurrences. Very few people are brave enough to leave civilization to explore alone without anyone to aid them. These people follow the beat of their own drum in this world caused by jealousy and fear. They are called Drifters.
This is just the basic premise. There is no obvious protagonist or antagonost yet because I'm not ready to reveal that stuff to the public. You will learn more of the story if you join, and do no join just because you want to know more of the story. I've had that happen before and it pisses me off to no end.
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Game Creation
Need a small team