New forum theme up and running!
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed you.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan I missed that welcome.
Originally posted by Wildyu can try to make a remake of advent children if u seen it but if u have PLZ TELL ME WHERE U SAW IT IM DYING TO SEE IT :p
Originally posted by pt116You live in a village somewhere in the world (Decide yourself the name), a village of fighters and soldiers. A village where war is an art teached from when you are a child. But someday your town is attacked by undeads and monsters, who kill everyone and destroy everything, but you fight and survive. Veeery angry 4 this blitz, you travel around for your country to know where these beasts are sourced or summoned. You encounter many people and some friends who have seen the same things (Their people killed, their homes destroyed...) will join you. One day a shady guy gives to you a clue (Or the destination...) and he says you that those monsters exist, because their lord keeps them in life with magic, so, destroy the lord = destroy the army. So you travel towards the evil lord's lair with your skilled friends, and you play as the main character, that will reach the Lord's castle after a thousand of dangers.Whaddya think of this?